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Combined Feedback Of 500+ Hours Playtime


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Hey Developers, Hey Community,

as a short introduction I want to say, that I loved this game right from the start and even though I'm already 500+ hours into the game, I'm still not getting bored at all. Still nothing is perfect and during my playtime I took notes here and there, on things that could or should be changed or added (including input of my friends).

So here is the list divided into 4 main categories (I guess alot of these were already brought up by others or the dev's are already at them but anyway):

Things that should be changed:

-> visible assassination marks

We really should have the possibility to track our assasination marks, be it the stalker (and who sent him), the Gustrag Three or the Zanuka Hunter. I know we get a mail with the mark but when the stalker comes to visit me, I can't tell which boss is now satisfied and trying to forget me killing him.

-> adjustable mod levels

Who doesn't know the problem of a mod that you finally got maxed, but now it takes more points and you can't equip it anymore on that other frame that was totally fine with the lower ranked version. I know what you might say "just take a second copy of that mod and get it to the required level" but that is neither comfortable nor a smart design of such a game mechanic. So please give us a slider or some buttons to adjust the mods level to our needs.

-> fix bleedout crawling

We either need proper "WASD" movement while bleeding out, or no movement at all, because the current controls for this are pretty useless. Even if there is a concept behind this, like "you're crippled and can't move properly", it just feels totally wrong.

-> no running away enemys

This goes especially for survival missions against the corrupted. Enemys often run away from you once you are close enough, maybe to take cover or to avoid contact. They run away whole tiles sometimes. This already is annoying with a gun but if you try to melee them (valkyr for example) it is utterly frustrating and unnecessary. In a survival mission I want to be the one that gets chased down and not the other way around. I really think that survival would be alot more fun, if we would not have to struggle all the time because there are too few enemys that even run away from you but rather because they come in hordes to smash you.

-> visible secondary mission objective

Give us a possibility to check our secondary mission objective (in the ESC-menu for example). If you missed it at the start of the mission you need to be lucky to do the right thing to know what it was.

-> visible energy cost on skill mods

Right now the game itself does not tell a player how much energy a skill requires, to use it. WTF ? Information is a general problem with warframe but something as basic as this, not shown anywhere is somewhat shocking.

-> kubrows must not die forever

To me this game is mostly focused on casual players and that makes me wonder why a kubrow can permanently die, if it did not get its DNA-stabilizers for too long. Make it useless after that amount of time, take its HP down to "1" or reduce its attack damage to "0" but do not take it away forever, that absolutely does not fit in.

-> in arsenal the warframe attribute "energy" is called "power" which is pretty confusing

A "Power" (or skill) costs "Energy", right ? Why is energy called power in the arsenal then ? Mistake or misunderstanding ?

-> when reducing the reload time of a weapon through mods it shows a red number in the stat preview

Should show a green number because faster reload is better.

-> make event rewards available again

Last but not least my most important topic in this category: stuff we can not get anymore. I'm pretty sure this will be a very controversial topic but I'll try to tell you why I think there is no way around bringing it back.

I started this game a few months ago because I had not heard about it before and a friend brought me to it. Now I'm here and I'm so into it. I play warframe day in and day out, well during my freetime, you know there still is work, sleep, food and such. Anyway you get the point, I love this game as I already stated in my introduction to this thread. But there is one thing that really consistently and thoroughly gnaws away at that love. There is alot of stuff (mods/weapons) that I currently can not get anymore and no trading is not an option here, because someone else would have to sacrifice their only version of those items then. I want to have everything this game has to offer and not submit to the fact that I just arrived too late for some things. A new player must have the possibility to get to the same level as a veteran on all levels except for pure visual trophys or you take away from their motivation/fun right from the start.

But enough of the whining, here are my suggestions at how the current situation can be fixed:

1. Remove all mods from the game, that are not supposed to be owned by every player.

2. Make all remaining mods, that are currently not obtainable, obtainable again. For example in one of the following ways:

 - as drops from G3/Zanuka/Stalker/Vey Hek/Lephantis/etc.

 - as survival/defense/excavation/etc. rewards

 - as login rewards

 - mini quests (like "kill 5 Napalm Eximus" or something like that)

3. Remove all weapons from the game (including their mastery xp), that are not supposed to be owned by every player.

4. Convert the "Wraith/Vandal"-Versions of weapons into skins for the normal/prime versions of that weapon, which are exclusive to the veterans that took part in the associated event and remove their mastery xp from the game.

5. Make all remaining weapons, that are currently not obtainable, obtainable again through similar means as stated in point 3.



Things that could be changed:

-> rework night time at earth missions

When I play missions on earth it is really annoying when they are on night times, because well it is too dark.. xD

No honestly it is troublesome when you have to concentrate that much to see where you are going and if that thing in the distance is a rock or an enemy.

-> change codex scanners shop amount

At the very latest when you get Helios you know how fast those Codex Scanners are burnt up and how slow it is to buy them back. Please let us buy them in stacks of 100, that would be great.

-> same invisibility color for frame and sentinel

It just looks weird when the sentinels are coated in a different color than the frame.

