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What's Your Syndicate?


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I'm going to go Perrin all the way, for 2 reasons

1) The MOA riding

2) The opportunity to meet the one and only legend. John Prodman


Then with all the excess rep I get from supporting the Perrin I will rob Loka blind then dabble in the Veil for a bit, because I like being a murderous pyschopath >:)

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Steel Meridian and New Loka here,

(since Meridian and Veil are allies i might start with Veil, get what i want then immediately move to the allied Meridian)


EDIT: if any faction got Hek specific stuff it will get instant priority.

Edited by Phoenix86
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That's a very interesting way to look at it. Thank you for sharing! As I have described in another post of mine though, I see the Arbiters more as a group that wishes to take the Tenno "outside the box". I mean, granted their means might still be rather contemplative and based on, as their description states, "discipline and practice". But I believe the end result is a far more individualistic and self-defined Tenno.


Edit: And I totally see my Frost Prime as eventually becoming a sort of "sensei" seeking to teach other Tenno to think beyond battle alone. He'd spend a lot of time unarmed (but still with his abilities and possibly using a sort of CQC style based on disarming and restraining the opponent in response to their attack) and would willingly engage in enlightening conversation with other Tenno in his clan. I also see him at some point reminding "Make no mistake... That I find us Tenno not to be mere tools of war, does not mean I have forsaken the force with which to strike should the need arise..."


You and I share a very similar personal view of what "our Tenno" are ...

I started a ghost clan (the Askagi Ritterrustung) - still a clan of one - after I had played the game for about three months

I thought for a long time on what I thought the Tenno represented and I came up with this credo for my clan:


"The Warframe began in Old Worlds and worlds yet to Be ...

It is both a Way of Life and a living thing - directing Purpose and building Form.

The investment - "askagi" as spoken by Silent Ancestors,

used as protection for Noble Cause - the "ritterrustung"


To which I would add this for the Arbiters of Hexis:


"We find meaning in what we Are

We find purpose in what we can Become

And we no longer weep for our Lost ...

Those Tenno given in to the mad pursuit of the external

Vainglory for Power for its own namesake"


So all you Red Bull Headed "Veilers" out there ... it ain't all about the killin'  


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I want to join Arbiters AND Red Veil.

(become the ultimate tenno and then bring death to your enemies)


but it seems that they hate each other.

i hope i can join them both


(because i dont wanna backstab a dude that can make me a god and guys who are willing to do anything to stop evil)

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At first I thought I should support Steel Meridian, because the Tenno uphold the balance and the colonies need protection the most. But then why are they allied with the Red Veil, who just want to exterminate everything, are rivals to New Loka, that might have a big percentage consisting of colonists, and are hostile to The Perrin Sequence, who have no interest in killing colonists whatsoever?

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At first I thought I should support Steel Meridian, because the Tenno uphold the balance and the colonies need protection the most. But then why are they allied with the Red Veil, who just want to exterminate everything, are rivals to New Loka, that might have a big percentage consisting of colonists, and are hostile to The Perrin Sequence, who have no interest in killing colonists whatsoever?


Maybe the Steel Meridian's protection of the colonies includes people who fall under the wing of the Red Veil as well, and the New Loka and Perrin Sequence dislike the presence of Grineer elements (dissident or not) in the SM.

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if you wanna support the Red Veil, more power to you. I just hate them because they seem to be nothing but edgy monsters.

This is a bit of a late response sorry...


That's the problem.


The Red Veil actually have a goal, and a noble one at that, it's called peace.


But people simply cannot look past the violence.


It's just a different means to the same end we all want, and isn't that what matters?


The ending?

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Overall, I am going to join the Steel Meridian. They are all about protecting those who are unable to protect themselves.

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Cephalon Suda and whatever is aligned with them, as I want to be part of two :D


*nods sagely*


According to what we know so far, one can potentially be in good standing with three syndicates at once, but you have to pick carefully. For example, if you go with Cephalon Suda, you could also choose among three other syndicates: Perrin, Hexis, and Meridian. But if you then pick Perrin as your second, you'll annoy Hexis and Meridian. However, neither Suda nor Hexis are in bad terms with Meridian, so there's nothing barring you from picking the three of them so far.


Basically there's two sets of three syndicates that at least tolerate each other: Suda + Hexis + Meridian and Veil + Perrin + Loka.

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