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Making Us Care About Our Sentinels / Increase Immersion


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I think it'd be nice if our sentinels to have more abilities, and/or weapons.

Maybe Sound suppressing for Shade, Bullet reflecting for Wyrm? Something to give them more worth. See them as support "pets" something to help in a firefight, it'd also be cool if they also was team supporting.

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I have an additional suggestion for this.


1) Don't make the sentinels goofy. The world here is "serious". I like that the Tenno don't speak, only the Lotus. The whole "talk softly and carry a big stick" feeling.


2) Sentinels could talk, but need to be varied and more on the serious side. Miscellaneous chatter like "enemy spotted", "heavies incoming" or something similar would be nice.


3) To add more to the "care" why not have to spend resources to repair a damaged/downed sentinel? Add in the time variable and it would have the added effect that if your sentinel was downed and was in the process of being repaired, you may have to adapt to a new play style to make it through the rest of the missions.

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3) To add more to the "care" why not have to spend resources to repair a damaged/downed sentinel? Add in the time variable and it would have the added effect that if your sentinel was downed and was in the process of being repaired, you may have to adapt to a new play style to make it through the rest of the missions.


Why does this remind me of StarFox and your allied ship repair system. They're so dissimilar.



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Make them tamagotchi. You have to log in and feed it. Miss a feeding, and it'll perform badly in combat for the next week.


Feedings are every four hours. ◉_◉

I actually like this idea until the "feedings are every four hours".  I don't want to be forced to log in, I just want to log in when I'm capable.  Some of us work for a living.  But interacting with it, training it and feeding it to alter its performance (a wyrm that's more passive and hides when you try to stealth, or a shade that automatically focuses fire on rollers when it sees them and isn't cloaking because its master drops everything to smash them immediately) would be a great thing.

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I actually like this idea until the "feedings are every four hours". 


What's the problem? You just need more caffeine. It works for me, I haven't blinked since yesterday. ◉_◉

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What's the problem? You just need more caffeine. It works for me. ◉_◉

The problem is for 8 hours in a day I work, without the opportunity to play games.  Sometimes more.  And I'm not the only one.  I'm just one blessed with a very low commute time.  There are people I know who commute 2 hours a day on top of the 8 they work.  "Sorry, your sentinel has starved (again) and will perform poorly for your next 30 missions."  "Ffff-<ragequit>"

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I'm ashamed at all of you that don't already care about your Sentinels.  I feel it when the Grineer focus all their fire on mine :<


But...but...that's...why we're asking for something like this... :{


( I know you were kidding :P)


But yeah it's because I feel it when stuff is happening to my sentinel or its doing things that I am imagining it saying stuff like in my original idea and that's why I hope they consider adding something like it, it would help flesh out my bond to my little robotic(?)  helper.


And I also agree with the other user who said that the tone should remain serious, although I appreciate and chuckled at some of the other humorous side ideas this could lead to, I don't think we have anything to worry about anyway, because if the devs did implement something like this, I think it's obvious that they know what is consistent with their universe and they wouldn't fog the waters by adding something in like comedic relief or tamagochi elements to it or anything like that. 

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Instead of actual voices, why not have a wider variety of sounds? Do you really need your sentinel to say 'Shields depleted' or 'Enemy spotted'? It can growl or hiss or squeal depending on what is going on. Look at R2-D2, Atlas and P-Body from Portal 2, or even the MGS alarm/exclamation point.


When it kills an enemy, it can do a backflip. :D

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Instead of actual voices, why not have a wider variety of sounds? Do you really need your sentinel to say 'Shields depleted' or 'Enemy spotted'? It can growl or hiss or squeal depending on what is going on. Look at R2-D2, Atlas and P-Body from Portal 2, or even the MGS alarm/exclamation point.


When it kills an enemy, it can do a backflip. :D


yeah actually that's what my idea was originally proposing, if you look towards the end I go into more detail about not having to actually voice the sentinel not only makes it easier to put into the game but also gives it the "R2D2 effect" or whatever you wanna call it.

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I'm wishing for a nameable special 'Friend' precept that is based off an Orokin-era adaptive AI used in children's toys for education and support; the "mod" grows into the violent and dystopian world over time, unlocking more features and abilities(?) relevant to combat. The precept should have some settings to control the tone and personality of the AI.


Sound-wise, we should be hearing 'R2D2' binary speak; though it would be cool that once the mod's rank is high enough, it 'learns' to communicate directly to the Warframe suit, overlaying it's usual speak with text 'thoughts'. Actual 'Human' speech would ruin immersion and would be quick to become repetitive.


While the Sentinels can be switched like equipment, I won't feel that "pet" feel from them. They're more like gun drones with support skills. Having an AI that can move between Sentinels would negate that for me.


It'll be a good way to split between those who want a 'pet' and those who want pure equipment.




I kind of feel that Sentinel animations need to be expanded upon to reflect the kind of personality they have equipped.

Edited by DSMK2
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