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First Nail In The Coffin.


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What happened to "this game isn't hard enough"? Hyperbole also doesn't help developers or readers in any way whatsoever.


honestly.. honestly... SUCK IT UP. It's like you haven't touched a single platformer before the current era of checkpoints every bloody minute. I'm loving the challenge. I'm loving the desperation that comes from plowing through 100 goons only to realise there are 200 more, my shield regen sentinel's down, I'm out of braton ammo and my backup's a Lato i've neglected to drop mods in. gonna start trying to conquer 30-40 planets with default gear.


this game gets so much more fun when you throw grind out the window and pick on the higher level planets.


if you think this is difficult then play Ninja Gaiden on hard.



Edited by xStonedRaveNx
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Another Xini run and the group left at wave 5... GG


Removing loot has nothing to do with difficulty. Improved AI, more mobs etc improves difficulty. Ive had the infested at level 125 and they aint much fun, boring as hell infact but leaving at wave 5... i mean come on wtf ffs and lolol...


Ill try another.

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Another Xini run and the group left at wave 5... GG


Removing loot has nothing to do with difficulty. Improved AI, more mobs etc improves difficulty. Ive had the infested at level 125 and they aint much fun, boring as hell infact but leaving at wave 5... i mean come on wtf ffs and lolol...


Ill try another.

Stop trying, it'll just make you despair more. As I've read from a different thread, Warframe is not important to your life. I suppose if the game sucks for you now, then stop playing and move on to something better. Gaming is about having fun. If you're not having fun, then...it kinda defeats the purpose.

Edited by Madotsuki
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Stop trying, it'll just make you despair more. As I've read from a different thread, Warframe is not important to your life. I suppose if the game sucks for you now, then stop playing and move on to something better. Gaming is about having fun. If you're not having fun, then...it kinda defeats the purpose.


Spent money on a gm package and lots of plat. Why should i walk away? Im disabled so i cant go out like normal people. Games are my way of having fun. Fix the F*** ups would be better.


So another Xini run. Rank 5, 6 and 8. Group left at wave 10. Got some mods but the gameplay was S#&$ cos the mobs were not high level enough to even test me.

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I'm very confused by these threads. I thought it was weird you ever got anything for a failed mission. If you don't succeed you don't get rewarded. The farthest I've ever made it in a level appropriate Defence mission is 10 and I'm OK with that.

I agree here, the whole point of being able to choose whether to continue every 5 waves is so you can "gamble" on what you've done so far. Yes, the waves do need balancing in terms of how far the difficulty gets ramped up, but that's what why the game is still in development.

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And in an effort to save time I'm going to post here what I posted in the other thread you were being so very vocal in, stacey69. I would like to also add that you need to look at this objectively, are you mad that you can't play with your friends, or are you mad because you can't farm.

When you gamble do you run yourself into the ground, or know when to put it up and take it while you're ahead.


Posted Today, 07:48 PM

People so RABIDLY defending that they should not lose their loot on these missions is just proving what DE_Steve posted to the first person that ran at him screaming, "ITS NOT FAIR!!1!!". While not a verbatim (its in there somewhere in the updates section) he basically stated its a risk vs reward and that folks were using it as the GO TO for farming, and now its not. You will now decide if its worth losing your 50+ mods or just take the few good ones you got at 15 or 20 waves and not risk it. I will agree the loot table for what you get at the end of the wave needs a look at, but chances are you want the ones you collected on you way up the ranks not so much the one at that 30th wave.


Edit: Here it is.



DE_Steve, on 19 Apr 2013 - 11:53 AM, said:snapback.png

Correct, this mission type is about risk/reward tradeoffs. There was no risk before. We also feel this will help with the situation that certain players are *only* playing this gametype since there was no risk and it was the easist way to farm.

Edited by Vilesavant
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I agree here, the whole point of being able to choose whether to continue every 5 waves is so you can "gamble" on what you've done so far. Yes, the waves do need balancing in terms of how far the difficulty gets ramped up, but that's what why the game is still in development.

I think higher wave defense dropped mods should be guaranteed uncommon/rare which is a good incentive to 'gamble' the rest of your common mods from earlier defense waves for them.

Do we really want more sentinel redirection? They serve no purpose anyway.

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Spent money on a gm package and lots of plat. Why should i walk away? Im disabled so i cant go out like normal people. Games are my way of having fun. Fix the F*** ups would be better.


So another Xini run. Rank 5, 6 and 8. Group left at wave 10. Got some mods but the gameplay was S#&$ cos the mobs were not high level enough to even test me.

