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Few Questions



Hello I'd like to ask few questions because the players in-game wasn't able to asnwer or were trolling me >.>

What does the eagle-like icon and numbers next to it mean?

If I make all frame parts (nyx,valkyr,mag etc) and gather them together, buy the blueprints and make it so I just have to claim them whenever I have more frames be possible? or the claim time is limited?

Where to look for Mod/Blueprints plat prices from players. And which are valuable by players?


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21 answers to this question

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1. Eagle-like icon? Would you mind providing a screenshot?


2. Generally speaking, the claim time is unlimited. There are known cases of built stuff disappearing from foundry, however. Most probably due to some kind of bug. I wouldn't craft more, than I can claim, though. It's not even about the bug, but it makes little to no sense.


3. warframetrading.com or price check on Trading chat. Or ask your clanmates.

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1) for the eagle icon could you post an image so we can understand what you are talking about (off the top of my head it doesn't ring a bell)


2)Claim time for items you build is unlimited, so at anytime when you have the space for the new frame or weapon you can claim it and they will be in your foundry till you do. 


3)Mods and Bp prices vary depending on supply and demand but a lot of people look at warframe trading to get a baseline, just take everything with a grain of salt because not everything is completely accurate.


If you have any more questions or I didn't answer any of your questions completely tell me and I'll see what i can do. 

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1) that's your Mastery Rank, it increases as you level your weaponry and warframes, but only the first time. If you forma an item it does not contribute towards your MR as you relevel it. (It's also a lotus flower, not an eagle)


2) Claim time is unlimited.


3) It varies drastically. One week Energy Siphon (rare aura) was worth upwards of 200 platinum, a few days later, an alert came out that awarded Energy Siphon for completion and the price dropped down to pretty much worthless (like 15pl at best) Haven't seen anyone purchasing or selling it since. Same thing happened with Bite (rare kubrow mod) a few weeks ago.

Edited by Kestral9999
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Thans for the quick answers, really appreciate it!
The 'eagle-like' icon is above ur frame, Kestral9999 answered it.
Another question came to my mind if I upgrade the 'ability' mods(frame mod abilities such as slash dash on excalibur)  do they get improved in some way?

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Thans for the quick answers, really appreciate it!

The 'eagle-like' icon is above ur frame, Kestral9999 answered it.

Another question came to my mind if I upgrade the 'ability' mods(frame mod abilities such as slash dash on excalibur)  do they get improved in some way?

Yep, everything from more damage, longer duration, increased range/effectiveness, etc. Always level up your ability mods if you are looking for maximum effectiveness in battle.

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Another question came to my mind if I upgrade the 'ability' mods(frame mod abilities such as slash dash on excalibur)  do they get improved in some way?

In general, yes.  There should be a tooltip telling you how the ability is improved as you fuse it.  For example, Mag's "Pull" ability has increased range and damage for each rank up.  Your mileage may vary, based on the skill.

Edited by (PS4)IkariWarrior83
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1) that's your Mastery Rank, it increases as you level your weaponry and warframes, but only the first time. If you forma an item it does not contribute towards your MR as you relevel it. (It's also a lotus flower, not an eagle)

Wait, are you sure he's talking about mastery rank and not conclave rating? Because the conclave symbol looks a bit like a little bird, and it is shown on your profile along with everyone else's when you view their profiles(in game drop down UI aleast)


Pic of what I'm refering to, next to the number 5:



Edit: here's a better picture of what I'm talking about, right above the cursor(sorry about the link, I use steam):


Edited by GhostSwordsman
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Wait, are you sure he's talking about mastery rank and not conclave rating? Because the conclave symbol looks a bit like a little bird, and it is shown on your profile along with everyone else's when you view their profiles(in game drop down UI aleast)


Pic of what I'm refering to, next to the number 5:


Could be, honestly never noticed that conclave had a symbol lol.

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those eagle-like icon is your Profile Icon too. You can bought them from market with platinum.

I'm not entirely sure that I understand what you're saying, but I think you're confusing the lotus symbol for something else.(the conclave icon in this case)


Also, your "profile icon" is the same thing as your forum avatar. It's the picture that is displayed next to your IGN. i.e. my "profile icon" is Oberon.

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It is Conclave - basically the rating of your currently equipped gear and mods. Each weapon, frame, sentinel have their conclave rating, same goes for mods - this number is the sum of your whole currently equipped stuff.


There are no different rarity mods with the same bonus. For example, Hornet Strike is uncommon and uncommon only, there's no rare Hornet Strike or common Hornet Strike.

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As has been stated, that's the conclave rating. It measures your weapons and warframe, as well as the mods you have equipped to them. As far as actual use in game, it dictates what rank of Spectre you can create. Some players use it as a judge of how good a player's loadout is, however.


I use wftrading and tennoarmory myself when it comes to price checks. Or if neither of those is up to date, I ask my clan or ask for a price check in trade chat. Just remember that currently you can't trade without being in a clan that has the trade kiosk built.

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Conclave score, which is a better measure of your overall strength than Mastery Rank, not perfect, but a pretty good summary of kill effectiveness.

so someone with a high, 10+ Mastery Rank may be levelling gear and carry a Conclave rating of 400 or so. what it means gameplay wise is you'd be wary of taking that player into a high rotation survival or defence as their frames damage effectiveness is low. on the other hand a MR 6 player may be rocking a 1200+ Conclave rating, and that's who you want on an endless defence or other high level mission.

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There are no different rarity mods with the same bonus. For example, Hornet Strike is uncommon and uncommon only, there's no rare Hornet Strike or common Hornet Strike.

Thought so, but wasn't 100% sure, thanks for the explanation.