-> colored/individual target markers

It would be totally awesome if one could tell who actually placed a marker, or at least if we could distinguish different markers that are set at the same time somehow.

-> change ressource extractor drop chances

Please increase drop chances for the real rare mats namely Gallium, Morphics, Neural Sensors, Neurodes and Orokin Cells on the planet extractors and reduce the drop chances for those pseudo-rare mats namely Detonite Ampule, Fieldron Sample and Mutagen Sample. Those distilling extractors provide me with lots of those pseudo-rares while I could just have a titan extractor get me some more useful uncommon mats. Since I started playing I got 2 times Neurodes and one Time Orokin Cells, I think. That is really ridiculous.

-> change color for Dragon Nikana sheath (Edit: I failed :D)

I was like OMFG when I crafted my Dragon Nikana and I had to notice that it is not possible to color that boring grey sheath of it. For such a hard to aquire weapon (compared to others) that is a pretty sad design flaw IMHO. Please change that. o.o

-> make "favorites" the default color palette

Minor thing, but it is somewhat of a nuissance if you always have to switch to your favorite colors palette when it contains, well your favorite colors.. ;)

-> remove buyable blueprints from login rewards

Seriously I don't need another Banshee blueprint and someone who has no access to a dojo can't use it anyway. And as a sidenote, the droptable/chances is/are pretty lame for someone who has not missed one login reward in 3 months+.

-> get more rewards in defense missions

Why do we get a reward every 5 minutes into a survival mission but just a single one from a 40 wave defense mission ? That doesn't make sense and defense missions are also very time consuming and require alot of attention from the squad, so why not at least add some optional rewards for the guys that choose to defend the objective 5 more waves ?

Things that should be implemented:

-> weekly quests

Gamers need progress bars/counters, that much is for sure. But warframe does not have much of them if you take away leveling gear.

Give us some weekly goal to reach with useful rewards ranging from rare materials to forma to rare mods.

Its not that hard to find some challenging (time consuming *cough*) but doable tasks for us.

- kill "x-amount" of Grineer/Corpus/Infested Enemys

- kill "x-amount" of "uncommon enemy"

- kill "boss" "x-amount" times

- kill a stalker/zanuka/the g3

- finish a 40 minute survival mission / 30 wave defense mission etc.

- open "x-amount" of lockers

- destroy "x-amount" of crates

I can come up with more if you need some more ideas, but please give us some weekly task. :)

Things that could be implemented:

-> damage log ingame

I like how the numbers pop up, when I shoot/hit something, but if I really want to actually read those numbers I'd need a recording software and watch the record in slow motion (especially for melee and fast firing weapons). So what I'd rather want to have is a log in form of an optional chat tab, that tracks my damage. This way we can gather our own information about some game mechanics regarding damage alot easier and more reliable. Since official information about game mechanics is a big problem with this game, we need ways to gather them on our own with the least amount of speculation possible.

-> mods that increase drop chances (i.e. for rare mats/mods)

How about some mods that just increase the propability of specific drops. They could be very costly so we would have to sacrifice like 2 other mods in our warframe setup, but I think for some drops this would be worth it.


-> stealth mission mode

We are NINJAS in outer space and stealth is implemented into this game in several ways already, why in the world is there no mission type that requires us to NOT trigger an alert or even a single detection ? :o

I guess because Ash/Loki would roflstomp those missions. Well then put in some hightech anti stealth devices that are scattered around the map (put in useful lore to your likings) but give us such a mission mode ! I want missions where I have to crawl/trickjump through the map, find a path around a group of enemys, use all my silenced weapons/mods, banshee skills, and and and. PLEASE


Thank you for reading, in case anyone made it through that wall of text. ;D

Feel free to leave your opinions on my ideas but don't be mad if I'm rarely around in the forums, you know ordis gets mad if I idle around too much on my ship. :P


Edit: Thanks for the replys and tips so far, my Dragon Nikana sheath is now looking awesome. \(^o^)/


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But enough of the whining, here are my suggestions at how the current situation can be fixed:

1. Remove all mods from the game, that are not supposed to be owned by every player.

2. Make all remaining mods, that are currently not obtainable, obtainable again. For example in one of the following ways:

 - as drops from G3/Zanuka/Stalker/Vey Hek/Lephantis/etc.

 - as survival/defense/excavation/etc. rewards

 - as login rewards

 - mini quests (like "kill 5 Napalm Eximus" or something like that)

3. Remove all weapons from the game (including their mastery xp), that are not supposed to be owned by every player.

4. Convert the "Wraith/Vandal"-Versions of weapons into skins for the normal/prime versions of that weapon, which are exclusive to the veterans that took part in the associated event and remove their mastery xp from the game.

5. Make all remaining weapons, that are currently not obtainable, obtainable again through similar means as stated in point 3.





How About No, No and No. Thos all are ivent rewards people was spending their time to obtain them for exaple: Cicero Crisis ivent. I killed alot of time by gathering plants and getting 100 points to get shiny DSPkings Wrath twin vipers and you want to take it from me and give skin, NO THANK YOU.  This common for MMOgames to have exclusive items as  reward for events and if you missed them (Wrath twin vipers or latron wraith) stop whining about that this is your personal problem. Vandal\Wrath are the rewards for players that spent the are time for fully compliting the event. Why the hell i must spend my time for ivent if only i get skin? For Bage or mods that soon or later will be in drop list( Nightmare mod, mutator, Toxin+proc)? For what reason i must play over 9000 times one exact mission?

