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[Theory] Post-Humanism And The Possible Impact On Tenno And Their Culture


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It's not an impossibility, however, in that interpretation why go to Cryosleep at all? If the Tenno reacted in pursuit of 'our turn to be worshipped' then they had an extremely odd methodology if that meant taking the seat and sleeping on it. Between that and the general significance of Balance for the Tenno Modus Operandi, as far as the Lotus states at least, it's generally seemed that should the Tenno become the most powerful thing in the system, they go to Cryosleep to restore 'balance' to the less powerful beings.


Can't really say I've got direct arguments against that possibility, but we'd have to wait for some more clarification. Perhaps the Arbiters of Hexis are an expression of that side of the Tenno. Food for thought.


As for the celebration of human holidays, also possible. Whether or not this is done merely to explore the cultural concepts or something else would probably vary from Tenno to Tenno. At any rate, Tenno celebrations would be curious affairs, as they'd likely have a few loans from other cultures as well as some of their own traditions.


The issue then becomes a case of when, how and why they do or don't celebrate certain holidays. It's difficult to really gauge how far the Asceticism really gets for them. Hmm...although if anything, I suspect that they celebrate the founding of a clan/joining of a clan member, victories over great odds and honour those lost in battle at least. How exactly is open for speculation.

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I wonder if the Tenno can also do other activities in the Dojo besides meditating, training, writing poetry/calligraphy, gardening and "playing" with their Kubrow's, when they're out of battle.


Like cooking, maybe? (for non-Tenno humans/civilians in the Dojo) 


Huh. It makes you wonder if the Tenno have facilities that provide basic needs for humans in their Dojo such as beds, kitchen and infirmary. You know, just in case if they have human/civilian visitors or guests; while the Tenno themselves don't require sleep* nor eat* to live.



I use this only to make my point. XD 


*: Those might be debatable. 

Edited by zxcv1911
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The picture is fine, it raises a fair point after all.


As far as 'rest', the Barracks rooms do seem to be some measure of pod selection so perhaps that's the closest we get to Tenno 'sleeping'. I'm somewhat unsure what the Tenno would do if they had civilians at the Dojo, but...it's possible to assume this is a case of 'irrelevant? Don't show it'.


Dojos seem to serve as sort-of meditation centres, but mostly for a military regroup facility. Even the Relays are rather spartan. Yet it is, like you see, plausible they might have to contend with non-Tenno with all their physical requirements.


So...it's possible? Although I am honestly unsure how wise it may be to have a Tenno trying to cook, especially in a Warframe if they don't have intense decontamination systems in place. I mean, that'd be just what you need, a little bit of blood with your porridge. Although then again I suppose Warframes could be designed so their basically repellent of any liquid or material. It's not only highly vain, perfect for Orokin aesthetics, to have a 'no stains' feature, but also practical as it'd save on cleaning time I guess.


I mean, the amount of Infested gore I have waded through...my 'frame's likely need serious cleaning. Off-screen is a thing that can be used to tidy that up, though.


As for rest...I'd suspect it is likely, the Tenno being sentient and supposedly self-aware and all that. Anything with a thinking mind, even without, needs to rest. Whilst my own theory is that the use some kind of esoteric intermediary so that their consciousness can do whatever it likes between Warframes, think along the lines of the Matrix, it's not supported as of yet by standing information so complete headcanon.


But, hey, if theory leads to some interesting narratives that engage people a bit, no harm.


And, as I'm sure other folks can tell you, a well chosen picture can be very useful in discussion of an idea, as it may state the case more readily than stating it yourself. I know for myself I will link towards pictures for the sake of reference if I feel it's useful. But again that's just down to my academic background. Picture spam conveys nothing, but a deliberate and particular use of a single or set of pictures is very pertinent.

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So...it's possible? Although I am honestly unsure how wise it may be to have a Tenno trying to cook, especially in a Warframe if they don't have intense decontamination systems in place.


