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Limbo Good Or Bad?


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I must say the truth i didn't get limbo when he came out and i didn't read how his ability work but i did get it 1 day ago and to be honest it was a disappointment. His ab aren't bad they are interesting but they are too slow that's the problem to slow and too complicated to use; i will show a perfect example : meanwhile u press 2 to rift then 3 to buff then 1 to banish one ONE target your teammates already killed him so by saying this i mean no extermination no defense  no  spy and n other mission ,the only exception is survival because it doesn't need to be fast. While many of u gays think ye your right he is trash is the worst and we don't need him i don't agree there is still hope. Many of you maybe don't know Naruto but there is a villain character that has the same ab as limbo and he is really strong and by strong i mean they don't even put a scratch on him witch is something but what does that guy have that limbo doesn't ? Well it is pretty simple when somebody attacks him he instantly become intangible he doesn't do stupid animation or seals that take forever to go there like limbo ,instead when the enemy attack ends he became instantly solid to attack and here comes the limbo we wont make in time to press 2 just before the attack or when they are reloading ;on top of that banish doesn't work on boss witch is stupid imo.

So how can he change him from bad to good ? well i don't have all the answer for all ab but they should change the second ab to be like : when you press it u don't go instantly in the rift but you stay solid then when an enemy attack u instantly go in the rift dimension without pressing 2 then when you shoot the bullets don't go trow them but they hit them witch means you can shoot  and kill them but for that brief instant you became solid again then you go back to rift.

Just this addiction will make him so much better you wont need to go crazy just to kill a guy witch is something already.

I also think that when you are in the rift you should be like a god having something like like 10 times the hp you have or 20 i mean it is your dimension you should be a boss there because he is to squishy to drag them with cataclysm then kill them melee or by weapons . The first ab should be like novas teleport and by that i mean you can create like a door but much bigger to your dimension and when the enemy get in your space they should be de-buffed like having 1/10 they-re power (hp,sd,armor and other stuff) the third ab instead of buffing it should create a warping space around you and by that  mean on every enemy that is in a 20 m radius they are dragged into the void but not all of their body only half so it will make them split witch will make them die.

For all of those people that read my post i say thank u for your time and sry for my English i hope at least they change the second ab not all just second it it would'v been great still great, if they could rework all of then like i wrote but that would be the best but anyway lets hope he would be used not just crafted lvl up for points then put away witch , that would make me sad :(. 

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It's up to DE to consider your suggestion, but I'll say why I don't feel limbo needs cast time removed. That's the sole moment of danger for limbo, just like it was for old Trinity. You need to plan a recast and you need to be in an appropriate place at that time.

Otherwise, yes, limbo is very situational. Barring defense with you throwing huge overextended ultimate around the pod to make everyone benefit from your damage buff, limbo is an assassin, who is supposed to run around and pick off priority targets, like ancient healers or eximus enemies. Just use him where he shines.

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if you would want to insta cast when having 20 hp, you'll still be vurnable to poison procs and stuff.


you're better off using him solo or as helleborr said just to pick off priority targets / damage buffing.

You can also use him for protecting pods by decreasing your range and increasing your duration.


Next to that you can also let people regenerate energy if needed by casting them into the rift.


I would also suggest for you to put a natural talent mod on him, increases casting speed by 50% should help you alot with your frustrations of cast speed.

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I was bored so I decided to help the OP and everyone else a bit. Pretty sure this goes somewhere in feedback though.


To tell the truth, I didn't get limbo when he came out and I didn't know how his abilities work.  But I did get him a day ago and to be honest, he was a disappointment.


His abilities are interesting, but they are too slow and that's the problem: too slow and complicated to use. For example, you press 2 to rift, 3 to buff, then 1 to banish one ONE target your teammates already killed. (So by saying this i mean no extermination no defense  no  spy and n other mission ,the only exception is survival because it doesn't need to be fast)*. While many of u guys think he's alright, he is trash and we don't need him. But I don't agree and I believe there is still hope. 


(Limbo's animations are too slow compared to other Warframes).** So how should he be changed from bad to good? Well, I don't have all the answer for every ability, but they should change the second ability such that when you press it, you don't instantly enter the rift. Instead, you stay solid until an enemy attacks you.  When hit, Limbo instantly enters the rift without manually pressing 2. Then when you shoot, you can kill them. However, for that brief instant, you become solid while shooting. Just this addition will make him so much better, and you won't need to go crazy just to kill an enemy.


I also think that when you are in the rift you should be like a god having something like like 10 times the hp you have or 20. It is Limbo's dimension so you should be a boss there because he is too squishy to drag them with cataclysm then kill them melee or by weapons. The first ability should be like novas teleport and by that, I mean you can create a door but much bigger to your dimension. When the enemy enters your space, they should be debuffed like having 1/10 of their power (HP, SD, armor, etc).


The third ability should create a warping space around you. On every enemy that is within a 20m radius, they are partially dragged into the void so it will remove half of their body and die.


For those that took the time to read my post, thank you for your time and sorry for my English. I hope DE at least change the second ability. Not all of them, but just the second. It would be great if they could rework all of them like how I wrote, and I think that would be the best. Anyway, lets hope people would use Limbo as their main frame instead of for mastery fodder. That would make me sad :(. 




*: wat

**: Omitted the part about a villain from Fish Cakes and summarized

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My main problem with Limbo is his third ability. Seriously, if by now you reached an average rank and already posses a few primes and some useful mods there isn't much you can't take down in one hit. Therefore adding a damage boost is really unneeded and is a waste of a slot that could have something with much more potential. Rhino is our damage supporter, we don't need another one. Limbo needs another ability.

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Please fix "u gays" so that no one comes in here and gets offended. 

Limbo is very powerful if you use him right. He's meant for teamwork and is supposed to be away from the combat. You banish a high value or high damage target, say a Heavy Gunner and let the team work out the light work. 

You Riftwalk to stop yourself from dying and/or if you're ballsy enough kill the high value/high damage target. 

You put your rift bubble so that the heavies can't interfere while your teammates are doing whatever. 

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