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Which Enemy Do You Find Most Annoying?


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Actually the most annoying are the dam shield grineers.



Oh  you want to walk past me?





*all of my wuts, face palm, into face desk, into face floor, into face in floor, into face dirt *




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My problem with the shield Grineer is how the extremely long stun seems so silly. It's not that I feel that it's unbalanced or anything....if a Corpus device suddenly put me in some sort of stasis or whatever, I would accept it. But this thing hit me with his puny shield; I fell down and....I don't know, decided I'd rather take a nap? You're suddenly like a senile old man struggling to his feet.

Edited by CaligoIllioneus
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Disruptors are pretty annoying. I thought they were bad when I only knew they nulled shields, not shields and energy.

Rollers and a cluster of Shockwave Moa are also infuriating because of their sheer stunlock.

But I also mislike the Ospreys. Two Shield Osprey plus three or four Leeches plus a few Moa and Crewmen for good measure is a fine recipe for shield depletion and serious injury.

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Grineer: Rollers - They roll, they are small, they are annoying!


Corpus: Osprays - They are small, they fly, they put up annoying sheilds, they drop and coat the entire room in mines, they slap shield leechs on you, and sometimes they are hard to hit.


Infected: Ancient Disruptor - They kill your shields instantly, they kill your energy instantly, you can't dodge their attacks, if you keep your distance and shoot they charge and kill your energy and shields, and they take A LOT of damage.

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I tried to think of whats most annoying, and I figured it out, and oddly, some of them one would initially assume to be not as annoying. What I mean is, yeah an Ancient is irksome to deal with at times, but it doesn't seem TOO bad usually (not counting defense missions) Enemies are supposed to be minor annoyances to Rambo Space Ninjas, but there are some that are TOO annoying.


-Osprey are actually ok in my book (except when there are like 5 shield ones), it's not their fault that we suck at aiming while getting shot at.




-Commandos - They need to do something else, that switch teleport is just Janky.


The 2 unusual:


The Heavy Machine Gunners - Their stun ground pound seems to be too responsive, like it's instantaneous and unavoidable.


ANY MOA - They are just so damn stupid that even though they are easy to deal with usually, they just keep coming and continue to spam you. Basically infested with guns if you get a bad level setup and let their numbers buildup...

Edited by Fjarri
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most annoying? most hated enemy?


dishonorable Tenno


holding datamasses outside extraction to intentionally not let mission complete


dishonorable Tenno


rushing to extraction and leaving fallen Tenno behind to fight/die and not get extracted (bonus)


dishonorable Tenno










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