Well, it's just because since the Tenno hold a form of appreciation on the beauty of art and nature, so why not in the culinary art too? Take for example in East Asian cuisines; they're considered as an art form in its own right. The best I could think of is the Japanese Kaiseki cuisine, specifically with the shojin ryori (vegetarian temple food of Buddhist monks) and honzen ryori (imperial and aristocratic samurai cuisine) when it comes to skills and techniques that allow preparation of such meals.


As for rest...I'd suspect it is likely, the Tenno being sentient and supposedly self-aware and all that. Anything with a thinking mind, even without, needs to rest. Whilst my own theory is that the use some kind of esoteric intermediary so that their consciousness can do whatever it likes between Warframes, think along the lines of the Matrix, it's not supported as of yet by standing information so complete headcanon.


This reminds me of a Mass Effect crossover fanfic I'm working on where the main character in it is an Awakened Collector. One of the several things I've tackled in the fic is how a completely synthetic being that have a self-awareness and mind of an organic could cope with the constant feelings of need to sleep and eat (and in extreme cases: breathe) similar to any organic beings, while at the same time he doesn't need such necessities due to the synthetic nature of his body.


His mind and self-awareness are exactly the same as before he was captured by the Reapers and transformed into a Prothean husk (Collector). To prevent himself from becoming insane, he is constantly meditating every day before and after the battle in order to bring tranquility to his confused, chaotic and complex mind. This is, in someway, how I can relate with the situation the Tenno are having and experiencing each day before performing their missions.

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I can see where you're coming from, I'm just unsure how Tenno who...in this account could very well have lost the capacity to appreciate food at all would engage with the culinary. Possible but well, if you haven't got the capacity for something, how do you know you're doing it well or right? Food for thought *cough*


As for your second point, that's a fairly reasonable thing. The way I picture the 'Ephemeral' as I have dubbed it is a manner of malleable 'dreamscape' that serves the intentions of the Tenno occupant. However, if they don't will it to be anything, then it's literally a blank nothingness. Which...feels like something sensible; there is only what you will, and even that is an illusion. Ascetic, sort of.


Valkyr's a fun one to consider, when it comes to meditation; how much of it is conscious suppression of the trauma, or involuntarily being 'knocked out' of a trance state because of the distractions of rage? Although I am of the view that a Valkyr user learns to temper rage into no more than another tool. Tranquil Fury sort of thing.

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It might be possible culinary arts on tenno are lost. The suits might not come off in a sense, since we could possibly be transferring our consciousness from one frame to another, but it does not mean we don't need some type of organic substance to keep our bodies alive. We might be more cyborg than anything requiring some type of meat to be inside the frame. We bleed and still require oxygen for archwing use. The warframe suit or at the very least the barracks could remove toxins from our blood and add nutrients kinda like a pseudo-dialysis treatment.

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You know, honestly, that's a very good question.


I mean, supposing that the Tenno are as I've suggested little more than a migratory consciousness laced with Void Power, one wonders what the Warframe actually is. How much is organic and how much is machine? Is it a simple matter that a Warframe not in use is, like you say, on some measure of IV? Curious.


Certainly interesting to consider. Although I'm not sure where a reasonable hypothesis would begin. Hmm. Could the Warframes feed off the ambient Void Energy the Tenno have for sustenance? The Technocyte material involved is, after all, possibly the only thing that needs any upkeep beyond the mechanical. Although considering how old the Derelicts seem to be and how...healthy...the Infested population seems to be on those, could a Technocyte life form have either an insanely low metabolism, or just live off of the ambient Void radiation?


Not sure where exactly to go on that, but it seems plausible that's the 'mutual benefit' a Tenno occupant offers a Warframe, if so; the Warframe allows a Tenno to be embodied and, in general, awesome, whilst the Tenno's Void energies provide the Warframe sustenance. It'd certainly be an original take on the concept of Powered Armour, so far as I'm aware.

