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[Guide] Controller Bindings And Their Functions On Pc



Hi, Blakrana here. As I've been browsing about the forums, I've seen a few threads about issues with using the controller. So, I figure I may as well put my experiences and personal schema here so that it might be able to help other Players who prefer controllers over keyboard+mouse.


This is not a defacto 'best way' to set up a controller. Everyone is different, and where you want your Jump key bound is frankly your call at the end of the day; what I put here is what works for me at the end of the day. All I'm doing here is giving people some help in making sure those bindings work across the board so far as possible.


My schema (Updated for U17)


Note: I am using a Logitech F710 controller which pretty much parallels an Xbox 360 controller. Buttons are thus named as such.

Jump/Ascend*: A - Hold to Wall Dash, tap twice to Double Jump

Roll/Crouch/Descend*: Left Bumper - Tap to Roll, Hold to Slide whilst moving, Hold to Crouch when stationary

Contextual Action+: X

Reload+: D-Pad Left

Swap Weapon: Y/Hold for Melee


Fire Weapon/Melee Attack: Right Trigger

Aim Weapon/Melee Block: Left Trigger

Alt Fire: Right Stick - Click

Quick Melee/ Toggle Channelling: B

Sprint: Right Bumper


Aim Glide: Hold Left Trigger in the Air

Bullet Jump: Slide, then press A. Angle depends on aiming location

Wall Latch: Hold Left Trigger near wall

Mount Zipline: X


Waypoint: Select

Power Menu/Use Power: D-pad Up; Hold, then A,B,X,Y for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Power respectively. Tap to Use the last Power used.


Item Wheel & Emotes: D-pad Down; Hold, then select via Left Stick and A for Items, or Right stick for Emotes


Swap Shoulder: Left stick Press

Movement: Left stick

Aim: Right Stick


Revive (self): A

Forfeit: B


Binding multiple functions


One of the first things you probably notice is that a good majority of the buttons serve dual functions. This is because at the end of the day, the 'mode detection' has gotten better, so they don't register as 'Clashes' when binding. However, it's not perfect. When binding a key for it's behaviour in other modes for example, Melee Channelling and Quick Melee, when you designate a key it will, in the times I've tested it, erase the 'old' original binding to being 'Not Assigned'. Fortunately, when you go back to the now 'empty' command, it can be bound to that key and it won't erase the new binding.


The following Bindings are the ones you can 'stack':


ArchwingMove up and Move Down.

The Move Down defaults to Left Bumper, and overrides the Quick Melee binding whilst in Archwing for my own schema. Thus, before you enter that game mode, you will need to first Bind it to your preferred Crouch button, and then rebind your Crouch key if it has unbound. This is all that differs between Archwing and regular play with the controller from then on, as far as my own experience goes.


Notes: There may be an issue with this change not saving successfully via the Liset options, so you may need to check it has bound at the start of an Archwing mission; in that case, it's the same as before, you just run the risk of getting shot whilst fixing that.

Melee mode: Melee Attack, Channelling, Block

Here, the issue I've had is mostly with the Channelling Binding. I favour using my Left Bumper for Quick Melee and, seeing as Quick Melee has no place in this mode, I make it my Channelling button. Like with Archwing's Move Down, you will need to designate your Channelling button, then reassign whatever button that overwrote.


Block has, as of yet, always defaulted to Right Trigger and I see no reason short of getting Light/Heavy Melee attacks to actually worry about needing to change that.


Melee Attack may require you to do the same with Channelling when you bind it, otherwise, it does not conflict any further from my own experience.


Context Action/Reload: This function can be toggled off in the main Options menu, at the bottom.


Ciphers Added for completion


A: Slot pin/unslot pin

B: Exit Cipher

Y: Use Cipher item (edit)


Corpus & Orokin

Left Stick: Highlight hex

A: Rotates hex clockwise

X: Rotates hex counter-Clockwise,

B: Exits Cipher.

Y: Use Cipher item (edit)


Note: Having never crafted a Cipher consumable, I do not know what button, if any, corresponds to expending one  Thanks to Nickleshark on the binding for Cipher keys.


Menu Navigation


But Blakrana, you said you can't navigate menus with a Controller on the PC!


You can't fully navigate menus with the Controller. You can manage to a degree, however.


Mission Select

When accessing the Star Map:


Left Stick: Rotate Star chart/Mission nodes


A: Select Planet/Mission node/Agree to Outbreak battle pay


X: Begin Mission/Vote for the Left side in Invasions/Extract in Defence or Interception


Y: Cancel Mission/Vote for the Right Side in Invasions/Battle in Defence or Interception


Right Stick Press: Open Extractor Menu - Use Left Stick and A to select and deploy desired extractor. Collect Extractor once finished by using Right Stick Press.


