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Gyrojet Rifle


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Well, that and just the fact that there's already powerfull enough antimateriel weaopns in our hands. And I doubt rpg would do any good in space combat, so...


And, devs said so about the grenades... At least we could claim that gyrojet is just a rifle with little knockback and damage, rising with distance. (and an explosive crit, it would be delicious).

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Anti-armor explosive vs. hull = spaaaaaaaaace


It's a moot point anyway. The Devs have repeatedly said explosives won't find their way into Tenno hands. They tried it early on but it took away from the impact of Powers.


hahahaha the impact of what ?

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hahahaha the impact of what ?


He means that they felt that grenades were too much like warframe powers, so they decided to keep them only as such, and removed what they had ingame about them. Watch the stream, Steve says that there.

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and i mean that damage powers are currently ridiculously ineffective at killing stuff in most cases compared to weapons ANYWAYS( there are few exceptions like banshee's 4th power)


Can't argue with that... Damage doesn't scale well at all so far. Here's hopes devs will add mods that will boost ability damage specifically.)

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And a very odd one. You'd expect a thermobaric grenade launcher so far into the future.

Considering just how far in the future it is I would expect automatic homing microfusion grenade launchers. But that maaaaay be just a liitle OP :P


At least we could claim that gyrojet is just a rifle with little knockback and damage, rising with distance. (and an explosive crit, it would be delicious).

I love the explosive crit idea! I'm gonna update my weapon thread with that if you don't mind.


She means...

Fixed it for you :)

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Considering just how far in the future it is I would expect automatic homing microfusion grenade launchers. But that maaaaay be just a liitle OP :P


I love the explosive crit idea! I'm gonna update my weapon thread with that if you don't mind.


Fixed it for you :)

Weeeeeeell, fusion has it's own problems. And, that's only OP as long as you don't say "but your armour is so ubercool you can shrug off a few direct hits!"

No, I don't mind, of course.)

And, sorry, I had no way of knowing, milady.))

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Good point, Carbon nanotubes and synthetic diamondoid for everyone!

No worries, I've spent the last couple days talking guns. I am aware that is atypical behavior for the average modern female :P I was raised on a steady diet of 80s action movies, Doom and Quake.

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Good point, Carbon nanotubes and synthetic diamondoid for everyone!

No worries, I've spent the last couple days talking guns. I am aware that is atypical behavior for the average modern female :P I was raised on a steady diet of 80s action movies, Doom and Quake.


Well, doesn't that technically make you perfect?


[le bump]

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Am I the only one who likes the origional gyrojet carbine, and would love to see it recreated in warframe? 




well, it looks like a toy gun, but I agree, seeing it recreated in warframy style would be awsome.

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I've seen better toy guns.


It's just so plasticky-chineese, I can't help it. Also, gigantic triangle muzzle-sight.


Better how so? 


There isn't any plastic on this thing at all. I understand where you're coming from, it's certainly unconventional - but it's got such sleek lines. I personally find it very visually pleasing.


Then again, I worship the G11's design - and a lot of people find it disgusting.



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