About Feadback overall: Warframe have bigger problems then running away enemies and bleedout.

Thnx for attention

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I joined about a year ago, just after founders/Gravidus Dilemma(just my luck :/) 862 hours currently in-game,


I'll respond to your points:

-Visible marks: They be coming, everyone rejoice! I just hope that we can see it in our squad so we can make sure people aren't lying about being marked or not.

-Adjustable mod levels: YES! Something I would suggest however is that we still need to upgrade a mod, but that we can scale it between each level we have unlocked.

-Bleedout Crawling: I can work with it currently, but it is something has annoyed me as well.

-running enemies: Quite annoying I agree at times, especially when trying to melee and you are stuck behind them trying to melee them and everytime barely missing and having to manually override my position to actually hit.

-Visible Secondary Objective: This is coming! It is a bug(DEPablo said so in a thread) and will be fixed "in the next big update" apparently.

-More mod info: I completely agree, I want to see all stats of a mod, total HP of iron skin, total range on nova wormhole, total damage of world on fire, energy drain of absorb etc. without having to go onto the wiki for this info.

-Kubrows dying: Haven't had this issue (yet), but then again, I got all 4 types in stasis because they are terrible in comparison.

-energy/power and reload bug: yup, that should get fixed

-Event rewards: Founder things and 1 or 2 Closed Beta things are truly exclusive, will(If I understood correctly) never be released again. The rest are "in the vault" to be released someday...maybe...  #More info below on my opinion

-Votekick: Could be abused, I am on the fence of how to fix this the best way.

-Night time: Don't care, do whatever.

-Codex Scanner: Why do we even have to buy scans for them, they cost next to nothing and are just an annoyance.

-Balanced Event times: You mean alerts? Those are semi-random. There is a big list of possible alerts that get activated at random moments and picks a random reward of things not yet chosen in the list. If all is chosen, it resets.(That is how I understood the explanation of how they worked)

-Resource extractor: I am against changing it. The main income should be from your own farming, not from waiting for your bots to collect all of it for you. I however am for making such resources slightly more common in general or making "common" materials more useful.

-Destroyed tileset: I think I know which one you mean, but I have no problem there... Could you post a picture to be certain?

-Blueprint removal: Fine with me, I'd rather have 1.2k xp for my already maxed frame than another furis BP.

-Defense reward stacking: I have seen in a forum thread that it could be coming, but no idea when or if it is actually coming.

-weekly quests: If made to work like I explained the alert system, I would be fine with that.

-stealth mission mode: Rescue 2.0 is something like that.

-Mod to increase RNGesus: Could be interesting, especially for people trying to get that mod and never dropping for them! But in general, RNG should get "fixed" instead of adding in mods to increase our chances.


-I did not know that you could color the Dragon Nikana holder, I hated the colors as well... Oh the shame for not trying that myself...


Now my opinion on event things in greater detail:

I have all of the event mods and weapons that released since I joined, done each and every event.(I think at least, might have skipped that one or so that was worthless) I currently own ALL the frames/weapons*/sentinels/kubrows/mods/etc. I can obtain myself**. And although the bragging rights are nice for some people(I dislike bragging), I see no use in keeping them exclusive when it ruins both my game experience and other's.

As a Hoarder(I own everything at once as I said) I hate that some weapons and mods are out of my reach for now, despite them still existing for others who were there in time and still being in the codex.(I bought the rhino pack to get the Boar, 535 plat 'wasted'(not to me!) for that single weapon, I'm serious about my Hoarding o.o) 

There is also the thing of Arcane helmets, but at least the normal helmets are obtainable for everyone they are the same just stat-less.


@Sitchrea New players won't know WTF your weapons are, and are only awed by its destructive power not its rarity(As if the Gorgon is rare, lmao) truly new players won't know what weapons are rare and which aren't and will only note their strength and MAYBE their looks in-mission. Get out of your illusion.


Wraith/Vandal could be obtainable from invasions or similar as rewards for doing things for their respective faction, though it shouldn't be as easy as doing 5 runs for a latron wraith*** BP and building it, nor would I want it to be that just 4 people get it from an invasion because 10k people run the same invasion and only 1 group actually made the 5 runs in time.(So being able to re-run previous events would be a lovely way to make everyone have done the same work to get it, but make it available to everyone)


*Except that pesky Brakk, but I'm working on that! Just the barrel now.

**Except some Prime Access Exclusives, I wasn't rich enough to buy the accessories sometimes :(

***Although I believe that the Wraith Latron is silly(We already got a Prime Latron, how the hell does that work?! Isn't it either Vandal or Wraith or Prime and not multiple or all?!)



Congrats if you read through all that, revenge for making me read all that OP!

Feel free to respond to me everyone if you would like to correct me on anything I said or disagree with something I said, discussions can be fun.

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