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I Don't Love De Anymore.


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Time for a intervention. Instead of asking for a "Gender Select" for warframes, think of using the alternates as additions for the Warframe game.


Simple and easy, so stop before this becomes another Rule of the Internet: 63. We dont need another TF2 Pyro inccident, please?


(And yes, whether you think so or not, some of the /b/ Rulse of the Internet actaully are true.)

Edited by Zenn
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Time for a intervention. Instead of asking for a "Gender Select" for warframes, think of using the alternates as additions for the Warframe game.


Simple and easy, so stop before this becomes another Rule of the Internet: 63. We dont need another TF2 Pyro inccident, please?


(And yes, whether you think so or not, some of the /b/ Rulse of the Internet actaully are true.)

what inccident? the one where they call him a he but the subtitles call it a she?

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Gender swapping frames would reduce the personality of each frame.


Since when do the frames have personality? They have no unique animation, no fluff, no sounds. All they have is appearance (with colour the player chooses) and powers.


Please let us choose gender for ourselves. It doesn't even take much work, especially since the animation skeleton is the same for all frames.

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Why did you draw a moustache on Ash?

Don't hate us! We see the reaction to this artwork, maybe one day folks. For now, Ash remains the same.


Excuse me Rebecca, I moustache you a question, but I may have to shave it for later.

Edited by Vaskadar
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Why did you draw a moustache on Ash?

Don't hate us! We see the reaction to this artwork, maybe one day folks. For now, Ash remains the same.


Those that want the female Ash design somehow implemented into the game should definitely voice it on this topic. And maybe that "one day" will be sooner for them.


*signs* I want it :( The wallet is ready o3o

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I guess they don't want to open the pandora box of doing an ash female, and not doing another version for each other warframe. Anyway, I felt the same, the more sexy and charismatic warframe went down in the design table. 


When I got Ash i felt It lacked something visually, and didn't know what exactly until I saw the livestream

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what inccident? the one where they call him a he but the subtitles call it a she?


Yeah, that Arguement that is still raging on.Rule 63 is true, reguardless if you hate /b/ or not. Don't argue, make a comprimise people.

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As cool as I think that concept art looked, I too believe this would distract from the individual character and personality of each Warframe.


If you have a single Mag in her mysterious suit, you kind of wonder who Mag might be; you identify Mag as being one person, one Warframe.

I think this effect remains even if you have a party of 4 Mags, simply because she's unique in design regardless. 4 of the same unique entity, for game flexibility's sake.


On the contrary, if you have a male Mag and a female Mag, suddenly you've already turned 'Mag' into something far more generic. There's two versions, there isn't anything unique about either of them apart from their assets and this makes it feel like the Warframe suit itself is the defining factor, not the person underneath.


With the potential of future mods changing/giving abilities, having another Ash would seem redundant. Almost like the first step towards a gender swap. Also, if one version should be better, you're only going to see that one most often.


I'd probably say yes to introducing this concept re-worked as a future Warframe, completely separate from Ash; but I don't even watch Anime and I've seen enough Hatsune Mikus around the internet to know that I'd rather not have those giant over-sized tentacle ponytails on it.

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I'd probably say yes to introducing this concept re-worked as a future Warframe, completely separate from Ash;

I can't really express myself very good, but this is kind of what I want. As I said, I don't want gender swap nor do I want Ash to be replaced. I want a different solution, maybe something similar to what you said. Or maybe it could be the reward of a new founders program. I don't know.


Leave my beloved ASH alone!  and his space ninja  testicles

I have nothing against his testicles, Ash is my favorite warframe after all.

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I don't know what's supposed to be so great about the ash concept. So it's a hot chick in a tight suit with some bandage/bone like protection and a long ponytail. REVOLUTIONARY!


Also, I think it looks too similar to the Ash we got now to be made as a seperate Warframe without heavy reworking.

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The problem is that current females not so cool and sexy as this concept. Only Nyx looks like woman and maybe Mag. Other females too monstrous. And OFC Trinity is not sexy nurse from my dreams )))

Edited by Morgk
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