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Continued Exclusive Gifts To Founders Makes Us Feel A Bit Left Out


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But your entire argument is jealousy. Jealousy over something that's almost purely cosmetic at that. Founder's sigils and founder's badges do absolutely nothing in gameplay. Skana prime is slightly better than a normal skana (still sucks compared to most other melee weapons) and it represents an extra weapon to level to 30, so its gameplay benefit is negligible.


You're complaining here because you don't have an opportunity to get one particular piece of bling. What, should I complain how I didn't get a chance to get a Loki prime avatar or the prime sugatra or the really cool gold armor for sentinels because I didn't have the money for it prior to PA rotating out to the Nyx pack? Should I complain about not being able to acquire the Misa Prime syandana because the only way to get it was the 180$ Ember PA pack?


I mean, Founders took on more risk than later PA purchasers did. At the time, we didn't know that Warframe would survive long enough to recoup our investment.



Reading thoroughly, this isn't about the past stuff, it's about smaller gifts given after-the-fact.

It's also about feeling appreciated. Or rather the lack of appreciation. The reason that so many of us wish we were founders is because we see that the Founders are shown these special treatments and appreciation by DE. If my friend hangs out with my favorite Celebrity on the regular, I'd probably ask for him not to go on about it. If I showed that celeb the same support that he did, I'd like to at least keep the illusion that we're both appreciated equally. 

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I'm just sad there's no way for me to get Excalibur Prime, I'm stuck with plain Excalibur which makes me feel like a new player in a starter frame when I play as him. I know its pretty much just cosmetic, and I guess I'm not saying that Excalibur Prime should be non-exclusive, rather I wish there was some other form of Excalibur that I could work for by playing difficult missions or something, like Dragon Excalibur or something.

I feel the same way but I'm hoping to get the Proto Armor for Excalibur at this next anniversary. This is an example of something that we know we can't have and that we can wait for a substitute for. 

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Then I guess the solution I proposed should be good enough: in the case Founders ever get something new, it should be delivered and explained via an in-game Lotus mail directly and only to them. There's no need then to add it to the patch notes. Would this work?


EDIT: Also damn, a lot of people in this thread seem to be missing the point.




If this is about patch notes including Founder items(which makes this a very petty issue), that was the wrong title for the thread.

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It's also about feeling appreciated. Or rather the lack of appreciation. The reason that so many of us wish we were founders is because we see that the Founders are shown these special treatments and appreciation by DE. If my friend hangs out with my favorite Celebrity on the regular, I'd probably ask for him not to go on about it. If I showed that celeb the same support that he did, I'd like to at least keep the illusion that we're both appreciated equally. 

But you are!

Everyone is treated as equals here. Just because I'm grandmaster means nothing at all. 

To me, any future founder item I get is worthless. 

No one is superior than the other.

No one does DE favor over.


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Then I guess the solution I proposed should be good enough: in the case Founders ever get something new, it should be delivered and explained via an in-game Lotus mail directly and only to them. There's no need then to add it to the patch notes. Would this work?

Or DE could just not give us any new "Founders" gifts.


I mean, we got what we paid for; getting new shinies is a bit extraneous and unfair because they were never part of the agreement.

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Or DE could just not give us any new "Founders" gifts.


I mean, we got what we paid for; getting new shinies is a bit extraneous and unfair because they were never part of the agreement.

So instead of agreeing with him in that they may have actually find the middle road to go with, you go for the other extreme?

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Then I guess the solution I proposed should be good enough: in the case Founders ever get something new, it should be delivered and explained via an in-game Lotus mail directly and only to them. There's no need then to add it to the patch notes. Would this work?


EDIT: Also damn, a lot of people in this thread seem to be missing the point.

People are seeing both what they want to see and what they've already seen in this post. It's considered to be a similarly debated topic so some assume that the argument is still the same. I'm glad that you understand that the point is something a bit different.

