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Archwing Maps


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Can we please have a visible barrier on where not to go in the maps. Or possibly a wall that prevents us from accidentally getting extracted prematurely by Ordis and then get a Mission Failure sign.


I have failed several times already for going too far. The first one was fine since I didn't really know where to go but the others that followed, I was attacking enemies. Most of my focus was on shooting, using skills, evading, and using melee..One also has to be aware of being out of bounds which is really annoying when you are in the heat of battle..

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I'm having this issue too. Please mark somehow where boundary lines are or remove them. I was flew over a rock hugging the surface of it to get to the objective marker and it "out of bounds" me. The missions are fun and I'm enjoying them, but it's frustrating when you can't tell where you can and cannot go.

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Yes this is a annoying issue. Sometimes its either me or someone else that accidently leave the mission and that can cause a host migration. Some kind of barrier or atleast a more clear warning instead of Lotus popping up saying we are leaving the mission would really help alot.

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I would love kind of marking to point out 'mission area' maybe a faint 'grid' or something that fades in and out when you get near, or maybe a "head this way" marker?


Failed about 10 or do missions by getting pulled out of the area with melee attacks, then not knowing where the 'edge' is.

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