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Opinions On Auction House


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I've seen many threads regarding these auction houses being a viable option in the trading section. In MY opinion, the current trading system we have now is fine and effective. Auction houses would only benefit the buyer, and most likely neglecting the seller. Prices for mods and pieces would decrease greatly in value due to the higher competition selling those items would be. Not to mention that everything will be easy access when all of it is on display. I'd love to see improvements on the current system as to a new one.  


People that are in favor for this idea mention reasons like: 


                                       - Newer players won't get ripped off if there was an auction house


                                       - Easy to buy items


                                       - Fast trading


                                       - No communication


                                       - "Because I just don't like our current system"


Firstly, new players can get price checks in the trading section if they don't know how much the item is worth. They got ripped off? Oh, how sad. Better luck next time! This isn't meant to offend anyone but the point is, that is how the Warframe economy works. Its not perfect, and neither is the one in real life. You learn from your mistakes and that is how new players gain more knowledge to continue with the game. I remember when i first started out Warframe, I was not familiar with the prices whatsoever and i bought a AMMO DRUM for 25p. Those things are worth nothing, I wouldn't even take one for free now because i have a hundreds of them sitting in my inventory. But should I be upset and go cry about it? Maybe a little upset, but we move on. Though, the trading community does have some plat sucking leeches. On the other hand, new players shouldn't really be buying things through the trading tab and are probably better off farming for a couple weapons and frames and/or also join a clan before they really start to trade. 


Auction houses are good for some games, but that doesn't mean this one. Yes, I'd love to buy cheap rare mods/items but to think of it on a sellers point of view, then no. It would either cause inflation(which i highly doubt), or most likely deflation. Though, I'm just predicting the best scenario viable to this situation. Mods that sell for 10p, would probably deflate to 5p because of the amount of people selling it.


Bottom line is, an auction house would cause deflation to many and almost every item in the game. Therefore, it is a bad idea. It would only benefit the buyers and not the sellers. And before anyone tries to label me as a filthy plat-sucker because i don't agree with auction houses, I'd beg to differ. I tend to buy instead of selling. I know my prices or i set a range on the item i want and buy it if its in range. Though, the 5-15p on the rarity of the item is selling is pretty nice. In addition, some people don't have much cash to afford on plat and sell items instead, but if auction houses became available, it would tarnish the thought. Rare items and mods won't actually be rare anymore because it is only a few clicks away from it being in your inventory, instead of spending some time looking for it or an alternative. 


Again, everything above is MY opinion. I'd love to hear what other people have to say about it, and please put some actual information in, instead of posting "i hate the currently trading system, so change it". Because it doesn't help anyone understand why you like the current system or want a change. 


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     If the current system stays how it is, and we never receive an auction house to counteract the influx of spam in the trade chat, then we need a modified trade chat. I say this because if your a seller or a buyer you could be typing WTB/WTT/WTS (insert item here) for hours on end and not receive a single message from a buyer or a seller. The only liable ways I see to fixing this known issue is to:

A) Create a specialized auction house, adapted to warframes economy and game style,


B) Modify the trade chat to have tabs for certain sections.


     For the auction house, the items can be focused on an equation that judges the maximum and minimum price of the item via the rarity of it on the drop table, how many places you can get it from on the drop table and how long it has been since it was released. It would be a complex equation to set up but I'm sure it is very possible. This way someone could not set an Ammo Drum on the auction house for 500p. Instead the max would be 3p and the minimum would be free. Same goes for say a Nyx Prime Blueprint (since that's an expensive item now). You cannot sell it lower than 25p but no higher than 150p. As time goes by and the equation updates itself, the "economy equation" stabilizes the pricing to an average pricing. Say 10p as the minimum and 50p as the max.


    To modify the trade chat and keep it the way it is now, there would have to be slight tweaks to it. Instead of being restricted to a single trade chat, you may have various chats dedicated to certain item types. So you have your main trading tab on your chat menu. When you go to your market on your ship, you may access the full trading system. It gets split off into 7 tabs. The tabs are Unranked Mods, Fully Ranked Mods, Prime Blueprints, Prime Parts, Imprints, Keys and Regional Trade Chat. This way, you may still go to the main trade chat but it is now named Regional Trade Chat. This is for the people who are lazy and don't feel like using the easy way to buy or sell items in the dedicated tabs for ease of access. Now in the Regional Trade Chat the chat would have restrictions but not the average 2 minute post restriction. Instead it is now 1 minute and the rest of the channels are 30 seconds. Kickbot would also need a massive rework. It would have to have more trigger words added to the system that wouldn't kick the person from chat, but instead delete what they just said, move them to the correct channel and give them the option to repost what they just said.


     Either way, the trade system needs a lot of work. Something that is likely on the bottom of the list for DE's priorities. If I were you I'd just stop complaining about it because I'm quite sure DE knows that trade chat is messed up.