Exit Navigation: B


Right Trigger: Open World State menu


Left/Right Bumper: Change World State menu tab.


Partial: When you have not got a mission selected, you can press Y to open your Matchmaking menu. You can highlight the options with Left Stick, but no button in my current testing allows you to actually select a new setting. This is a 'mouse required' affair. Furthermore, opening this menu seems to override Star Chart navigation until you either open it with the controller again or close it with a mouse. The World State menu, whilst accessible, cannot be navigated beyond tabbing; trying to use the sticks or d-pad to navigate it result in moving the Star chart instead.


Accessing menus

Warframe & Weapons Update 15.1.0

Equip: A

Upgrade: Y

Appearance: X

Abilities: Right Trigger

Exit Menu: B

Change Loadout: Left Bumper/Right Bumper note: does not cycle to first one reaching last saved loadout


Partial: These controls only allow you to access these menus. Any further interaction requires the use of a mouse. The only exception to this rule is the Equip Menu. Appearance works for selecting Helmets, Armour, Skins, Animations, Attachments and Regalia, but you cannot use your controller to select Colour pallettes or the further customisation options. Upgrade is literally unable to be interacted with by the controller barring Tabbing menus with the Bumpers.


The Ability menu, due to the nature of Abilities at present, is effectively a complete interface as of the time of writing, as all one can do is look and read the information displayed. Should this menu become expanded on remains to be seen.


Update: Sigils can be customised in all aspects until you come to colouring it. Literally only one issue with this cosmetic feature as a result.



Select category/Quantity: LB or RB respectively


Highlight mod: Left Stick


Select/perform task: A


Sort Menu: Y


Fusion: Right Stick Click - select from Duplicates or Cores


Partial: Whilst you can sort of play around with mods, you can't really use their functions properly. It honestly is better off using a mouse. At least the Tab menu via bumpers saves a bit of time.


Partly accessible

Foundary: Tab functionality, but no manual navigation. Can use A or B to commence or cancel actions selected by the mouse, however, if you don't feel like clicking it.


Codex: Better off using a mouse. No Tab functionality, but can highlight items/access with A. Has a functional Sort menu via Y. Cannot scroll selected items.


Market: No Tab functionality. Can navigate and make purchases using Left Stick and A, however, after going to the tab you want with your mouse. Purchases require you click purchase with a mouse, however.


Start Menu

Here it behaves relatively well. You can highlight anything you want and in recent days it seems to be accepting the usage of A to select items well enough.


Update: Seeing as I've never actually needed to change my general Options settings, I'm sorry to say it slipped my mind. However, this menu seems to be almost completely accessible for selecting/altering things. However, I don't think any of my buttons correspond to either Confirming changes or Defaulting options; to confirm or discard a change, I have to try and exit the menu entirely, then accept/deny the prompt.


Issues are mostly in things like accessing your Clan Menu to go to the Dojo: due to the way it's set up, you have to use your mouse to navigate that menu. Recruiting and contacting people via chat/friends list is pretty much a mouse and keyboard affair for ease of use. Further, the matchmaking selection from here does affect whether you can navigate at all on the Star Chart as well, so be aware of that.


As yet I've not managed to highlight squad mates from this menu to see what they're using at the time short of getting the mouse to do it. Also struggle to access the 'Leave Squad' option sans mouse.


The Profile Menu is able to be entered, but is unnavigable with a Controller after this point.


Syndicate Menu Update 15.1.0

Well, this is a bit of an odd bag. You can highlight the Syndicate interface, but nothing I do with my controller actually selects the Syndicates from the base screen. I have to use my mouse. However, they do have controller functions everywhere else.


LB/RB: Tab menus


X: Offerings


Y: Next Title


Exit Menu: B


Select Item: A


Partial: Cannot actually navigate the Offerings menu beyond Tabbing. You can confirm choices with A, but you need to use a mouse first to highlight it. At least we can still exit the menu if we can't use the mouse to select things.

This is pretty much the extent of my experiences with controller bindings and gameplay as of this time. I've been using a controller for roughly a year, give or take a couple of months, if one wonders as to 'what do I know'. If this has provided help to anyone, fantastic.


If anyone else has a controller schema they find useful, feel free to share it. Like I said earlier, my preferences are not your own and what works for me may not work for someone else; all this is mostly subjective, but it can be adopted by others if they so choose.


Happy hunting and beware Controller Aim Assist; it really messes up aiming sometimes.


Warframe and Steam Big Picture


Basically, on the Login screen, press X and you get the virtual keyboard up and confirm entry with the A button (hitting enter will act as normal). From there, pretty much most of the problems disappear when it comes to menu navigation, as it's like playing on a 360. Aiming is much less of an issue as well and I'm honestly not sure what the deal is there. Either way, I can actually shoot from the hip to some measure of accuracy, and 'snap aim' a lot better than I've been doing for the last year or so. Woo.