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I can see where you're coming from, I'm just unsure how Tenno who...in this account could very well have lost the capacity to appreciate food at all would engage with the culinary. Possible but well, if you haven't got the capacity for something, how do you know you're doing it well or right? Food for thought *cough*

The Tenno culinary arts might be existed during the Orokin Era. While the Tenno cannot eat food, they probably served them for their Orokin masters/teachers and misc. Orokin visitors. I see engaging in culinary arts as one of the ways (besides caligraphy, gardening, poetry etc) for the Tenno to remind them of their humanity, despite that they're no longer humans and they possibly have no chance or hope to become one again.

As for how do they know the foods the Tenno did were well or right, while they can't taste anything, their foods were tasted by their teachers. The teachers could've taught the Tenno to rely on the knowledge, precision and confidence when it comes to handling the amounts and types of ingredients used, and the techniques required to prepare the foods. Kinda like how chemists in a ninja clan concocting effective poisons for their tools and specific tasks. Of course, this is food we're talking about.

In the Present Era, however, well... it's not like their Dojo are often visited by the rescued hostages or someone that are non-Tenno; if their culinary arts aren't lost. Giving the foods to the Kubrows may seem kind of wasting/defeating the purpose. With the Relays are introduced in the game and there're plenty of civilians inside, looks like the Tenno arts of cookery might have found its purpose once more and would not go to waste.

Edited by zxcv1911
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End of the day, honestly not sure. And if it were as a means to remind them of what they'd lost to encourage them to think of human, that'd be one of the worst ways to go about it. If anything it'd only serve to reinforce the loss of being conventionally human, further damaging that connection.


If humanity is something you partake in, like any experience if you lack the capacity it's extremely difficult to engage with it. Exceptions exist, after all, but it's still...not the same thing. You could make the greatest dish ever known, but you'd only have the words of others to go on. If you can't experience something for yourself, it doesn't exist for you.


After all, it's nowhere near the same thing but, trust me when I say that the desire to comprehend the world as someone with perfect colour vision does, is a very tempting daydream. To experience the impossible is a very human desire...but to have the impossibility thrown in your face in the day to day would be...likely to incite contempt.


Honestly, I just can't say where to stand on the whole 'Tenno and culinary'. I mean...basic combat rations maybe, but even then a human soldier should be expected to be able to attend to themselves, not need the hyper-lethal Void-fuelled warrior tossing noodles on a wok.


At least the mental image is amusing.

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The picture is fine, it raises a fair point after all.


As far as 'rest', the Barracks rooms do seem to be some measure of pod selection so perhaps that's the closest we get to Tenno 'sleeping'. I'm somewhat unsure what the Tenno would do if they had civilians at the Dojo, but...it's possible to assume this is a case of 'irrelevant? Don't show it'.


Dojos seem to serve as sort-of meditation centres, but mostly for a military regroup facility. Even the Relays are rather spartan. Yet it is, like you see, plausible they might have to contend with non-Tenno with all their physical requirements.


So...it's possible? Although I am honestly unsure how wise it may be to have a Tenno trying to cook, especially in a Warframe if they don't have intense decontamination systems in place. I mean, that'd be just what you need, a little bit of blood with your porridge. Although then again I suppose Warframes could be designed so their basically repellent of any liquid or material. It's not only highly vain, perfect for Orokin aesthetics, to have a 'no stains' feature, but also practical as it'd save on cleaning time I guess.


I mean, the amount of Infested gore I have waded through...my 'frame's likely need serious cleaning. Off-screen is a thing that can be used to tidy that up, though.


As for rest...I'd suspect it is likely, the Tenno being sentient and supposedly self-aware and all that. Anything with a thinking mind, even without, needs to rest. Whilst my own theory is that the use some kind of esoteric intermediary so that their consciousness can do whatever it likes between Warframes, think along the lines of the Matrix, it's not supported as of yet by standing information so complete headcanon.


But, hey, if theory leads to some interesting narratives that engage people a bit, no harm.


And, as I'm sure other folks can tell you, a well chosen picture can be very useful in discussion of an idea, as it may state the case more readily than stating it yourself. I know for myself I will link towards pictures for the sake of reference if I feel it's useful. But again that's just down to my academic background. Picture spam conveys nothing, but a deliberate and particular use of a single or set of pictures is very pertinent.

