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Update 7.9.0: The Glaive


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I think you misunderstood the update, the bullets aren't falling more quickly, the damage lessens as the bullets move away from the barrel. Damage is dropping, not the bullets. Go and test.

I don't know when the last time you shot a shotgun was but when I shoot mine I don't care how powerful the round is.... the shots fall after less than 50 yards. Their choice in making the shotgun rounds drop adds realism.

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Awesome they nerfed my shotgun into uselessness. This damage falloff needs toned down a LOT. If I wanted to kill someone in melee range then ill use a melee weapon. Now I have to use a whole clip and have to reload just to kill an enemy MAYBE (My Hek is 30 and fully moded). The Hek only has 4 shots and having to use 3 shots to kill someone just because they are not right in your face in melee range is so frustrating and inefficient (seriously, the range where my Hek is still 1-shoting I might as well save the ammo and charge attack, and my charge attacks kill multiple enemies). I understand not being able to stand in one of the huge rooms and 1-shoting a graneer all the way across the map but currently this is overkill. Its not even useful at mid range. Going through all the comments and liking the posts that agree with this and hope the Devs fix it. This isnt CoD.

Edited by Asylum745
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So far: Hek is now useless, you can't use it on any longer distance, get a snipertron and ofc go crazy about how tragic that weapon is. 


Also my question is: Why was nerfed so much HEK, the only rank 4 weapon? Do you wanna tell players that rank doesn't mean anything and since it's the only weapon that needs such a "high" rank, it's now just useless? 


Glaive, only for platinum, or it might drop  from an alert mission with ?, when you go sleep or can't play, there is no bp drop - glad I know the weapon from original Dark Sector, cause in here it will not get in my hands.

Why were the shockwave moas changed from orange to green color? As it was, it worked just fine, now it's even easier to die to endless spam of waves from them.

Still not fixed the bug with corpus being totaly imune to headshots with snipertron, you would guess that headshot will kill stuff? Nope, 2 body shots.

Trinity can't walk through the laser door with link anymore - so healer is being useless, behind a whole group of runners, once again.

Edited by Tripfy
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That glaive sound is haunting, but it looks cool, and i'm pretty sure I saw a grineer with a hole cut right through him. But everytime I host i get stuck with the Grineer firing insanely fast, I was sure I read something about this being fixed, but it would seem that's not the case.

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Er, shotguns are bad at long range because of their spread, not because their bullets' momentum decays rapidly. I don't care that they are trying to make shotguns weaker, I care that their choices are just...stupid.

Wrong, its not only the spread; shotgun's are very inefficient when it comes to converting the energy from burning black powder into kinetic energy.


Unlike a rifle, where the round expands slightly at the moment of firing to completely fill the rifled barrel converting as much of the exhaust gasses into kinetic energy as possible, and to impart spin to help maintain range and accuracy. A shotgun is a mass of lead or steel balls rattling down the barrel, and much of the gas that would otherwise help propel the projectiles is wasted. If you ever have the opportunity to look at a slow mo of a shotgun firing you will see much of the gas escape the barrel before the projectiles.

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What i find a bit disappointing is the constant nerfing of mastery rank in consideration of weapons, Hek and Gorgan had their spot, sure sniping with hek was overpowered but that nerf was imho a bit to harsh, 25 m okay for hek i mean it's a mastery4 weapon, ppl spent some time to get towards it, and now it is outclassed by weapons with lower rank?

Same goes with the Gorgon, it was a nice weapon to have for semi sniping, yet having the possibility to have a huge ddmg output on with cost of ammunition, and as mastery 3 weapon well yes it should have some benefits  to non mastery weapons... and that was the semi auto shoting if needed.


Well we will see how it will develop but atm i feel a bit worried that high mastery weapons ( which take some effort to get) are not better than mastery 0 weaps... Why should i get those than?


As for Glaive being alert and plat only... not really a problem imho, it will show on an alert just liek the alternative helmets do.

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are necessary to create a way of selecting several mods a time so why sell 1 a1 takes too and eventually damage the game and have to send the game down many times with all continue with your good work

Press shift!

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I didn't just like the HEK for it's ability to hit targets at longer range as most shotguns in reality can do as well. I thought of it as being made for that purpose. The ability to hit at range like any other SINGLE TARGET weapon in the game. It made sense since it had such a focused spread that it seemed as though that it was it's purpose and advantage over say... Strun. I'm calling this one guys. HEK was best used by me for fending off ancient disrupters before they got in range of my team mates. Now I believe it to be a non viable weapon. Not to mention the Ninja damage reduction to both Strun and HEK. In regard to the Strun; Hitting any weapon with a minus 10 base damage nerf is rather painful when you think about the implications of the % based damage mods it effects. You guys can down vote me all you like, If I am entitled to nothing else but my opinion, I'll gladly be damned for it.

Edited by Ehrlich
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are necessary to create a way of selecting several mods a time so why sell 1 a1 takes too and eventually damage the game and have to send the game down many times with all continue with your good work


Just shoot the cams, more new(and old :D) ppl should learn that since most just ran past or stand in plain view , denying acsess...

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