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Nyx Pacifying Bolts : Why Does It Exist?


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But but. Psychic bolts are useful when leveling her up from low level and searching enemies. I do suggest to make PB cost only 25 energy. Ehehe. Mind control can just be skill 2 and cost 50 since u can't spam it anyway

that is an excellent idea :O

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But but. Psychic bolts are useful when leveling her up from low level and searching enemies. I do suggest to make PB cost only 25 energy. Ehehe. Mind control can just be skill 2 and cost 50 since u can't spam it anyway

^ That is what it should have been from the beginning, PB should be the spammable #1 like every other WF. Also a topic for another thread ;)

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Am I the only one thinking that this should have been inculded in the skill from the start and not an ability augment?


Bevause PB on their own are still ultra lame.......

Yes, would of been sweet. Love the new augment mod.


But but. Psychic bolts are useful when leveling her up from low level and searching enemies. I do suggest to make PB cost only 25 energy. Ehehe. Mind control can just be skill 2 and cost 50 since u can't spam it anyway

This is also true when leveling her up. Sadly, it was about the only use of them.



NOT slamming the Dev's, just confirming how lackluster the ability was in practice.

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I Like the Pacifying Bolts.

When my health starts running low, i used to Mind Control an enemy, equip my melee and Life Strike my health back up. But with the recent changes to mind Control im unable to do that. So i used Pacifying Bolts now, it works just as good.

Its a very useful small crowd control ability now. Something you can cast at nearby enemys that arn't under the effects of Chaos. Also its castable while your reloading.

I find Pacifying bolts very useful, especially at end game.

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I Like the Pacifying Bolts.

When my health starts running low, i used to Mind Control an enemy, equip my melee and Life Strike my health back up. But with the recent changes to mind Control im unable to do that. So i used Pacifying Bolts now, it works just as good.

Its a very useful small crowd control ability now. Something you can cast at nearby enemys that arn't under the effects of Chaos. Also its castable while your reloading.

I find Pacifying bolts very useful, especially at end game.

No one is saying pacifying bolts are bad they are saying that it should have been a buff to psychic bolts instead of a augmentation mod.

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