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Gorgon Accuracy? Are You Kidding Me?


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Seriously? I have not had a single problem with any update the dev's have released until 7.9. The Gorgon didn't need a damn accuracy nerf, and I have no idea why the hell this was even implemented. I'm not trying to rage here, but I am pretty pissed.


How about you guys tell all of us which guns are getting the can about a week before the update hits? This way I won't potato a gun that will transform into a log of crap. I'm letting them get away with the absence of a Glaive BP, but I demand that they hotfix and reverse this change asap.


TL;DR: This is bulls***. 

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Weapon accuracy for single shot has been reduced to <35m at best, with <15 M accuracy on burst fire. I havent tried full auto.


I hate ot say it, but I agree, the recent changes havent renderedthe gun as useless, but incredibly difficult to play.

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<p>dude its a game</p>

<p> </p>

<p>chill out</p>

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<p>and its a BETA in case you didnt realize, THERE WILL BE CHANGES AND THERE WILL BE BUGS</p>

<p> </p>

<p>btw the gorgon is WAY TOO ACCURATE for a heavy machinegun anyways, personally i think it should have an inaccurate spin-up time, then get more accurate as it fires, currently ppl just tap the trigger to give themselves highly accurate semi-auto fire and that's dumb for a full-auto machinegun</p>

<p> </p>

<p> </p>

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I hope they change it back. The Gorgon was perfect :(

Well it wasn't a "perfect" gun per-say, because it was outclassed by most of the other assault rifles, but it had a special place in my heart. By no means did the accuracy make it overpowered or anything close that at all.

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I did not have any fun leveling up the Gorgon to 30 and I dislike the thing, but I'm really wondering why a weapon that's rank locked really needed something drastic like that, especially in a PvE game...


I suppose the Grineer cried nerf too much about getting shredded up by obviously superior Tenno modded Gorgons. :|

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<p>dude its a game</p>

<p> </p>

<p>chill out</p>

<p> </p>

<p>and its a BETA in case you didnt realize, THERE WILL BE CHANGES AND THERE WILL BE BUGS</p>

<p> </p>

<p>btw the gorgon is WAY TOO ACCURATE for a heavy machinegun anyways, personally i think it should have an inaccurate spin-up time, then get more accurate as it fires, currently ppl just tap the trigger to give themselves highly accurate semi-auto fire and that's dumb for a full-auto machinegun</p>

<p> </p>

<p> </p>

HMGs are more accurate under semi automatic conditions due to their heavier, longer barrel. They lose accuracy as their rof increases due to recoil.


The previous gorgon correctly represented this, but exagerated the statement. Which is why keeping a wind down period while retaining the single shot accuracy would make the weapon more palatable.

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I also made a topic about this, but I'll say it again here: this nerf is ridiculous.


And, was the accuracy seriously changed because people were just tapping the fire button instead of going full auto? I need to smash some heads in...

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Classic F2P bait & switch, deal with it...The problem is that Gorgon wasn't even OP, now i can't kill anything with it. Guess i'll be using my lex till i finish crafting a boltor

Edited by hanspozo
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Any comment as to why the Gorgon got nerfed? I never made it myself, I am a boltor man. But I hadn't heard anyone say it was OP currently, it seemed to be on par with the Boltor. The Hek however was OP with the shotgun sniping, but i think it got overnerfed and now the Strun is probably a cheaper version, if not better than the Hek.

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Sure, 100% initial accuracy would have been a bit much, but the firing accuracy was fine, and the gun felt good to use. Now? I'm pretty sure it's not even physically possible for a bullet to leave the barrel at these angles.


It's bad enough that when I get a gun I like, I have to move on because I can't level if I keep using a good gun. Otherwise, I'd have never gotten a gorgon in the first place. But now, I have potatoed and mostly-leveled a gun that is now a giant piece of turd. Thank you devs for wasting my time. I'm running out of interesting guns.


If this is what they wanted the gorgon to be in the first place, why didn't they just make a flamethrower instead? They'd do basically the same thing now.

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I just tested it. Gorgon still outdps Boltor a lot.


Test on Lech Kril


Took 400 Boltor shots with 90% Cryo, 90% Shock, 60% AP, 50% Fire Rate, 105% dmg and 90% Multishot


Gorgon only need 300 with 90% Cryo, 60% AP, 105% Dmg and 90% Multishot


BUT its accuracy change is noticeable. Hopefully they will reverse that.


Also the accuracy is horrible but at least 5 Frames can negate it. Ash, Loki, Rhino, Triniy and Mag. Ash and Loki can turn invisible and go right up to bosses and empty the clip. Same for Trinity and Rhino but with Link and Iron Skin instead. Mag can use bullet attractor to negate that accuracy.


Edit: add Firerate and dmg+multishot.

Edited by Crimson_King256
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The Gorgon was already crazy inaccurate (especially compared to the other full-autos...except Grakata which is also crazy inaccurate) and so frustrating even bothering to aim with it, I'm really curious as to the real reason it got yet another nerf.

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The Gorgon was already crazy inaccurate (especially compared to the other full-autos...except Grakata which is also crazy inaccurate) and so frustrating even bothering to aim with it, I'm really curious as to the real reason it got yet another nerf.


Because its entire purpose was to be an inaccurate bullet hose. However when DE implemented it, they didn't do it right.


I think rather than reverting back to broken accuracy, DE should now look at dramatically increasing the ammo capacity so that we can use the Gorgan was it was supposed to be used; an endless spray of bullets.

Edited by MoonicusMaximus
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Bought a Gorgon awhile ago cause I wanted something new, had already gotten tired of using the HEK, both supercharged, but both Catalyst's were crafted so I don't have to worry about losing real money over them since the HEK was also crafted. I'll probably just buy a Latron, sold my old one awhile ago, but was fun to use. HEK does crap damage now along with a too small of a clip size to make it of any use.

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Because its entire purpose was to be an inaccurate bullet hose. However when DE implemented it, they didn't do it right.


I think rather than reverting back to broken accuracy, DE should now look at dramatically increasing the ammo capacity so that we can use the Gorgan was it was supposed to be used; an endless spray of bullets.

This. Gorgon's a bullet hose, it just needs a bigger source of bullets.

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