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Enemy Throwing / Grab Attacks


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Woulnd't it be awesome  if a warframe power , or abitilty ( focus and whatnot) enabled you to throw regular mobs?



Ex: Your classical grineer platoon.  Charge them head on while blocking, Grab the closest  and keep running using him as a meat shield , (hit him à la smash bros while you are holding him to kill ) then throw the body on in the direction you're aiming ; ragdolling every Grineer in the path of the projectile.



Or something similar.


Thoughts?  Could this be implemented succesfully or is warframe too fast a game for this  kind of mechanic.

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Sooo, like Rhino Charge? 


Jokes aside, yeah that would be kinda cool, but what purpose would it serve? Bad@$$ points? Sure it would CC pretty well....


Maybe this could be a combo for Gauntlet Melee weapons or Sparring Weapons. 

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I'd like this. I'd like to be able to grab things with whips too.


But this requires physics warframe doesn't have or it would suck, at least for me.


If these worked like current melee finishers with locked animations where you can't control yourself, they are not worth it.


We have so many locked/glued animations in the game, heck, our feet don't even align to ground height differences unlike in games done 15 years ago.


Before we get an overhaul on the engine to make these things actually work, I don't want to see anything more we have now to make me cringe.

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I thought about something similar a while back, if you grabbed an enemy you could cover yourself with them as a meatshield (directional). But they would fight to get lose and you'd have to stay balanced.




Using left and right (A and D, or what ever you may use) you'd have to stay in the green zone, otherwise the enemy would break free and possibly stagger you while doing so.


Releasing an enemy could have stages too:

Green: Throw

Yellow: Stagger

Red: Enemy staggers you/ knocks you down.



You might move at a slower rate while holding an enemy as well.

Enemies who get get killed fall to the ground after a short delay (might enable throwing corpse as suggested).

Edited by Lactamid
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I thought about something similar a while back, if you grabbed an enemy you could cover yourself with them as a meatshield (directional). But they would fight to get lose and you'd have to stay balanced.




Using left and right (A and D, or what ever you may use) you'd have to stay in the green zone, otherwise the enemy would break free and possibly stagger you while doing so.


Releasing an enemy could have stages too:

Green: Throw

Yellow: Stagger

Red: Enemy staggers you/ knocks you down.



You might move at a slower rate while holding an enemy as well.

Enemies who get get killed fall to the ground after a short delay (might enable throwing corpse as suggested).

That remind me of  Dead to rights grabbing system.

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