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It's also about feeling appreciated. Or rather the lack of appreciation. The reason that so many of us wish we were founders is because we see that the Founders are shown these special treatments and appreciation by DE. If my friend hangs out with my favorite Celebrity on the regular, I'd probably ask for him not to go on about it. If I showed that celeb the same support that he did, I'd like to at least keep the illusion that we're both appreciated equally. 

That is why I suggested having a Prime Access sigil as well. I've suggested it at least twice in this thread already.

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People are seeing both what they want to see and what they've already seen in this post. It's considered to be a similarly debated topic so some assume that the argument is still the same. I'm glad that you understand that the point is something a bit different.

To what he said, I can agree with.


But I still think it's an un-needed change

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Or DE could just not give us any new "Founders" gifts.


I mean, we got what we paid for; getting new shinies is a bit extraneous and unfair because they were never part of the agreement.


I also agree with this option, but it was explicitly stated by the OP that this was not their intention.

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Or DE could just not give us any new "Founders" gifts.


I mean, we got what we paid for; getting new shinies is a bit extraneous and unfair because they were never part of the agreement.

I think that it's smart for them to show their continued appreciation for the Founder's generosity when it was needed most, but letting everyone know that there are new Founders Only items being released is what I feel gives people the idea that Founders are not just players. The tension from feeling a small group of people are different or special in some way creates the us vs. them feeling. 

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I would appreciate exclusive future prime access sigils for different prime access packs bought 

But the most important part that I would want to get through buying prime access packs is access to the design sub-forum

DE could do this and then OP would be happy. Besides, even though I'm a founder I also think it's slightly unfair that we get special sigils and such when Prime Access players don't.

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        My only request is that the support we show by buying Prime Access bundles not be overshadowed by the support shown by those who bought the Founders Pack, by being reminded of their continued access to updating exclusive items though the patch notes that are a message to all Tenno, because these messages are not truly meant for all Tenno. 


I think for clarity's purpose all changes should be centralized in the same post and under the same subforum. I wouldn't be opposed to breaking up patch notes and having a separate section heading for things that only affect Founders, but to me that would seem like it calls even more attention to it.


I don't really want to wade into the more general debate about Founders versus "all Tenno" and these sorts of rhetorical divisions. I do think a lot of Founders behave with less humility than I'd like to see, while some non-Founders stoke resentment and discontent unnecessarily by bringing up settled questions like Excal Prime.

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That is why I suggested having a Prime Access sigil as well. I've suggested it at least twice in this thread already.

Those who purchase the Prime Access packages know exactly what they're getting when they buy them. I'm not trying to ask for something more than what I've already payed for and I feel that doing so would make many discount the entire issue I'm trying to discuss. Myself and others have seen your suggestion and I can honestly say that I don't know whether that would relieve the problem. It might or it might not. 

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DE could do this and then OP would be happy. Besides, even though I'm a founder I also think it's slightly unfair that we get special sigils and such when Prime Access players don't.

Personally i wasnt able to purchase the founders package at that time even though i really wanted to

I bought Prime access packs later on to support DE and because I like the stuff they had

I just think its unfortunate that the new prime access packs are kinda under-valued (In comparison to early access packs)

I think its ok to give founders exclusive items but please older prime access packs should also have a future sign that you supported DE

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Again, the Sigils were not a new gift but rather an expansion on the Emblems...

THIS ^^^^


Also, what new Founders exclusives are we getting!? I think I'm missing out here??



What this boils down to is that you dont want to see Founders related items in patch notes??


omg man, seriously?


Thread is titled very wrong and the opening post was very convoluted.

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Wait a minute... So, correct me if I'm wrong, BUT... You're making a fuss (sorry but you are, perhaps not intentionally, but the result is the same, you're just stirring things up) because Founders, who supported the game very early on and took a "risk" to ensure that Warframe would grow to be what it is today received a Founder exclusive sigil. A purely visual cosmetic doodad. That presents NO ADVANTAGE WHATSOEVER other than looking cool. So doesn't provide Founders with ANY form of privilege. Just a PURELY VISUAL thing. With for only real value (and I think it's perfect that way) a form of CONTINUED APPRECIATION from DE to the people who have been there for a long time now, some from the very beginning of this adventure. And throw it in their faces because YOU didn't get one? Seriously?^^'


I'm sorry , I really am, but that's how I see it. You just can't let go of the fact that you couldn't, for X reason, get a Founder's pack, and you just jumped on the first thing you could to just reignite a fire in the hope that you'd get something in return.

