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The 2 Main Problems With Most Warframe Abilities


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You should really look out for those DE


it's always the same





>a  frame has 3 abilities that are pretty decent and synergize well and 1 that's really terrible , is usless and doesn't interact well with the other powers

Example; Psychic bolts , Overload, hallowed ground , Rhino charge, 




1 frame that has 3 mediocre abilities but 1  ability that can basicclly turn the game into easy mode or break it. ( Radial blin d comes to mind




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Rhino charge is to clear waves of enemies in front of you. Overload can be used as cc or waveclear if there are lights around. Hallowed ground, well, if you use it properly it's good to camp with..

Psych bolts.. Well, build it properly and watch. 


build for certain abilities to meet the certain tileset. :) 


None of them are useless. 

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Rhino charge is to clear waves of enemies in front of you. Overload can be used as cc or waveclear if there are lights around. Hallowed ground, well, if you use it properly it's good to camp with..

Psych bolts.. Well, build it properly and watch. 


build for certain abilities to meet the certain tileset. :) 


None of them are useless. 

Psych bolts is too weak and unreliable....especially unreliable  , 

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