I use wftrading and tennoarmory myself when it comes to price checks. Or if neither of those is up to date, I ask my clan or ask for a price check in trade chat. Just remember that currently you can't trade without being in a clan that has the trade kiosk built.

Thanks for the websites, i'll be checking it a lot.


Conclave score, which is a better measure of your overall strength than Mastery Rank, not perfect, but a pretty good summary of kill effectiveness.

so someone with a high, 10+ Mastery Rank may be levelling gear and carry a Conclave rating of 400 or so. what it means gameplay wise is you'd be wary of taking that player into a high rotation survival or defence as their frames damage effectiveness is low. on the other hand a MR 6 player may be rocking a 1200+ Conclave rating, and that's who you want on an endless defence or other high level mission.

Thanks for the explanation.

Do we get free weapon/frame slots as we level up ?

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No you have to buy them  1 warframe slot costs 20 plat ,  2 weapon slots 12 plat


i suggest  use your plat for slots first then cosmetics/potatoes

This is the general rule of thumb :) Note that you do not have to buy a slot if you buy a frame or a weapon with platinum.  When you buy an item with plat from the store, it says "comes with slot and catalyst" or "slot and reactor!" It means that its energy capacity has been upgraded, and if your weapon/frame inventory is full, you don't have to spend additional plat to store that item.


At this time, there is no non-plat way to get weapon/frame inventory slots.

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This is the general rule of thumb :) Note that you do not have to buy a slot if you buy a frame or a weapon with platinum.  When you buy an item with plat from the store, it says "comes with slot and catalyst" or "slot and reactor!" It means that its energy capacity has been upgraded, and if your weapon/frame inventory is full, you don't have to spend additional plat to store that item.


At this time, there is no non-plat way to get weapon/frame inventory slots.

Which means you have to buy slots, since weapons and frames sold for Plat (maybe besides the 75p frames) ere extremely overpriced and it is generally strongly adviced to just craft them.

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Which means you have to buy slots, since weapons and frames sold for Plat (maybe besides the 75p frames) ere extremely overpriced and it is generally strongly adviced to just craft them.

Preaching to the choir there.  I spent 170 plat on the glaive.  I'm happy with my purchase, but I wouldn't recommend anyone do the same.


However, IF the OP felt inclined to buy a frame or weapon, I didn't want them to think they had to purchase a slot first :)


(Edit: capitalized "if" for emphasis)

Edited by (PS4)IkariWarrior83
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Conclave score, which is a better measure of your overall strength than Mastery Rank, not perfect, but a pretty good summary of kill effectiveness.

so someone with a high, 10+ Mastery Rank may be levelling gear and carry a Conclave rating of 400 or so. what it means gameplay wise is you'd be wary of taking that player into a high rotation survival or defence as their frames damage effectiveness is low. on the other hand a MR 6 player may be rocking a 1200+ Conclave rating, and that's who you want on an endless defence or other high level mission.


This is not necessarily true at all. Your Conclave Rating is based on these factors:


1. Your Warframe

2. Your weapons

3. Your mods equipped on your weapons and Warframe

4. Your Sentinel/Kubrow

5. The mods on said Sentinel and Kubrow


IE: someone with a full arsenal with heavy mods and a Rhino Prime with mods that boast a 20+ Conclave each will have a huge number because of sheer estimated arsenal power. The mods and Frame you have pretty much makes it apparent that you'll have high damage output.


Anyone with a sufficient level of skill and consciousness of their arsenal can fight with lesser things; I can, and know of many people who, run into high-tier Survival missions with a secondary alone and manage to get the second, if not highest, amount of kills with a negligible amount of a problems on my end. Yes, this is bragging, but it's very much possible for anyone.


This whole "Conclave Rating Judgement System" is flawed in that you know nothing about the overall skill level of the person in question. I would like it if people stopped relying on it, since you'll be bewildered when someone outperforms you, or just alienate a person because they don't meet your "standard" - and this is speaking from experience.

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This is not necessarily true at all. Your Conclave Rating is based on these factors:


1. Your Warframe

2. Your weapons

3. Your mods equipped on your weapons and Warframe

4. Your Sentinel/Kubrow

5. The mods on said Sentinel and Kubrow


IE: someone with a full arsenal with heavy mods and a Rhino Prime with mods that boast a 20+ Conclave each will have a huge number because of sheer estimated arsenal power. The mods and Frame you have pretty much makes it apparent that you'll have high damage output.


Anyone with a sufficient level of skill and consciousness of their arsenal can fight with lesser things; I can, and know of many people who, run into high-tier Survival missions with a secondary alone and manage to get the second, if not highest, amount of kills with a negligible amount of a problems on my end. Yes, this is bragging, but it's very much possible for anyone.


This whole "Conclave Rating Judgement System" is flawed in that you know nothing about the overall skill level of the person in question. I would like it if people stopped relying on it, since you'll be bewildered when someone outperforms you, or just alienate a person because they don't meet your "standard" - and this is speaking from experience.


now that's wonderful and all, but you tell me how i judge your 'skill' easily then, with my Nyx's Mind Control? i never said it was the definitive guide on a players ability, i said it's a better forum to judge someones kill effectiveness than Mastery Rank, which any newb will know is something you get judged on alot for no apparent reason. try joining a Dragon Key run at less than MR6, even with a CS of 1500, or in your situation trying to convince everyone on the squad you can handle it with only a sidearm.


now an MR6 player could've spent the last 100 hours Forma'ing gear like a mad man, and that will be reflected in the Conclave Score, making it, in that situation, a better forum for judgement. as far as personal skill that's something that can't be displayed at all, but we're not talking about perma squads or clans, we're talking about an easy way to instantly rank a player and CS, although rough, is the best we have.

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