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Old Dog. New Tricks.



So I just went back and fought Jackal again for the first time in... probably a year? I know they made him scale with your gear, but I don't remember his shield being invulnerable before.


I still had Lotus off from when she was buggy during excavation, so if she explains this fight I apologize. I would not have heard.









1) How do you deal with his missile swarm?

It crushed my stamina to try and block it, pwned my health trying to tank it and I tried flipping all over that arena and they just never stopped following me until they hit. I guess you could theoretically make them run into the pillars, but that wasn't really working out for me.


2) How do you make him go down?

Apparently his shield is invulnerable but he would periodically go down and his shield would fall so I could attack his armored HP. I have no idea what was triggering that though. Wiki talks about his hind legs but I didn't notice the shields or HP on those moving either. I mostly shot his shoulders and face and ate a bunch of health restore packs. When he went down after a LONG time, several minutes, I was able to do a lot of damage to him I just didn't know how to make him go to that state.

Edited by VKhaun
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12 answers to this question

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The easiest way to take down the Jackle is if your squad just melees the crap out of his legs, he'll never get a missile swarm off. If you give Jackle room to breath he'll take full advantage of it. For this fight the best defense is an unrelenting offense.

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To stun the jackal you need to shoot it's legs then it will be downed for a short time in when you shoot it's head/torso to deal with his main shield and armor.


a cheap trick to use is just to hide behind one of the pillars as it blocks the shock-wave and the rockets for the most part and just shoot his legs then pop out when he is down and rip him apart.


also valkyr in hysteria can just melee him to death.

Edited by nickelshark
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I've personally found a good melee weapon can take down his legs pretty quick, that or just use ash's blade storm as it go's past all shields and armor, also last I farmed him rhino stomp still stunned him pretty well when he isn't down, making him stop doing stomps and such.

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My friend put magnetic damage on his bo, and this effectively stunlocked him until he went down.


Not knowing his shield was invulnerable, I was running Detron with Magnetic / Rad and spamming his upper front legs, also hitting his body and face with the spray. He took AGES to get knocked down. I did see him get stunned a few times, but not stunlocked. Going back to try shooting his hind legs more than his front.


I also saw mention of melee on the wiki. This time I'll try melee'ing his hind legs and see what happens.


Going back with the same gear except rad instead of magnetic on my gun, since the shield doesn't move anyway.

Edited by VKhaun
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Oh wow... went back in and attacked his back legs with my rad melee weapon. Never even got to try the gun. It was a little hard to see and target back there with him turning around a lot, but he went down quick and he never got back up...

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How I dealt with him was to bring my Hate along with the Reaping Spiral stance mod on it. I stood more or less underneath him and took out the legs, then the main part in a very short time' he did not have the chance to get the missiles off, lucky for me. Anyway, I know it worked for me, other folks have used the Galatine with a multi-hit stance mod as well with similar results. Try it out with your preferred melee weapon and see what works best for you. Good Luck and happy gaming!

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Confirming dread procs... went in solo mode with 1400 conclave and one dread proc killed it. I had a build set up especially for proc damage but it worked so well you could probably use any ole dread build or any slash weapon for this.

Confirming ash Bladestorm, but bladestorm wasn't very impressive scaled up to high conclave. I think I read somewhere that a new corrupted warframe ability damage mod was added. I don't have that yet, so maybe with that... but melee'ing the hind legs is working FANTASTIC so I'm going to mark one of those as the solution to my thread.

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