Well there are still plenty of other video games out there, not telling you to go outside or anything. Yeah you spent 250 dollars on a gm package, doesn't mean you need to keep torturing yourself with something unfun. Come back when U7.8.1 is released or something, maybe then the devs will have done something. It's your choice though of course. I at least am staying away from the game until the new patch. Just not motivated to touch the game right now.

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I think higher wave defense dropped mods should be guaranteed uncommon/rare which is a good incentive to 'gamble' the rest of your common mods from earlier defense waves for them.

Do we really want more sentinel redirection? They serve no purpose anyway.

I'll have you know my sentinel makes one hell of a good cup of coffee. She has purpose, she makes coffee. Don't diss her.

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Why are they trying to maintain an economy that isnt even there?


Theres no trading in this game, any use of credits is soley for the market, to buy blueprints or weapons.


Once you get what you want, credits pile up like crazy. So who exactly is farming hurting?


Credits become just a number in endgame

Edited by Oizen
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I'll have you know my sentinel makes one hell of a good cup of coffee. She has purpose, she makes coffee. Don't diss her.

Really? She make a cup of tea and sandwich for me. I don't diss her but I doubt that she want one more redirection since she already has higher shield than Rhino.

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Why are they trying to maintain an economy that isnt even there?


Theres no trading in this game, any use of credits is soley for the market, to buy blueprints or weapons.


Once you get what you want, credits pile up like crazy. So who exactly is farming hurting?


Credits become just a number in endgame

Long term planning got involved and players don't have previlige of accessing these plan. Of course it's confusing when you only see one side out of six.

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The reality is we've been utterly spoiled up to this point in the game. We were able to acquire an exorbitant amount of rewards for little work and almost no risk. I'm sorry, but that type of gameplay was starting to get a little boring for me. The only thing I can fault DE on was not introducing this patch earlier. The backlash seems to be severe.

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Edit: Here it is.



DE_Steve, on 19 Apr 2013 - 11:53 AM, said:snapback.png


DE_steve is too wrapped up in his new online ego at the moment. It has F*** all to do with him what maps i prefer and want to play more often. Also its not "risk" now. Its people leaving the game when its still low level and unchallenging. Seriously dont quote a guy that has his own head up his own arse from becoming popular due to exposure. The lazy bastard aint even adding locations for weeks and the lady in support said she has to remind him constantly. Nice guy but atm hes making mistakes.


We used to talk about taking the game to wave 20. See if people were ok with it and how they felt about the difficulty. Now its just not an option, you just take the loot and run without even being challenged. If the normal missions were more fun and harder and not so faceroll we wouldnt play so much defense.


There you go.

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DE_steve is too wrapped up in his new online ego at the moment. It has F*** all to do with him what maps i prefer and want to play more often. Also its not "risk" now. Its people leaving the game when its still low level and unchallenging. Seriously dont quote a guy that has his own head up his own arse from becoming popular due to exposure. The lazy bastard aint even adding locations for weeks and the lady in support said she has to remind him constantly. Nice guy but atm hes making mistakes.


We used to talk about taking the game to wave 20. See if people were ok with it and how they felt about the difficulty. Now its just not an option, you just take the loot and run without even being challenged. If the normal missions were more fun and harder and not so faceroll we wouldnt play so much defense.


There you go.

Wow man. Time for a break I think.

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DE_steve is too wrapped up in his new online ego at the moment. It has F*** all to do with him what maps i prefer and want to play more often. Also its not "risk" now. Its people leaving the game when its still low level and unchallenging. Seriously dont quote a guy that has his own head up his own arse from becoming popular due to exposure. The lazy bastard aint even adding locations for weeks and the lady in support said she has to remind him constantly. Nice guy but atm hes making mistakes.


We used to talk about taking the game to wave 20. See if people were ok with it and how they felt about the difficulty. Now its just not an option, you just take the loot and run without even being challenged. If the normal missions were more fun and harder and not so faceroll we wouldnt play so much defense.


There you go.

No. He spoiled us, badly. Giving us reward even when we fail was a bad decision in the first place. What is the point of failing if there's no consequence apart from one digit in your statistic page goes up. Losing has no real impact until this patch.

You used to play defense wave 20 because it involved no risk for the reward you had from the game. Players weren't encouraged to make a decision, even a little, when they play the game. Everything just handed to us on a silver platter.

It was a no-lose scenario.

