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Has Anyone Used Dual Daggers Since Melee 2.0?


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I do not recall ever seeing anyone use dual daggers in the matches I have played. Is it because that their melee stances are mediocre compared to every other weapon type? Dual daggers seemed to have been ignored by the devs and the community since they have been replaced with superior weaponry.

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I think it's because that Gnashing Payara's combos are so technical,being quite difficult to pull off,while Sinking Talon only matches the polarity on the (no longer available) Ether Daggers,that people don't really use the Dual Daggers. Personally,I'm going to be using the Fangs when I finish my Mirage,but I still need to farm Elite Crewmen for the stance.


Personally,having seen the videos,I think I'm going to enjoy my Gnashing Payara Fangs.

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I typically use Fang Primes on my Nyx Prime.


They aren't slow if modded correctly, and they simply tear things up RFN. I use Sinking Talon, since I don't care for the default attack profile of Gnashing Payara, and don't typically equip melee weapons.


I don't feel underpowered when forced into melee with Nyx and they're superb for movement enhancement.

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I think it's because that Gnashing Payara's combos are so technical,being quite difficult to pull off.

I refuse to say the Gnashing Payara has combos. It has a combo. Even if you have to add on a hold e, it's still the same freaking combo. No differences whatsoever, bar the extra move on the end.

And they're not too hard to pull off.

Edited by Warriorrogue
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Melee 1.0 Fang Prime = Walking blender

Melee 2.0 Fang Prime Gnashing Papaya Payara = Slow dramatic twirly slash

Melee 2.0 Fang Prime Sinking Talon = calm down there bro


I will honestly admit I prefer the single daggers over the dual daggers because of the stances. Gnashing Payara's combo is both annoying to use (Might not be, I can't even tell when I used it or not), and extremely boring. Sinking Talon is alright, but it's nothing special or fun.

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Part of the problem is Gnashing Payara is pretty rare (I've only ever gotten it from Transmuting) and Sinking Talon (or maybe just Ether Daggers) doesn't stagger the enemy.


I actually think Gnashing Payara is pretty good. I have no complaints about its damage output or anything, but Sinking Talon definitely gets the short end of the stick in both combo hitboxes and no stagger. Sinking Talon sure looks nice, but I can't say there's many good things to say about it other than looking good.


Melee loses a ton of usefulness if it can't stagger an enemy because for every additional attack you make, you run the risk of getting downed.


Furthermore, Dual Daggers only has one freely available weapon (Fang) and its Primed version. Ether Daggers were discontinued a while ago. Because of that, there's probably fewer people using those weapon and even fewer with the matching stance; the easily available stance matches a discontinued weapon and the rarer stance matches the available weapon.

Edited by Otenko
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The problem with all Melee in Melee 2.0 is that the control scheme they chose is <very bad>, and instead of changing it, they changed everything around it to support that.


Sadly, DE dosen't do balance, they pander to children at a minimum cost.

Instead of doing the right thing, and redoing the melee system(again) to feature more flexible and responsive control scheme, Dual Daggers will get some sort of band-aid buff, just like heavy weapons did recently, once enough people complain about them.



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I think it's because that Gnashing Payara's combos are so technical,being quite difficult to pull off,while Sinking Talon only matches the polarity on the (no longer available) Ether Daggers,that people don't really use the Dual Daggers. Personally,I'm going to be using the Fangs when I finish my Mirage,but I still need to farm Elite Crewmen for the stance.


Personally,having seen the videos,I think I'm going to enjoy my Gnashing Payara Fangs.

I found Gnashing Payara very slow and clunky on my Fang Prime. It stops movement to perform swings and with the slow swing rate and no stagger, I remembered why I sold it. I loved the continuous movement when you swung dual daggers but this stance removed that.

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i would actually like the ether daggers to return and we could get another dual set while they are at that. the main problem i see with them is the dual daggers as far as i know are still single target weapons, unlike normal swords which get aoe targeting when dual wield

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