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Trinity, Spare Her De Q_Q & Da Letter.


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What will happen to trinity before?


The entire reason i play her was because of the EV. I played her before viver, heck, she was and is my favorite frame of them all.


EV make you make a build entirely sacrificing everything just to keep your team going. If DE nerfs trinity AGAIN too the point where she is "no longer an energy loophole" than i just might, just might, quit this game.


A place where the DE removes the ONLY reason for a warfarme because its a loophole...... it isn't. Yes, if you macro and camp teh hell out of aparticular area it is. but the way I have my trin built, my hp, and shields, are non-existant just to give my team more buffs.


to me trinity is a healer and energy restorer. decreasing how much energy she can give will not make things better, any energy is enough for spam , considering 75% ability efficiency makes most ults require 20-40 mana, 1 EV no matter HOW much debuffed, will still provide enough for at least 1 ult for the entire team. And so it repeats.


With my build if i loose energy up to the point where I dont have enough for EV, that means im screwed , no EV means no heals, no heals means no hp and shields, means Trinity = Ded, not big surprise.


Others may opt for more spammy non-stop builds, etc., but removing a unique energy function will not help.


Please, at least, define what you mean by

"Our ‘press 4 to win’ ultimates are metered primarily by the supply of energy. Finding an energy loophole means that Homer’s drinking bird can play the game for you. That is not team synergy. That is just broken."


yes thats obvious. but how are you going to "fix" it?? At least give me  ageneral idea.


Already the LOS makes it so that adding range to it is useless, since most maps are crowded and now I have to be fraekign making sure im right near them to get energy, and it prevents my team from doing so. If you make it so that even if I manage to do this magic , along with the entire team, that we get S#&$ for energy, well............that is not helping matters.


Its realy sad, but as i read your "letter", i notice that you promise nothing really important. You are "keeping" all the changes you have made, the LOS ones , and are saying that all of the stuff happened becasue of "bugs to los" (or im getting that impression, because that's all you're fixing" . and you are going ot "let it ride" ......


having map changes is what you did before, keepign the current warframe nerf ain't helping matters, and if you decide to "fix"this like you "fixed" viver....!@#$@4


Keep in mind that it takes a FULLY speced out trinity to use this "loophole." along with a team that knows how to time its shots . I need to max blind rage, etc., and get a lot of rare rank 5 mods to make my build work at all. If I put the time and patience to buff my favorite warframe , areyou going to remove the so called loophole??



maybe its just how I read it, but as far as I can tel you promised nothing specific, only vague generalities like "we are sorry" and "*until we have a cohesive set of changes*" . What does that mean exactly for my Trin. I hope you consult with the Trinity community on what should happen.


How about, you post 3 mega threads in relation to those 3 warframes you nerfed, also wiht Syndicate rep etc. Create those threads and make peopl follow rules similar to mine in my thread, 1 post per person, no rage, solutions only . etc.


also suggest your own example solutions, and people could vote on them. If the community gives a green light, then do it. Quite frankly the community is stupid sometimes, and in those times you should ignore them, but when 99% of the people protest a change its time to do something along the lines of Co-Op with the community


just a couple disjointed thoughts, blah blah blah,


TL;DR: De dont nerf trinity. Perhaps even buff her. Let her keep her energy vampire as is WITHOUT LOS. and also, start looking to the community for responses before you put through major changes like that.



oh and say something about the Grind Wall. besides "we're looking into it" ..... it would help if we at least had a general idea of what you are going to do.


Edited by Personwithhat
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have no issue with the LoS being added to abilities.  And haven't had an issue with LoS affecting my EV as i tend to cast it then kill the target, least on defense maps, and if someone isn't around defending the point to receive the energy.  Tough luck for them.  

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Defence is camping . its easy there. Ever try playing missions other than defence?


the defence maps are usually huge, big enough for EV to reach everything at least.


im talkign about the othe r90% of the game, stuff that is not Defence. Even survival has this problem.....

Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
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Defence is camping . its easy there. Ever try playing missions other than defence?


the defence maps are usually huge, big enough for EV to reach everything at least.


im talkign about the othe r90% of the game, stuff that is not Defence. Even survival has this problem.....


Be glad Link and Blessing isn't LOS yet.

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Trinity nerfs are inevitable, they will come and we Trinity's will just have to score another line in our lobster tails.


If they keep the Los nerf to EV we'll just have to using it in the fight. Everyone goes in a group everyone gets Line of sight of the enemy. It's an inconvenience yes and puts Trinity lower on the scale.


Also i have to agree the Trinity Battery build for power farming does require a pretty spec'ed out Trinity no novice is going to invest that much resources into a frame for that situation.


But you know, people will find a way for it to work. Having blessing always give 99% damage reduction for old school Immortal mode is as easy as a few castanas and Quick thinking. Nerf EV agian? Decay dragon keys + rage and always charge into a fight with Flow and QT as your safety net, pop blessing at 2hp and you're a god again.


It's pretty lame that you have to gimp yourself in order to get the best results though.

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Even when not on defense maps, the way I use my Energy Vampire still benifits those that don't rush ahead to the end like its a race.   I zap and kill, and energy for all that are in sight.  With the way i have my trinity modded, i can go from no energy after EV cast to my full 225 energy cap that I have on her.  As i run a mix between str and dur for my trin build, never really bothered with range.


I can see issues with LoS, but even then its not as bad as people are making it.  This is suppose to be a Co-Op game, with team play, yet there isn't team play when members are going about doing their own thing, yet complain that their teammates aren't helping, when they are on the otherside of the map.    Teamwork and teamplay requires communication (Which the ingame voice chat still needs work, better then it was at start, but can be spotty and scratchy at times)   Moving as a group, or otherwise going into a mission with a plan of action.    And if that plan is to just do your own thing, then still doesn't give anyone the right to complain about a teammates abilities not helping them if they are our of range or out of sight as some abilities are now getting a LoS update :3.

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Wait what?


I have an EV that heals something like 130 energy without the first pulse


Epic link range


100% heal


Boosted WoL


And 20 seconds on both link and blessing without increasing base power EFF


Most of trinities skills are based on power STR


If you kill duration youre killing yourself


Noone needs that much energy that fast even with 4 spam

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