Tenno could function in the same way the quarians of mass effect do, weak immune systems so they must keep their suits on except in a sterilized environment and the same goes for interacting with each other when their suits are off they can only do it in a sterilized environment aka dojo, relay and ship.

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I'm not really sure that the suits, if 'worn' in a conventional manner, are necessarily for the protection of the Tenno. The Warframe is a tool to allow a Tenno to fight, but it again is something more suited to the Orokin; a crafted appearance for their 'Warrior Gods' to look the part.


Personally, if we take the whole 'twisted few' comments and the general lines concerning an 'affliction', the implication seems to be that the Warframe acts a quarantine to separate the potentially dangerous Tenno from a greater populace. After all, if the Tenno were to have a physical body, in this line of events, then they're a possible vector for the spread of Void energy in real space. Heck, even the Radio Chatter occasionally mentions 'energy residue', implying that Tenno have some sort of lingering effect on an area they've been through; it is likely this energy is the void energy.


Seeing as these Void Energies are refined through the medium of a Warframe, either the concentration is higher because it is refined, or it's less directly potent without a Warframe, but there's no mitigation of its spread. Speaking entirely theoretically, of course.


After all, the Warframes are mainly a medium for weaponising the Tenno and their abilities. They could also serve to make them unable to affect civilians with their Void energies indirectly.


As I said once elsewhere, 'Battle Quarantine suits, designed to keep Tenno away from sensitive Orokin eyes'.

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I'm not really sure that the suits, if 'worn' in a conventional manner, are necessarily for the protection of the Tenno. The Warframe is a tool to allow a Tenno to fight, but it again is something more suited to the Orokin; a crafted appearance for their 'Warrior Gods' to look the part.


Personally, if we take the whole 'twisted few' comments and the general lines concerning an 'affliction', the implication seems to be that the Warframe acts a quarantine to separate the potentially dangerous Tenno from a greater populace. After all, if the Tenno were to have a physical body, in this line of events, then they're a possible vector for the spread of Void energy in real space. Heck, even the Radio Chatter occasionally mentions 'energy residue', implying that Tenno have some sort of lingering effect on an area they've been through; it is likely this energy is the void energy.


Seeing as these Void Energies are refined through the medium of a Warframe, either the concentration is higher because it is refined, or it's less directly potent without a Warframe, but there's no mitigation of its spread. Speaking entirely theoretically, of course.


After all, the Warframes are mainly a medium for weaponising the Tenno and their abilities. They could also serve to make them unable to affect civilians with their Void energies indirectly.


As I said once elsewhere, 'Battle Quarantine suits, designed to keep Tenno away from sensitive Orokin eyes'.

That would make sense and I imagine that the Tenno crafted structures such as dojos or relays might have a way to contain that void energy that they spread so as to not hurt the populace that uses them, or so they can interact with each other, it is implied in the Excalibur codex that the tenno can not use their abilities as well or even at all without the warframes. As it says the warframes were created for the tenno to be a conduit for their abilities.

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It's not impossible, however whether or not the Tenno have a physical form separate from a Warframe is half the point of this theory, asking 'if not, what?'. Nevertheless, yes, it could be that narratively the Tenno have such 'Void/Tenno' proofing technology, or it's why pretty much all individuals seen in the relays have those funky outfits; Void resistant suits so whatever ambient radiation the Tenno may have to them isn't affecting the civilians.


After all, the Grineer radio transmissions not only mention Void 'echoes' and 'masks', likely the imprint that the Liset stealth systems/transit have, but they also mention 'Tenno energy residue'. Now whilst yes Tenno kind of make a mess of things anyway, the way it's used comes across, at least to me, as something akin to 'biohazard warning'. Now, yes, Tenno energy values probably are cause for concern as they're likely on your ship, killing your dudes. But, as I outlined above, if Tenno have an inherent 'background radiation' attribute, that does lead to some interesting issues.


