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Ps4 Update 15


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For the first time, I'm actually glad that there is a delay between the pc's and consoles. 15 had a LOT of bugs. Why would you want it in that state? I'd rather they wait until a majority of the hotfixes they employ are introduced before they put it on consoles. Also, it lets me currently enjoy things on the version we have that have been changed in 15 like not losing everything that you accumulated in a defence mission if you fail, full on one ability frame builds etc ;-)


Also, when I get bored of the constant grind, I have now discovered other addictive games to play in the interim .....at the moment I'm loving The Binding of Isaac...as crazy as it is lol

Edited by (PS4)DStealth
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The updates have been getting released at the same time for consoles.


There will be now fixing it in part of the cert process. Since we have to go through it, it is more cost effective and reliable to release to PC first, though the wait time has been reduced drastically the last couple of updates.


Moved to a more appropriate section.

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Console builds are very much the bleeding edge of Warframe. Simultaneous releases would only delay PC builds instead of speeding up console builds (in fact, console builds might even be delayed further by this, due to unforeseen bugs/issues that PC players help identify). 

Our console teams are working very hard at getting PS4 and XB1 builds sent out as quickly as possible. 

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Console builds are very much the bleeding edge of Warframe. Simultaneous releases would only delay PC builds instead of speeding up console builds (in fact, console builds might even be delayed further by this, due to unforeseen bugs/issues that PC players help identify). 

Our console teams are working very hard at getting PS4 and XB1 builds sent out as quickly as possible. 


Awesome thanks for the clarification on this!  - I would much rather receive a solid build than a buggy one, no matter how long it takes. That is for sure.

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Great to see a reply from Drew. It clarifies quite a bit.


I for one support these slower Updates, and actually recently it seems like the ps4 team has been pushing out the updates much quicker than normal (oops I probably jinxed it :P). As someone who came from PC, I find this method much more efficient. They are fixing up those bugs, some pretty game breaking.


Heres an example of 15 in its current state, in archwing, many enemies still fly and get stuck n the cracks and crevices of asteroids. I'm guessing since they are running linear navigation paths, its conflicts, as a result, players have to go hunt them down rather than have a real fight with them. While this is a HUGE improvement over them getting stuck inside terrain, its still one of those issues that has to be fixed to improve experience.

There are issues of your character disappearing and your arching appearing in place of you, during a ground mission. Something pretty crazy to happen and odd. But yet another fix to be done.


My point is, never want an update too much or too soon, you could be asking for bugs like these. The team is hard at work on them and as soon as all is stable and decent  then it will be pushed out for cert and all that jazz.


EDIT: Didn't read 15.1.3 before posting, two of my mentioned issues were resolved, goodbye using my Serro as a flag pole :(

Edited by (PS4)Hollow118
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I for one support these slower Updates

Sorry but that and the very unnecessary bundling of updates is very detrimental in causing player retention. DE Steve publicy appologized for this for update 14 during DevStream 34



So instead of 14.09 Tiberon, 14.10 Excavation return, Blind Justice Stance, 14.10.2 Shifting sands tactical alerts for a week with a 3 day affinity booster as reward that would keep players busy. We now get another gigantual bundle of updates and a longer wait. Instead of repeating the exact same mistake again they should start putting out smaller updates more frequently.

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For the first time, I'm actually glad that there is a delay between the pc's and consoles. 15 had a LOT of bugs. Why would you want it in that state? I'd rather they wait until a majority of the hotfixes they employ are introduced before they put it on consoles. Also, it lets me currently enjoy things on the version we have that have been changed in 15 like not losing everything that you accumulated in a defence mission if you fail, full on one ability frame builds etc ;-)


Also, when I get bored of the constant grind, I have now discovered other addictive games to play in the interim .....at the moment I'm loving The Binding of Isaac...as crazy as it is lol



The updates have been getting released at the same time for consoles.


There will be now fixing it in part of the cert process. Since we have to go through it, it is more cost effective and reliable to release to PC first, though the wait time has been reduced drastically the last couple of updates.


Moved to a more appropriate section.



Console builds are very much the bleeding edge of Warframe. Simultaneous releases would only delay PC builds instead of speeding up console builds (in fact, console builds might even be delayed further by this, due to unforeseen bugs/issues that PC players help identify). 

Our console teams are working very hard at getting PS4 and XB1 builds sent out as quickly as possible. 


All of this. Honestly, even as hyped as I am for update 15 on PS4, I would rather it be delayed for stability rather than be released in a grey state. I would be happy to see it come in December if it meant that. I saw the onslaught of issues PC players had with U15, and I personally experienced a few of them on my PC account, there are also alot of issues with update 15 that still haven't really been sorted out, balancing and whatnot, and I'd rather have these issues dealt with before it gets released on PS4.

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I, for one, am happy PC players are our release beta testers;  so we can test our beta.


Also there's the added bonus of getting time to prep for any changes.  e.g.:  before the ability changes come in,  one can ensure your polarities are in optimal places (in case the script dosent work), Forma and level any warframes with maxed abilities (rather than being pinned to level) and so on.

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