Frankly, complaining about new tile set when there're other issues bigger at hand isn't smart. Don't move the argument into something we all don't have a clue about.

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DE_steve is too wrapped up in his new online ego at the moment. It has F*** all to do with him what maps i prefer and want to play more often. Also its not "risk" now. Its people leaving the game when its still low level and unchallenging. Seriously dont quote a guy that has his own head up his own arse from becoming popular due to exposure. The lazy bastard aint even adding locations for weeks and the lady in support said she has to remind him constantly. Nice guy but atm hes making mistakes.


We used to talk about taking the game to wave 20. See if people were ok with it and how they felt about the difficulty. Now its just not an option, you just take the loot and run without even being challenged. If the normal missions were more fun and harder and not so faceroll we wouldnt play so much defense.


There you go.

So you want a challenge? Then you go it, go to wave 20 or even farther. Absolutely nothing is stopping you from doing that. Get your friends together whether they have amazing gear or not and you challenge yourselves. Because its obvious its about the challenge, not the loot. So then these changes did nothing to hamper you.

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So you want a challenge? Then you go it, go to wave 20 or even farther. Absolutely nothing is stopping you from doing that. Get your friends together whether they have amazing gear or not and you challenge yourselves. Because its obvious its about the challenge, not the loot. So then these changes did nothing to hamper you.


Of course they did. They made her feel like there's no point to play further, because it's not fun to gamble. Apparently. That's what I think she's upset about.

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Here's an idea. Have fun with the game. If you lose shrug and go I/we will try harder and kick more &#! next time. Run Pluto, train a bit, find gear that suits you better, whatever it takes to have fun. If you are having fun isn't that reward enough?

If you still aren't having fun after all that, then it's your problem and you may have to accept that this game wasn't for you. 

You ran that risk when you paid for it during Beta, a period no game has made it through completely unchanged. Sometimes you have to accept time and money has been misspent and live with it.

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Change "The" to "My" in your title and you may have something.



Devs try to fix something. Its Open Beta.

Don't like it? Leave feedback, stay away from that game mode for a bit. What's with the raging angst? They don't be owing you anything.



Imho ... failure = no rewards whatsoever


+1 for DE


-1 for this thread



I'm very confused by these threads. I thought it was weird you ever got anything for a failed mission. If you don't succeed you don't get rewarded. The farthest I've ever made it in a level appropriate Defence mission is 10 and I'm OK with that.




this +9000


A - this game is a beta, IF you have given DE money you are SUPPORTING them, but they don't "owe" you anything, of course it's in their best interest to listen to the community but the "community" is not always right


B - this thread and several others like it are basically just nerd rage about not getting handed everything they want on a platter (so what if you have RL issues? let the dog out, go to dinner with the GF, you can play another mission again later FFS)


IMHO this no credits/mods from mission failures/aborts IS A GOOD THING


why should you get any rewards for quitting/failing? it makes no sense


DE even had the compassion to allow us to keep all experience earned, even if a Tenno fails they are still learning something


ppl act like losing some mods/credits is the end of the game/world, what a bunch of crap


I for one hope that DE DOES NOT REVERT this mission failure/abort = zero credits/mods


+ 1 DE, good move

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Don't push for higher waves on end planets with PUGs? Don't bring low level friends to end planets defense missions? Make groups with peeps with good gear and warframes that help you control / kill the enemies?


Use Skype / Vent / TS when attempting higher waves, so you have better communication instead of "hoping" everyone presses their buttons at the right time?


No you want to do wave 50 on Xini just holding LMB and pressing 4, sorry can't do.


Wave 15-20 should be no problem even with PUGs if they have good gear and know what to do (and you get a good mix of warframes).


Some tips:


Nyx is obviously great, but not A MUST.

Banshee vs infested & corpus is insane, pretty much any regular mob will die before even getting close to cryopod, so you're left to deal only with ancients (or other elites if any).

Banshe Sonic Boom can push away mobs from cryopod also knocking them down resulting in AoE stun ~5s. Someone was too zealous with his 2h and got near lvl 65+ toxic ancients and flopped? Push them away and ress safely.

Saryn will also instantly 1 shot infested with Miasma, can place decoys to attract ancients, and help DPS on high level ones with venom spam and exploding the nodules to spread on all ancients.

Loki decoy also very useful vs melee opponents.


Use weapons who can hit multiple targets to apply chill. Be it automatic rifles or shotguns. Don't come to defense with Paris. Bring a good melee weapon that can either stagger or knockdown on jump attack.

Edited by Anelyn
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