Beyond this, it is worth noting that the Excalibur codex states Warframes are a conduit for the Tenno's affliction. This goes two ways; in the first, the Warframes have the powers as part of their system design, but the Tenno are the power source to manifest them reliably/in a controlled way. Deferring to the Rhino Prime Codex, the Proto-Rhino demonstrated Rhino Charge, Iron Skin and possibly Roar without any clear indication of there being a Tenno operating it. Yes, I acknowledge the possibility they could have been but that's still how it comes across, particularly after the 'Zariman Proximity' utterly changes Proto-Rhino's behaviour.


The second version; the Tenno's Void taint gives them the fundamental capacity to express it in seemingly random, endless ways. This is the basis from which a Warframe exists, as simply a focus to direct the full brunt of a Tenno's energy into that particularly 'expression' aka Power. So the Rhino is the medium by which the Tenno can express Rhino Charge, Iron Skin, Roar and Rhino Stomp consistently and reliably. The Trinity, Well of Life, Energy Vampire, Link, Blessing. In this interpretation, Vor's analogy holds true; Warframes are merely the 'lens, shaping your furious light'.


And I'll throw in my own analogy.


Ever played Magic the Gathering?


In magic, there are 5 colours of magic, White, Red, Black, Green and Blue. These colours and combinations there of allow you to cast and summon things related to that colour. Now, there's also a 6th colour; Colourless. This is the colour of objects, artifacts and all that. Any Mana Colour will do, so long as the cost is paid.


In a way, then, Tenno serve as Colourless Mana, and the Warframe's simply 'colour' them from their natural state to the powers we see them use within that frame.


Hmm...and whilst I'm here? Could it not be possible that Tenno, sans Warframe, could be similar to Argon Crystals; namely, without something to temper/anchor them, they decay. Beings between worlds, almost. After all, is it inconceivable that is the Void Taint, and the source of Tenno power? That they were changed to be as unto that realm's nature, and conventional space is almost antithetical to them?


It certainly seems to work with the narrative I've constructed so far, with what we know. Any thoughts?

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Thanks for the approval.


I hope it's proved an interesting discussion so far. Guess it's just a pity that any further elaboration is more 'headcanon' than 'working with what's given' for the time being.

Edited by Blakrana
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Thanks for the approval.


I hope it's proved an interesting discussion so far. Guess it's just a pity that any further elaboration is more 'headcanon' than 'working with what's given' for the time being.


too true, I've been following the discussion but haven't had much to add. Waiting for Steve now...

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It's not impossible, however whether or not the Tenno have a physical form separate from a Warframe is half the point of this theory, asking 'if not, what?'. Nevertheless, yes, it could be that narratively the Tenno have such 'Void/Tenno' proofing technology, or it's why pretty much all individuals seen in the relays have those funky outfits; Void resistant suits so whatever ambient radiation the Tenno may have to them isn't affecting the civilians.


After all, the Grineer radio transmissions not only mention Void 'echoes' and 'masks', likely the imprint that the Liset stealth systems/transit have, but they also mention 'Tenno energy residue'. Now whilst yes Tenno kind of make a mess of things anyway, the way it's used comes across, at least to me, as something akin to 'biohazard warning'. Now, yes, Tenno energy values probably are cause for concern as they're likely on your ship, killing your dudes. But, as I outlined above, if Tenno have an inherent 'background radiation' attribute, that does lead to some interesting issues.


Beyond this, it is worth noting that the Excalibur codex states Warframes are a conduit for the Tenno's affliction. This goes two ways; in the first, the Warframes have the powers as part of their system design, but the Tenno are the power source to manifest them reliably/in a controlled way. Deferring to the Rhino Prime Codex, the Proto-Rhino demonstrated Rhino Charge, Iron Skin and possibly Roar without any clear indication of there being a Tenno operating it. Yes, I acknowledge the possibility they could have been but that's still how it comes across, particularly after the 'Zariman Proximity' utterly changes Proto-Rhino's behaviour.


