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Mastery Rank Requirements 2.0


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A lot of weapons, despite how effective they are, are distributed with mastery rank requirements that do not match their actual power.


This leads to certain weapons to be left in the dark, because there are just way better weapons for us to use : power creep.

So i propose every since weapon in the game gets revised and assigned the right mastery rank, so that tenno can experience the game in a steady and fun progressing way.


With the most overpowered weapons on the top mastery ranks, for experienced tenno to use.




And maybe perhaps having a better reason in being in a high mastery rank, while also releasing those weapons that were "retired" from the game.

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Seen this discussed many times before, personally i think applying master rank requirements is a decent way to so call "balance" the weapons in the games.


Rather than reducing the actual effectiveness of the weapon and making it redundant over the others, just make it so that mastery rank actually opens access and allows more option to "higher tier" weapons relative to rank. 


Also to note however, i think locking weapons to mastery rank may seem fairly "linear" as the game itself seems to say "this weapon is good that's why you cant use it yet" i guess they want to give you a sense of freedom where "you can make any weapon really good if you invest the time and mods into it" rather than this particular weapon is better than that.


Some issues:

With so many weapons in the game it will take some time to really determine the right rank and whether it should be locked. Theres also the issue of whether theres enough experience for one to level up if everything starts becoming locked at certain ranks etc etc 


It would be nice if some mechanic can change so that using a variety of weapon will be beneficial and rewarding rather than just providing mastery points. (Not sure what can be done here, those more creative can definitely come up with something :P)


TLDR version: More weapons should be mastery rank locked, there are some issues, should be done progressively, stand out weapons should be considered first etc. 

Edited by ShinraBansho
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People will just powerlevel all the MK1 weapons, a handful of cheap trash credits only guns and just Race to MR6.


If you put a bunch of arbitrary road blocks in front of something, people will try to work around it, and you will still not cause the "progression feeling" you are aiming for.


All the gun themselves should "gain power" as more XP is obtained by using them, and DE already mentioned this.


When they finally implement it, I will be able to throw my Glaive and the entire Tile I am on will be reduced to it's component atoms.

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When they finally implement it, I will be able to throw my Glaive and the entire Tile I am on will be reduced to it's component atoms.


loled here


On the topic, i think mastery rank would be a bit artificial as a limit, i mean, the weapon is there, and if you have it you can use it, i would prefer some limitation for using a weapon that you arent ready to use based on your mastery rank, like speed limitation, or stamina consumption, something like that, so the one gaining control over the weapon or power by using it is the tenno

Edited by rockscl
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mastery rank should be tied to the game and it test should reflect the difficulty and rewards for passing that test. I think their should also be mastery rank threshold that requires a Tenno to seek enlightenment through a quest much like how Jedi's would go as a padiwa to get their light saber crystal for their light sword.


I am rank 17 almost 18 and many test along the way have stopped me in my tracks making me find many different solutions and tricks to try on my next attempt until passing the test. When i see a mastery rank i want everyone's first reaction to be man you really know how to play this game don't you.


mastery rank should be the gate and reason to build and level ervery thing in this game.

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Seen this discussed many times before, personally i think applying master rank requirements is a decent way to so call "balance" the weapons in the games.


Rather than reducing the actual effectiveness of the weapon and making it redundant over the others, just make it so that mastery rank actually opens access and allows more option to "higher tier" weapons relative to rank. 


Pardon me, where did you even found about this?

Either all of you failed to understand me or i failed to explain.


I am NOT FREAKING SUGGESTING FOR MASTERY RANK TO REDUCE DAMAGE output or make certain weapons less effective because of your current mastery rank.

Jeez read the freaking post, i am just asking for them to assigned the right mastery rank. As some weapons are not really on the right mastery rank, as for an example: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Boltor_Prime


People will just powerlevel all the MK1 weapons, a handful of cheap trash credits only guns and just Race to MR6.


If you put a bunch of arbitrary road blocks in front of something, people will try to work around it, and you will still not cause the "progression feeling" you are aiming for.


All the gun themselves should "gain power" as more XP is obtained by using them, and DE already mentioned this.


When they finally implement it, I will be able to throw my Glaive and the entire Tile I am on will be reduced to it's component atoms.


That is the point, they will start from using low tier weapons and scale up to the high tier weapons. And that is the progression, you experiencing less than popular weapons, before jumping into the big guns.


I have literally no clue on what the hell you guys are reading.

Edited by akkerusia
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