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Cover System


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Not sure if the developers said anything on this but since Warframe is a 3rd person shooter it feels like it almost needs a cover system beyond crouching behind objects. Any one agree?

They have talked about it and it is not a direction they want to go in.

The reason for this is that it will either:

A) Slow down overall gameplay, which is something they want to avoid

Or B) Cause major issues with the movement system.

With B think of trying to run/jump over or around cover and yet finding yourself instead ducking into cover, or trying to round a corner to get to melee range but finding your frame automatically ducking against a wall. That would ruin a large part of the mobility that they are trying to foster.

With A they want to keep the game fast paced and action filled, not turn it into a GOW style poke your head up, shoot a few rounds, duck your head back down and repeat forever.

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They have talked about it and it is not a direction they want to go in.

The reason for this is that it will either:

A) Slow down overall gameplay, which is something they want to avoid

Or B) Cause major issues with the movement system.

With B think of trying to run/jump over or around cover and yet finding yourself instead ducking into cover, or trying to round a corner to get to melee range but finding your frame automatically ducking against a wall. That would ruin a large part of the mobility that they are trying to foster.

With A they want to keep the game fast paced and action filled, not turn it into a GOW style poke your head up, shoot a few rounds, duck your head back down and repeat forever.


Well your post sums it up mate ^^

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I agree with OP 100%.  An optional cover system would do wonders for stealth play and would add a level of gameplay variety not seen in any other game.  To those of you who say it would slow gameplay down: FYI the devs have also said stealth play is a huge priority.  Any feasible stealth play also slows the game if a player chooses to approach missions in this way.  An optional ocver mechanic would only improve the game, and would take absolutely nothing away from it.

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I agree with OP 100%.  An optional cover system would do wonders for stealth play and would add a level of gameplay variety not seen in any other game.  To those of you who say it would slow gameplay down: FYI the devs have also said stealth play is a huge priority.  Any feasible stealth play also slows the game if a player chooses to approach missions in this way.  An optional ocver mechanic would only improve the game, and would take absolutely nothing away from it.


A cover mechanic cant be optional. Either its in the game or not in the game....

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Not needed and Tsuk explained it quite eloquently (nicely stated mate).


Additionally, with the ability to invert the camera position shoulder to shoulder with H and effective use of the terrain, we have considerable cover options available to us coupled with the already excellent value of fluid motion as a defense.


Heck, you can even use Volt's Shield more liberally if you enjoy this style of play as an optional cover system and it's very good.


Sorry OP, but I think you are trying to square peg a round hole on this line of reasoning.

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A cover mechanic cant be optional. Either its in the game or not in the game....


I push a button.  My tenno takes cover.  I push a button, my tenno leaves cover. 


I'm a player who never wants to take cover.  I never push cover button. 


I'm a solo player playing stealth, I want cover.  I push cover button.


Do you see the "optional" yet?

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I push a button.  My tenno takes cover.  I push a button, my tenno leaves cover. 


I'm a player who never wants to take cover.  I never push cover button. 


I'm a solo player playing stealth, I want cover.  I push cover button.


Do you see the "optional" yet?


You mean we need another button in this game full of slide melee space jump ground attack combo....

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You mean we need another button in this game full of slide melee space jump ground attack combo....

And he had best not suggest using the "X" button, because with how that button is used for nearly everything else that would cause even more issues.

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And he had best not suggest using the "X" button, because with how that button is used for nearly everything else that would cause even more issues.


If so, you would just push X to perform 1231441 different actions :D

Edited by Venarge
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I played me3mp and the sticky cover was more an annoyance than a plus. At the higher difficulties it was barely ever used anyway as soft cover, rha and movement speed was just much more efficient.

I didnt realize ME3 had stealth elements.  I played every splinter cell game in existence, and would hate them without a way to put my back to the wall.


Stealth, as a method to play this game, is just not viable for an entire mission.  There are lots of reasons why, but an optional cover mechanic , imo, would go a long way in improving that.


And while we're at it, since stealth is a slower way to play, put the command on the D-Pad.  I don't ever use that anyways.

Edited by Orimaarko
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I didnt realize ME3 had stealth elements.  I played every splinter cell game in existence, and would hate them without a way to put my back to the wall.


Stealth, as a method to play this game, is just not viable for an entire mission.  There are lots of reasons why, but an optional cover mechanic , imo, would go a long way in improving that.


And while we're at it, since stealth is a slower way to play, put the command on the D-Pad.  I don't ever use that anyways.

Yes it had an entire class of stealthers. Infiltrators. The shadow was thier ninja type character.  

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In this generation of shooters, the LAST thing I want Warframe to turn into is a slow shooting gallery where you systematically cuddle and grope every single chest-high wall and doorframe you come across.


Keep that stuff out of my melee-sliding wall-running roller-kicking Ember-mocking fast-paced shooter.

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I think that cover system should not be added to Warframe. I don't even know why somebody would need that. This system will make the game boring and Warframe will lose its style. And why do somebody needs to hide behind the crates if he can charge towards the crowd of enemis with his Gram of Scindo ready to strike. This is what makes this game so awesome - the feeling of immortality when you get inside the swarm of Infested and then slice throug their bodys with you trusty blade, or when you watch how your enemis hover around you before being crushed by Mag's ultimate. Besides, cover system will make Warframe mods such as Redirection, Vitality or Steel Fiber almost useless because you will take little to no damage when behind the cover.

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In this generation of shooters, the LAST thing I want Warframe to turn into is a slow shooting gallery where you systematically cuddle and grope every single chest-high wall and doorframe you come across.

Keep that stuff out of my melee-sliding wall-running roller-kicking Ember-mocking fast-paced shooter.


Really the thing I see happening is one of two scenarios:

A) IF it is a different button and not sticky cover, you would see no one using cover because no one knows how. Therefore changing nothing.

B) If people knew about it nearly all new players to the game would turn it into a slow moving shooting gallery, not the face paced game this is supposed to be.

The soft cover of crouching behind a box or something is more than enough, and gives you plenty of right-hand-advantage. Really there is no reason to include hard/sticky cover.

And if you want a game series that had no cover what-so-ever and yet had a great stealth mechanic look at the original Thief games.

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I'm pretty against a cover system. It makes stealth and cover in general a matter of finesse rather than just pressing a "hide me" button.


Save it for slow games like Gears of War, and thoughtful games like Mass Effect.

Edited by shubomber
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In this generation of shooters, the LAST thing I want Warframe to turn into is a slow shooting gallery where you systematically cuddle and grope every single chest-high wall and doorframe you come across.


Keep that stuff out of my melee-sliding wall-running roller-kicking Ember-mocking fast-paced shooter.

So if given a cover system, this is how you'd play just because the system were there?  I didnt think so. 


Just got out of an infestation mission.  I'd love to see your prediction of these types of missions becoming a "slow" shooting gallery where the players are systematically cuddling.  That's the whole point of it being OPTIONAL.  Don't use it if you dont want to, but don't deny those who wish for a better solo stealth experience either. 


Based on the naysayer's logic, here's one.  I want to melee everything.  DE please get rid of guns cause I don't want to use them.  Forget the flexibitly and awesome variety in play styles.  Since I dont want to play using guns, please, just get rid of them from the game so others stop using them as well.


Give me a cover system.  You people who don't want it, here's a thought.  DON'T USE IT.

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