The second version; the Tenno's Void taint gives them the fundamental capacity to express it in seemingly random, endless ways. This is the basis from which a Warframe exists, as simply a focus to direct the full brunt of a Tenno's energy into that particularly 'expression' aka Power. So the Rhino is the medium by which the Tenno can express Rhino Charge, Iron Skin, Roar and Rhino Stomp consistently and reliably. The Trinity, Well of Life, Energy Vampire, Link, Blessing. In this interpretation, Vor's analogy holds true; Warframes are merely the 'lens, shaping your furious light'.


And I'll throw in my own analogy.


Ever played Magic the Gathering?


In magic, there are 5 colours of magic, White, Red, Black, Green and Blue. These colours and combinations there of allow you to cast and summon things related to that colour. Now, there's also a 6th colour; Colourless. This is the colour of objects, artifacts and all that. Any Mana Colour will do, so long as the cost is paid.


In a way, then, Tenno serve as Colourless Mana, and the Warframe's simply 'colour' them from their natural state to the powers we see them use within that frame.


Hmm...and whilst I'm here? Could it not be possible that Tenno, sans Warframe, could be similar to Argon Crystals; namely, without something to temper/anchor them, they decay. Beings between worlds, almost. After all, is it inconceivable that is the Void Taint, and the source of Tenno power? That they were changed to be as unto that realm's nature, and conventional space is almost antithetical to them?


It certainly seems to work with the narrative I've constructed so far, with what we know. Any thoughts?

All good points, personally I think the sheer mystery behind both the Tenno and the Warframes is what makes their history and lore so exciting as there isn't exactly a right or wrong answer at this point. The only limit is what we place on our imagination.

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  • 1 month later...

I like it. All of it. I hope this is along the lines of what is eventually revealed to be canon.


As an aside- why does everyone assume that the children on the Zariman are Tenno? Regarding Ember's codex entry, couldn't it be the case that the Corpus (I'm assuming) found and captured the human children of some settlement, and that an enraged Ember found out about it and broke in to free them? Obviously, Kaleen's burn came from an Ember, but where is it conclusively shown that this Ember was one of the children?

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I like it. All of it. I hope this is along the lines of what is eventually revealed to be canon.


As an aside- why does everyone assume that the children on the Zariman are Tenno? Regarding Ember's codex entry, couldn't it be the case that the Corpus (I'm assuming) found and captured the human children of some settlement, and that an enraged Ember found out about it and broke in to free them? Obviously, Kaleen's burn came from an Ember, but where is it conclusively shown that this Ember was one of the children?


So far as potential canon; no idea. It's just one of the three possible directions the lore seems to be able to support. If there's a fourth interpretation, I've not seen it (Going in order of 'Hammerspace suits' for 1 version, 'Guyver style host modification' for 2, this being the 'Specially made body' 3. I guess 'Literal Energy Beings' would be variant 4?)


So far as the the Ember Codex:


First, all of the codices with the Prime Frames relate to them in some manner. Rhino Prime codex gives us a glimpse at Proto-Rhino (and indeed is key in some of this theory's potentially supporting evidence), Mag Prime gives us Mag Prime herself whilst using an Archwing as well (cleverly hinted, now we have hindsight). With this in mind, the Ember Codex has to be referring to her/them in some capacity in the text.


As a result, due to Kaleen's injury and the implied time of the setting, this seemingly an Orokin Military Tribunal (Complete with plausible deniability!), it seems fair to say that one of the Zariman children Kaleen encountered is the implied 'Ember'.


Further, the later Rhino Prime codex explicitly references the Zariman children when it comes to the end where Proto-Rhino gains a measure of arguably uncharacteristic composure, looking at it from the context of that event; up until 'Zariman Proximity' (as I call it), the Proto-Rhino is, for want of a better, feral to the point of being (hypothetically, but that's pedantry) cannibalistic. Yet, once it gets close to the alleged Zariman children...it stops and Davis' theory is given all he needs. Which begs so many unpleasant questions in and of itself.


