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Single Weapon Ammo Increase.


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I've been thinking lately, that it'd really benefit the game, if when you go with only a primary or secondary weapon, you'd gain a ammo increase for the weapon you bring.


Maybe it should only be for secondaries?


I thought about this because I've recently been wanting to run some secondary-only games, but found that I run out of ammo at an alarming rate compared to my single-fire primaries.


What say ye? Yay or nay?

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I know DE has heard (and is possibly considering) the suggestion of boosting/balancing the amount of ammo per drop based on the current weapon, since I guess they realize 20 ammo for the Dex Furis is nearly nothing compared to 20 ammo for the Marelok etc. (I think this was mentioned in a devstream, I can't remember, but yeah.) This would solve it without boosting max ammo, which surely wouldn't help very much for longer missions.

Edited by adiamorph
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Increasing the max ammo pool for fast firing weapons wont do anything, as they will last just a little bit longer before running dry again. The only way to sustain those weapons insane ammo drain is to let pickups give more ammo.


This, so much this. Akstiletto is my favorite weapon and having constant fear of running out of ammo is not so nice. And yes I'm using ammo mutation, but even with that I have to be careful to pick up every ammo box I see in order to keep my ammo up and running.

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DE needs ammo 2.0 where they tier ammo.


Like in the Pistol category we already have heavy pistols, auto pistols,  Hand cannons, normal pistols and even launcher pistols.


Heavy pistol = ammo max 120 (Lex, marelok, despairs etc)

Hand cannons = ammo max 100 (Brakk, Detron, Bronco etc)

Regular pistols = ammo max 240  (Lato, sicarcus, Acrid etc)

Full auto pistols = ammo max 400 (Furis, vipers etc)

Launcher pistol = ammo max 40 (angstrum, castana)


Then ammunition gains need to be set as a percentage of magazine size.

Like 30% of maximum magazine size per drop.

Edited by fatpig84
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