Edited by OuTlAwTACO229
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    To modify the trade chat and keep it the way it is now, there would have to be slight tweaks to it. Instead of being restricted to a single trade chat, you may have various chats dedicated to certain item types. So you have your main trading tab on your chat menu. When you go to your market on your ship, you may access the full trading system. It gets split off into 7 tabs. The tabs are Unranked Mods, Fully Ranked Mods, Prime Blueprints, Prime Parts, Imprints, Keys and Regional Trade Chat. This way, you may still go to the main trade chat but it is now named Regional Trade Chat. This is for the people who are lazy and don't feel like using the easy way to buy or sell items in the dedicated tabs for ease of access. Now in the Regional Trade Chat the chat would have restrictions but not the average 2 minute post restriction. Instead it is now 1 minute and the rest of the channels are 30 seconds. Kickbot would also need a massive rework. It would have to have more trigger words added to the system that wouldn't kick the person from chat, but instead delete what they just said, move them to the correct channel and give them the option to repost what they just said.



I agree that the current trading tab needs some rework but 7 tabs is quite excessive. Not to mention if you're in a clan and alliance, that would be an extra 2 and a total of 9 tabs altogether. I think there should just be two separate tabs, one for mods, and one for prime parts. Though, it would be nice to see it actually happening.... 

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I agree that the current trading tab needs some rework but 7 tabs is quite excessive. Not to mention if you're in a clan and alliance, that would be an extra 2 and a total of 9 tabs altogether. I think there should just be two separate tabs, one for mods, and one for prime parts. Though, it would be nice to see it actually happening.... 

I said they would be in the market. Not where your chat screen is.

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Back to greed... Look I just want to sell prime gear cheap. So what if I sell my stuff cheaper than you, and steal all your customers. Some of us could care less. We just want to sell something already. Not be outdone by people who POST MASSIVE THINGS OF THINGS... We can't even sell all the stuff those people sell. Deflation!? DEFLATION!? You speak of DEFLATION!? After all the rip offs going on in the market!? After all the customers I struggle to get a hold of because of everyone else!? I want to sell stuff too. I want to sell it cheap. Cheap sells, and makes people spend more. More is good.

Edited by Arlayn
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Back to greed... Look I just want to sell prime gear cheap. So what if I sell my stuff cheaper than you, and steal all your customers. Some of us could care less. We just want to sell something already. Not be outdone by people who POST MASSIVE THINGS OF THINGS... We can't even sell all the stuff those people sell. Deflation!? DEFLATION!? You speak of DEFLATION!? After all the rip offs going on in the market!? After all the customers I struggle to get a hold of because of everyone else!? I want to sell stuff too. I want to sell it cheap. Cheap sells, and makes people spend more. More is good.


It will still cause some kind of deflation....If you want to sell your things cheap, then post it on the trading tab. Yeah, maybe it would take some time to sell but nothing comes easy. Maybe you don't care about the prices, but others will. On another note, its not GREED. Some people probably just want to make a couple more plat. There will always be plat-suckers, but that comes with the community. Rip-offs can be prevented, but it will happen nonetheless. 

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Current system is better. It allows for negotiation and a personal touch that I like to put into my mega-mart.


I say no to auction houses because it'll be harder for newbies to earn. While they may get ripped off less. They also don't have much to sell and with the current system, kind players may buy from them if they don't ask an unreasonable price. However, with an auction house, they can only compete by under-cutting, it's a silly system.


Sets also can't be done through the auction house and item for item trades are also impossible.


The bad outweighs the good and I will never be in favour.

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Seriously guys stop coming from WoW with your action house ideas...

No thank i don't like action houses, if i want to buy someting i'd probably go someone who is selling it and not auctioning it for his sake.

You want an automated trade system?

Then you want a a tradepost with trade listings... eg WTB and WTS, and then want those listings to be searchable and soartable, then you pick what you want, buy from the cheaper endor available or place your buying order at your desired price, and the trade is then automated, BUT THAT IS NO FREAKIN' AUCTION HOUSE.

Also one good, very good, very very point of the current trade system is the limit on the number of daily trades based on MR, because that it stop powersellers, infact trading among peers is far more efficent and prevent the formation of cartels.

I understand the current trade system is still far from being optimized, but auction houses is a BAD optimization.

Edited by perfectStranger
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Instead of an auction house I would love a blackboard system in the hubs. Limited amounts of posts can be placed there at once. Placing them costs credits...and you can write anything there from buy and sell to recruit and other nonsense. Posts will last X hours before disappearing and as a creator of a post you can also delete said post once you have no need for it anymore.

Every planet has their own hubs so every hub has their own blackboards...that stuff would be immersive as fk.

You are allowed to search the blackboard for posts with keywords.

That would open up some nice possibilities.

I don't think a full fledged auction house should really happen... but that's just my personal preference.

Edited by Shehriazad
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I like the idea(posted it myself without knowing the nickname for it) but there is one major con, players will put up increasingly cheaper prices just so they can sell their item. A way to get rid of this con is to simply give every item a set plat price. So when a person is offering two items there price combines and when the person if offered a item in return that items plat price subtracts when the item being sold. This solution would have the minor issue of players needing plat more often though

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