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So... Worst Weapon Ever?


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Really, it was the first weapon i took and i never looked back with it - obviously its an early game weapon but worst? far from it.

I used it the way it was meant to be used, on Mecury with forma'd frame. The only other thing I remember about it is the wonderful feeling from selling it. No other weapon made me feel as happy deleting it, so for me so far it's the worst.

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I'd agree that daggers overall are pretty lackluster.


Leveling Dual Skana made me cry.


I built the Cestra as soon as it came out of research, and that was a miserable affair. Haven't touched it since.


I'd have to say the weapon I hated the most was the Torid. 

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snipetron isn't in the "vault", it was removed because it doesn't match corpus lore and was replaced with the lanka.

I'm not going to argue against that, because I am aware that it was removed for "not fitting within the lore", corpus specifically. But what about any of the other weapons that were removed for various reasons? Like machete(recently re-released via in-game message) and boar or any other weapons that have been removed from the game and can no longer be obtained?


One could always stubbornly stick to the flawed argument that snipetron is 3000 mastery that won't ever be able to be obtained, thus it's unfair to not have it re-released like machete at least once.


Of course, even I can come up with an excuse to have snipetron re-introduced without violating any "lore reasons". For instance, the snipetron could have been an sniper weapon that the corpus reverse engineered from an orokin sniper rifle, like the braton. That would explain both the aesthetics of the snipetron and the hit-scan capability of it as well without being a mis-match to the corpus lore. I feel like that explination is enough to warrant the weapons return and still fit within the lore for both factions. We already know that the corpus reverse engineered the Braton Prime to make the braton and MK-1 braton, neither of which they themselves use. Just tack that onto snipetron, and I think it's existence in-game has become valid without breaking the themed lore for the corpus faction.


Whoops, looks like I ended up arguing against that anyway. >_<

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most weapons sit comfortably in a tier, and most of the arguments in here are that this or that particular weapon shouldn't be in the tier that it's in.


a weapon that is sitting high on the list of 'worst' for me is the Braton Prime, and for similar reasons. by all accounts it is a top tier weapon but it's damage output is far below it's tier brothers - Boltor Prime, Latron Prime, Burston Prime, Boar Prime etc. all of these sit comfortably together, require an MR rank to craft, are constructed using parts BP's that are gained in end level missions and are viable end game. the only Prime weapon that is not viable is the Braton Prime, so imo that makes it the worst, because it can't fulfill it's promise.


now arguing against tier is reductive, but this is a PRIME Weapon, and the only one that doesn't sit in the same tier as all the other Prime Weapons. so a reasonable argument instead of reductive lol.

Edited by d1sc1p1e
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But the Karyst and the Sheev are... wow. Impressively bad.

What are you talking about? They are the most interesting daggers in game. The other daggers are ceramic dagger, dark dagger, and heat dagger  Even their names are boring,


For me the worst weapon is the sicarus: Just like the burston but with S#&amp;&#036; damage and you have to reload every 3 seconds.

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The snipetron being removed for "lore reasons" doesn't make sense because DE didn't remove the braton/mk-1 braton as well.


Those are all corpus manufactured weapons.  In the case of the braton, obsolete surplus weapons that are sold on the market and are no longer utilized by the corpus military.


Snipetron could fit the bill of "surplus weapon from yester-year" just as well as the Braton.



I'm also greatly disappointed with the number of people bashing the Lex.  The vanilla lex is a good gun!   It is potent well into T3 defense/survival missions.  The Ak-lex and Lex Prime may be superior to the original, but that doesn't stop the original from being viable.

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