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Archwing Needs A Different Kind Of Minimap


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And also it needs to run on a different scale.


While using their Archwings, players aren't likely to be as interested in what's thirty meters away from them, so much as they're interested in what's 300 meters away. 

Edited by Lumireaver
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I would think an appropriately spatial Archwing tactical display has got to be in the works, The ciphers have been given an overhaul - i.e. the newfangled survival hack is a nice new feature. 


I hope DE can give us a novel twist on augmented reality space combat.

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Sorry, but thats probably way too advanced. We need something minimalistic, and something that works well. The things with FOV and all would be really hard to explain to mastery rank 2. The OP's Mini-map looks awesome and it's minimalistic.

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The Freespace HUD was very intuitive, easy to use, and great for dog-fighting with fast mobile enemies.

Its minimalist nature fits with the warframe who is not in a ship with a big cockpit and control panel in front of him.


But what ever is picked we really need something.  The minimap here is plain useless. It points in the wrong direction if pointing at all, the map boundaries are not at all clear, you end up in places where ordis extracts you for no apparent reason.

Some type of useful radar that represents in some form the 3-d nature of the map would be much much appreciated.


And PS - Adding a blue or gold blip on there to indicate location of dropped mods which are darn near impossible to see in the vastness of space would be nice as Thief's Wit does not work in space (at least not for me on any of the missions - the mods are not highlighted).

Edited by Asynaptic2
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And PS - Adding a blue or gold blip on there to indicate location of dropped mods which are darn near impossible to see in the vastness of space would be nice as Thief's Wit does not work in space (at least not for me on any of the missions - the mods are not highlighted).


The loot monkey aura mod does work, even if the regular mod version doesn't.


EDIT: My formatting was bad, and I feel bad.

Edited by AmaziaTheAmazing
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The Freespace radar system would be perfect.  We don't need to know the exact positions of everything, we just need to know where to turn to see (or evade) enemy ships.  Only thing I'd suggest adding is a way to judge distance, e.g. enemies more than X meters away are a dimmer color. 

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The top down single plain mini-map really doesn't work well for space combat.

Archwing needs a proper "space radar", something akin to this:



I totally agree with you!!!!


This type of new mini-map design is what is desperately needed during Archwing missions.


I failed my very first Archwing mission (after I built the Odonata in my foundry) mostly due to the fact that the current mini-map design failed to adequately provide sufficient information regarding where exactly my character was located in relation to the final waypoint.  


I refuse to repeat this experience until the mini-map during Archwing missions gets changed to something similar to the OP's "space radar" concept.

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The top down single plain mini-map really doesn't work well for space combat.

Archwing needs a proper "space radar", something akin to this:



This one would need line that projects to the horizontal plane to indicate depth for the dot.  Take the lowest dot as example, it could be approx. at 8 o'clock up or 10 o'clock and anywhere in between.  If there are many dots, equal number of lines would be needed and it can become cluttered and information process speed would suffer, for this reason the Wind Commander/FreeSpace one works better, minus the sense of distance, but that can be worked around with sized and coloured dots, or actual distance can just display in HUD.  The other one that works very well is the two-radar system in X-Wing and Tie Fighter series, left one is for the front and right one is for the back, but the single one like WC/FS is probably more consistent with Warframe.

Edited by Candengard
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Be nice if they did change how the mapping works for Archwing missions.. I've been running the first one solo to try and get the hang of the gameplay, and while you have that delightful super speed, sometimes you are in the middle of mobs before you realise (cos on the map, they're really far away and then suddenly you are right on top of them).

During combat, I'm getting shot from everywhich direction, but I can't tell where it's coming from to destroy said attacker. I've been "cheating" by equipping the melee weapon, and just pressing E and hoping it will autofind something to bash lol Usually works, eventually, but it's not the ideal solution and once the missions get more complex (as I'm fairly sure they will) this wont help much.


Finding drops while melee is easy since you pretty much run them over by being so close.. but if you shoot them from afar (or if you play in a team, which I never have) finding mods in directional space probably takes more time than the entire mission itself.


I've never played anything like this so, its all new for me and I'm having a lot of fun with it ^^

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