In a way, Ember Prime's Codex implied it and Rhino Prime's Codex confirmed it, in as much as the Zariman children are important to the creation of a Tenno/Warframe system in some manner. Whether they became the Primes, the Proto-Warframes/Tenno or some as yet unknown designation remains unclear. After all, if Primes are the 'superior prototype', are they the Beta version and the Proto-Rhino the Alpha version?


In terms of a hypothetical Time Line the events would read, in order, Ember Prime Codex, Rhino Prime Codex and then Mag Prime Codex. You could then arguably tack Stalkers on the end of any of these 'Orokin Era' accounts, being the account of the end, or at the least the start of the end of said Era. Later Prime Codex entries will quite likely fit into the timeline around these points.


One way or another...hypothetically, everything to do with the Tenno/Warframes 'starts' with the Disappearance of the Zariman, where an alleged child seems to be responsible for burning a military officer, after being lost in the Void for unclear amounts of time.


The Corpus have so far no clear place within the Orokin timeline that we can posit, as yet. The most tenuous link we have is that their Detron design is derived from that of the Orokin Era Mara Detron. Whether this is old Corpus designation (Smuggling is right up there alley) is unclear as of this time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like it. All of it. I hope this is along the lines of what is eventually revealed to be canon.


As an aside- why does everyone assume that the children on the Zariman are Tenno? Regarding Ember's codex entry, couldn't it be the case that the Corpus (I'm assuming) found and captured the human children of some settlement, and that an enraged Ember found out about it and broke in to free them? Obviously, Kaleen's burn came from an Ember, but where is it conclusively shown that this Ember was one of the children?

Hi, JackBeloved, as it stands the lore we have as little as it is has made some heavy implications, the first one would be on the orokin, we can see the trees on the lost derelict ships, trees usually take several decades or centuries to grow that big, the other would be that primary orokin technology is salvaged from dig sites, this means it is a matter of archeology, so it could be implied a time frame similar to ancient egypt and current us; we also know that Darvo is over 100 years old and is seen as a young man practically, his elders surely are older than that, and the corpus have barely a grasp of orokin technology they have salvaged, I would imply that the orokin have been lost for several hundreds if not for a couple thousands or years; maybe the extermination of the orokin and the disapearance of their technology (mostly found in the void, which is inaccesible to most) cause the "Collapse" of civilization, so the idea that corpus and grineer were contemporary to the orokin grows dim I´d suppose.


Other point is the circumstances of the Zariman, the lore exposes that ships travel at faster than light speeds are gettin lost in the fold (folding space technology) never to return, the Zariman being the exception, Warframe´s current era we know that ships are being folded through the void in the solar rails, this sets the Zariman´s circumstances as the accident that brought about the discovery of the void and the initial point of the "Void Era", so at this point I suppose there is no knowledge of the void, and no one that has return from it, the Tenno being survivors of the void, would be unlikely for them to be in warframe armors at this point.



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Hi, JackBeloved, as it stands the lore we have as little as it is has made some heavy implications, the first one would be on the orokin, we can see the trees on the lost derelict ships, trees usually take several decades or centuries to grow that big, the other would be that primary orokin technology is salvaged from dig sites, this means it is a matter of archeology, so it could be implied a time frame similar to ancient egypt and current us;

Well we do know that the Orokin were capable of bioengineering among other things that is how the forests on earth were created, so it stands to reason that the tree's we keep on seeing were probably altered to grow at a certain rate or have properties not found in nature. In the Event that happened a while back were the grineer were trying to destroy earth's forests I remember them saying that it was tough destroying the Orokin forests because they fought back and grew back as quickly as they were destroyed.

Edited by Archangelzz
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Well we do know that the Orokin were capable of bioengineering among other things that is how the forests on earth were created, so it stands to reason that the tree's we keep on seeing were probably altered to grow at a certain rate or have properties not found in nature. In the Event that happened a while back were the grineer were trying to destroy earth's forests I remember them saying that it was tough destroying the Orokin forests because they fought back and grew back as quickly as they were destroyed.

certainly for the forest of earth, that the orokin tried to restore, the derelict ones could still be a different story

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