There are few problems, though. Firstly, the Controller Bindings menu is kind of poor. Crouch, Roll and Slide are all bound to the same button, and it's all a 'Hold to perform' deal.


The other issue, and it's pretty glaring, is that Archwing controls are mostly identical...except it's acting as if Move Down is the default LB, rather than my designated Crouch on B. Result? No Quick Melee and I can't modify that as Move Down and Crouch are actually mutually exclusive bindings in the Steam Big Picture mode. It's a minor issue, I suppose, but it's a little jarring as the game played without Big Picture does give you the option.


After that? I haven't got the faintest idea how to open the chat tab. There's literally no means to it other than click it with a mouse, so far. Not exactly critically problematic but it does get a bit tedious if you need to respond in the midst of a mission.


Nonetheless, over all the game play itself is a significant step up for Controller Access via Big Picture mode, but there are some slight issues. It's possible to work around them but it's so odd where the issues actually are.


Otherwise, I'm going to say that the general controller experience feels about a 4 out of 5 when in Big Picture. Just those minor niggles letting it down really.


First, if you rebind your Left Trigger at all, say goodbye to your chat access for some reason. There is actually no ability to rebind it either, so if you prefer to shoot with the left trigger and aim with the right, well, there you go. So, yeah, we need a Chat Binding among other things.


Other than that, looks like Archwing is accessed as a menu by clicking Left Stick in Big Picture, so I'll need to check the basic game's interactions with all that at some point. I confess, since I figured out how to use Big Picture properly for Warframe, I've not really looked back.


Seriously, menu navigation vs convenient chat tabbing is a price I'm willing to pay.


Update 17 (and earlier)


For the most part, this is a run down of changes since last time I attended to this. Been very busy, so apologies on that front. If anyone has noticed anything particularly different in the game in Pure or Big Picture mode not covered here, apologies in advance.


1) Select mode (Coop, Archwing, Conclave) via pressing the Left Stick in Arsenal Menu


2) Edit Loadouts via Right Stick in Arsenal Menu


3) Right Click during Fusion gives a choice between Cores and Duplicates now, rather than separate pairings


4) Power Menu binding seems to be needing to be held a little longer now than prior updates


5) Emote menu is similarly to the gear wheel, but (last I checked) is still fickle to reassign items without use of a mouse


6) Enhanced market information cannot be scrolled by the Controller as of yet when purchasing a BP or such.

Edited by Blakrana
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My issue was being unable to Sprint with Controller because Move Down was mapped to my Sprint command. I failed the mission to get the Archwing over a dozen times due to it. Goodbye revives.


Just finished it with Controller in one hand and my other hand on my keyboard Sprint command. What a pain.

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That sounds rough. As I understand it, the Archwing bindings Move up and Move down completely override any function they are matched with unless that function isn't used in the mode


In this case, it has to be Jump and Crouch bindings, as every other button is used otherwise.


Hopefully, by compiling information here, I can at least help mitigate problems like this for other players in this situation.

So long as they visit the forum, at any rate.

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Thanks for the information. My wife is getting me a controller for my PC for christmas. I have been looking forward to using a controller instead of the keyboard. I had an accident with my keyboard and am missing some buttons, so it can get kinda frustrating to play with no buttons.

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Logitech F710, whatever difference that makes. I admittedly went to the shop on a budget and got a wireless one within that.


And, personally, I prefer to use a controller due to mostly growing up with console systems and handhelds. Keyboards, honestly it baffles me why so many people insist all the keys must be doing something, when I can get the same result with much less clutter.


Really is just personal preference.


Still...for me the main difference I find is that I'm more readily able to navigate without slipping over wrong keys as I rig up my Keyboard controls to put the mouse on the left and the Number pad for...as much as I possible can fit on there. Left handed and all that. But the Number pad being kind of a rectangle of possible error...Controller has somewhat reduced my tendency to parkour where one should not attempt parkour, or when. Although it makes me quite amused to simply lean the stick just enough so I walk to extraction. Or to a prone capture target because Intimidate is a free action...


Not so sure what the advantages are beyond sparing my keyboard a bit more and having a more comfortable interface I'm used to using.


Can't really think of much else to say of it, for now. It's a bit subjective, I figure, what makes a person favour one HID over another.

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I love the movement controls on controllers but the problem is will shooting with a bow or my latron be so hard? Weapons like soma isnt a problem.Also melee will be awesome with a controller but semi-auto weapons may be hard to use.What is your experience about this?

