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What Stalker? Pack (Added Feedback Poll)





Alright guys, I've played for hundreds of hours, with about 40 or so stalker kills in 50+ encounters (kept count after the first few for the stats >.>) without being able to get despair.


While I haven't outright tried to farm stalker, I've been thinking about getting the what stalker pack, but I already have both potatoed and formad dread and hate (coz of the lolz inducing potential of course), and smoke colours


My question is, if I get it now, would I get additional, potatoed versions of the weapons I already own? Would I also get a second smoke colours pack? Because I can't own more than one of the same colour pack at a time right?


If I purchase the pack now, and I know this seems silly, will i get a deduction of the amount of plat it requires for the items I already have and only get despair for ~300p?



Also, do you think we should be able to get stalker weps individually via market? I'd love to hear opinions about this...

Edited by Somedude1000
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8 answers to this question

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you already have despair c:




1. You will get the additional potatoed weapons that come in the What Stalker? bundle. No, you will not get a second Smoke colors pack if you already have one.

2. No, you will not get a platinum price reduction.

3. Yes, I do.


Thx! These were helpful. I guess i won't get it now unless i get a huge platinum discount soon >.>


op, if it makes you feel better... after a billion hours playing wf... MAXED every weapon... still not even one brakk part :c


Um, Oki. If they were tradeable i'd give you mine i think i have 2 spare sets from helping new uguys out way back when they first came

Alright guys, heres a poll to see how many of you would like it http://strawpoll.me/2711154


Your feedback is appreciated!

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I am the unfortunate owner of a What Stalker? pack, and I can confirm you get a second copy of the weapon with its own potato and weapon slot. And to make you feel better, after I purchased it; I have still yet to receive a Despair blueprint from Stalker encounters.

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I feel your pain friend.


But the truth is that we already have Despair, for Despair is inside us.


This is true, for we all have no solace in such RNG.


Abud of mine got it the first time he met stalker tho :(



I am the unfortunate owner of a What Stalker? pack, and I can confirm you get a second copy of the weapon with its own potato and weapon slot. And to make you feel better, after I purchased it; I have still yet to receive a Despair blueprint from Stalker encounters.


Aww :/ Man getting an unnecescary second item really makes selling them individually a lot more reasonable

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I have all of them.  The Smoke pack I bought the others dropped from his nibs eventually.


Dread BP had dozens,  Hate two and Despair only one, the last one being about 800 hours in.


Dread I love more than Paris Prime, Hate I prefer Reaper Prime and the Hikou Prime is fairly close to Despair.  Faster throws but slightly less damage.

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