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Love it


it's fast , looks cool , meleeing spaceships is awesome. Even though there is a predefined up , it doesn't feel as there is one , which is really enjoyable.



But of course there are a few prolems


1- camera is tiring : The shaking from boost and meleeing can give a  headache for some people , I'm fine but I can see this giving people motion sickness . please give us the option to scale it down or disable it completely DE


2- Imperator needs more oomph : not more damage, i'm sure mods will take care of that.

I mean It doesn't feel like it packs a punch. the sound it makes me think I'm shooting a single viper  in space , despite the fact that the gun is huge. 


3- It's pretty hard to see which enemy does what. maybe we'll get used to it ; but I can't see which enemy has what ability and all of a sudden my shields are gone and i'm a dead cockroach. I'll need to play more I guess to get used to that but it's  still a bit confusing




4- Staggering needs some tweaking: barely touching a walll should send you flying 50 m away.



5- at the end of arch-interception :  enemy nodes point towards nothing.....


6- interceptionagain ; enemies get stuck in meteors all the time , which means you have to survey the area just to find  1 tiny ship stuck betweeen 2 rocks


Other than that nice job DE , bugs will be dealt with i'm sure , but archwing sems pretty solid and fun. 


Can't wait for prime archhwing and more space fights

Edited by Deidaku
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Liset warfare and customization confirmed, U17.


I'm not seeing how this is pertinent to the topic.



Love it


it's fast , looks cool , meleeing spaceships is awesome. Even though there is a predefined up , it doesn't feel as there is one , which is really enjoyable.



But of course there are a few prolems


1- camera is tiring : The shaking from boost and meleeing can give a  headache for some people , I'm fine but I can see this giving people motion sickness . please give us the option to scale it down or disable it completely DE


2- Imperator needs more oomph : not more damage, i'm sure mods will take care of that.

I mean It doesn't feel like it packs a punch. the sound it makes me think I'm shooting a single viper  in space , despite the fact that the gun is huge. 


3- It's pretty hard to see which enemy does what. maybe we'll get used to it ; but I can't see which enemy has what ability and all of a sudden my shields are gone and i'm a dead cockroach. I'll need to play more I guess to get used to that but it's  still a bit confusing




4- Staggering needs some tweaking: barely touching a walll should send you flying 50 m away.



5- at the end of arch-interception :  enemy nodes point towards nothing.....


6- interceptionagain ; enemies get stuck in meteors all the time , which means you have to survey the area just to find  1 tiny ship stuck betweeen 2 rocks


Other than that nice job DE , bugs will be dealt with i'm sure , but archwing sems pretty solid and fun. 


Can't wait for prime archhwing and more space fights


1. Very much so, yes. I feel like its sort of like HUD Motion; just an effect to show that your Warframe is moving. But, again, functionality before aesthetics. Personally, I like the challenge of learning to navigate with my wings.


2. No arguments here.


3. The trick here is to constantly keep scanning the expanse for the enemy. Really, you should only be focused on a single/small grouping of enemies before immediately pulling out. I learned that the hard way fighting that damn Balor.


4. YES. God, YES. Stagger should be equivalent to the velocity in which you hit it; if you're accelerating and you smash face-first into it, you should be staggered by a huge amount, but you should only push yourself off of the debris if you absentmindedly hit it. Adding even more into it, you should probably stagger forward if you back into it, since it's like your Tenno was completely caught off guard.


I haven't played A-Interception, so I have nothing to say beyond those.

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I really really hate interception with a passion. Just sitting back for the #4 button doesn't make it a thing. Should have more variety and all that goodstuff. A really heavy example is how any other warframe can defend, instead of bringing a lot of Frost. With the same problem most survivals died, because it can only be done with Nekros or you wouln't pass 10 minutes.

Hopefully you get my point. 

I feel as if archwings should be used for objectives, sabotage was a really good way for this. other than that, everything else I agree with.

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I really really hate interception with a passion. Just sitting back for the #4 button doesn't make it a thing. Should have more variety and all that goodstuff. A really heavy example is how any other warframe can defend, instead of bringing a lot of Frost. With the same problem most survivals died, because it can only be done with Nekros or you wouln't pass 10 minutes.

Hopefully you get my point. 

I feel as if archwings should be used for objectives, sabotage was a really good way for this. other than that, everything else I agree with.

I think we'll have to wait for more archwings to come = more diversity , then we'll see how that plays out 




3. The trick here is to constantly keep scanning the expanse for the enemy. Really, you should only be focused on a single/small grouping of enemies before immediately pulling out. I learned that the hard way fighting that damn Balor.

Okay thanks for the adivce :)

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