And your gamepad is the wireless version of mine.They are same except that.

Edited by bodyguard121
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Well, personally I favour Marksman sort of weapons so...Semi automatic weapons I've yet to have trouble with. Granted, the aiming seems a bit variable, and I'm not sure why, but I'm more than capable of getting a decent amount of accuracy. It just requires a bit of practice and pacing. I'm not too sure what the issue is, but I feel like I can push the stick on a console a lot further before it 'starts' to aim, whilst here it's aiming from the start of the motion which makes snap shots tricky. Getting better though.


It honestly comes down to just keeping yourself in mind of what you're using. I nearly always Aim at my targets just because of all the time I've spent on games where Ammo is a problem. Sure, running like a madman is easier with an automatic weapon but once you find the sweet spot for aiming, it's not too bad. Triggers are a lot easier on Semi-auto fire than clicking a mouse I find. I mean, sometimes I forget I can shoot faster because I try to avoid rapid fire for accuracy, leading to some entertaining panic fire sessions.


To wit, once a mission starts going, my Sybaris/Grinlok or Latron P/Wraith get me pretty reasonable accuracy. Although I think my personal favourite is when I hit about 60%+ accuracy with the Grakata.


Really, it's a matter of practice and getting a feel for the control scheme, your personal options settings for Aim sensitivity and how your weapons respond. Although Melee and some weapons, like Latron Wraith, give lovely feedback with vibration which helps timing for things like the Shimmering Blight combos.


There is the possibility someone's moving slower if they're aiming a lot of the time, but I run a lot of Solo missions, particularly after I set up my controller, to give myself some practice. Orokin Derelict Exterminates are easy enough, especially as they can swap to Grineer sometimes, so you get practice fighting the extremes of combat as well; melee swarm, ranged groups. Mind the bombard/napalm though...


I can't really say much more than that, I think, as I'm very aware how subjective a control scheme may be in execution for another player. It's all about finding what works for you, in the end. I have found great success so far, having run around on the controller for the last year or so now, so it can work well. We just have a few sticking issues with power controls, menus and what not to weed out still.

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Big Picture lacks a rebindable Talk button for controller use. No idea why, but that's how it is for the moment.


The word wheel I can't comment on as I don't browse the net through Steam whilst in game, as it's rather slow.

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Big Picture lacks a rebindable Talk button for controller use. No idea why, but that's how it is for the moment.


The word wheel I can't comment on as I don't browse the net through Steam whilst in game, as it's rather slow.


It also lacks rebinding for toggle crouch, and a few other commands. Without Big Picture, menus, like Archwing loadouts and such, can't be accessed with just the controller. However, I prefer better in game control(missions, Archwing stuff etc.) vs. in menu control. So for now, no Big Picture Mode for me.

Edited by Cerebrum123
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i cant select a controller HELP!!!


If you have a controller that's PC compatible it should show up in your Device Manager.


If you're finding a 'Gamepad' with a yellow triangle marker on the label, go and reinstall the drivers for the controller. Might be that. Otherwise, Warframe's generally content with detecting an eligible controller for actual use. If not, I'm really not sure what issue you'd be having that'd be warframe specific.


If after checking your Device Manager situation, the controller works for other games you have on your PC (that are eligible) but still fails to work with Warframe, I'm not sure what would be able to help on that front.


Hoping it's a simple fix for you.

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I bought a generic controller from game stop (playstation layout) a while back and While it works with many games I can't get it to work with Warframe, even with the xbox controller emulator "x360ce".


I was able to get x360ce to recognise "Warframe64.exe" but in task manager the program is called "Evolution Engine", so should I be doing something differently?


Here's the Hardware IDs:




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I figured out my problem when I downloaded the latest version of x360ce. In this latest version of the xbox controller emulator (x360ce) My game-pad was showing up as the second controller. This was because I had installed Droidpad. I disabled the droidpad driver and voilà! I can now play with a gamepad in Warframe.


Seeing as every other game recognised that my cheapo game-pad was selected as my prefered device, I believe this is a result of Warframe rejecting input from a second controller. Too bad, now I need to manually re enable Droidpad every time I want to use it now.

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Here is my keybinds for anyone who might want them. 


RB=Quick melee/melee

Right Trigger=Fire/Channeling

LB=Power Menu

Left Trigger= Aim/Block(for consistent aim glide function)


X=Context Action With Reload option on.

Y=Change Weapon

B=Toggle Crouch/Descend

D-Pad Up=Gear Menu

D-Pad Right=Push to talk

D-Pad Down= Place Marker



Start=Main Menu

Left Stick Press= Sprint toggle

Right Stick Press= Alt Fire. 


ETA: This binding is impossible in Big Picture Mode. 

Edited by Cerebrum123
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