Would it make you feel better if DE released a "special non Founders" sigil that only non Founders would receive? If it does, I'd be ready to sign a petition or something. That way we could stop this nonsense.

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I think for clarity's purpose all changes should be centralized in the same post and under the same subforum. I wouldn't be opposed to breaking up patch notes and having a separate section heading for things that only affect Founders, but to me that would seem like it calls even more attention to it.


I don't really want to wade into the more general debate about Founders versus "all Tenno" and these sorts of rhetorical divisions. I do think a lot of Founders behave with less humility than I'd like to see, while some non-Founders stoke resentment and discontent unnecessarily by bringing up settled questions like Excal Prime.

Avoiding resentment and lack of humility is why I've not asked to receive something 'too.' I'm not trying to suggest that 'the Founders get something so why shouldn't I?' I'd just like to be content with what I've given and not reminded that someone else's contribution means more even when some say that there's no difference.  There is very clearly a difference but calling attention to the difference only helps to make the difference clearer. I'm sure that there are a type of Founder for every game but not knowing about them doesn't hurt. Also I'm not suggesting that there's 'All Tenno' and then 'Founders' in a separate category. I'm saying that not all Tenno are Founders so a message to founders is not a message to all Tenno. 

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 Also I'm not suggesting that there's 'All Tenno' and then 'Founders' in a separate category. I'm saying that not all Tenno are Founders so a message to founders is not a message to all Tenno. 




So you say theres no category of Tenno and then you continue to say that not all Tenno are Founders(which is clearly a category of Tenno), so they should have separate update/message system because it makes you feel less of a supporter? Wow... just wow.


You are clearly confused and or just arguing for the sake of it. Making a mountain out of a molehill. Middle child syndrome. Like to play with Red Tape...etc etc.


This thread is petty man sorry, get over yourself -its a video game, not a after school special on sensitivity. I'm not bumping it anymore, sorry I even got involved.

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Wait a minute... So, correct me if I'm wrong, BUT... You're making a fuss (sorry but you are, perhaps not intentionally, but the result is the same, you're just stirring things up) because Founders, who supported the game very early on and took a "risk" to ensure that Warframe would grow to be what it is today received a Founder exclusive sigil. A purely visual cosmetic doodad. That presents NO ADVANTAGE WHATSOEVER other than looking cool. So doesn't provide Founders with ANY form of privilege. Just a PURELY VISUAL thing. With for only real value (and I think it's perfect that way) a form of CONTINUED APPRECIATION from DE to the people who have been there for a long time now, some from the very beginning of this adventure. And throw it in their faces because YOU didn't get one? Seriously?^^'


I'm sorry , I really am, but that's how I see it. You just can't let go of the fact that you couldn't, for X reason, get a Founder's pack, and you just jumped on the first thing you could to just reignite a fire in the hope that you'd get something in return.

Would it make you feel better if DE released a "special non Founders" sigil that only non Founders would receive? If it does, I'd be ready to sign a petition or something. That way we could stop this nonsense.

I don't want anything extra that I haven't already payed for. I appreciate the contribution to the game that you made to help it succeed in it's early days and I understand that you might be thanked now and again to let you know that they haven't forgotten your support.

I am not asking for Excalibur prime.

I am not asking for Lato Prime.

I am not asking for Skana Prime.

I am not asking for a special sigil.

I wasn't' there then and that's never going to be changed. I'm just asking that when the Founders are thanked I'm not standing there awkwardly in the corner. I'd really rather get my handshake at the time of my donation and be happy that I helped something I love to grow. Not being in the room when someone else gets a second handshake isn't going to make me feel better but being in the room might make me feel like maybe I haven't done enough. 

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