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Out Of The Dark, Into The Light


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That was the motto for the website/forum redesign and I believe it applies to the game as a whole as well.


Remember wayyy back when all we did was sneak aboard dim lit Corpus ships fighting Grineer? Remember the dark, brooding atmosphere of the Infested's arrival? Remember kneeling in a dark space hologram room by yourself, alone?


Do you remember the despair of being told that your kind was on the brink of extinction? And the gravity of that situation being realized?



Well now look at us.


Not only have we fought tirelessly against those that would harm our small number, but we have GROWN to more than QUADRUPLE of how many people we had in those days. We now have ships to call our own to see the beauty of the Origin System. We have pets, both organic and mechanical, to call friend and that love us. Our arsenal has grown great in its selection of tools to end life. We have syndicates to further our loyal and devotive endeavors besides the Lotus. We have Hub Relays to mingle with our kind in a way never before seen except in dojos which was rare.


Rejoice fellow Tenno, for the Dark Age has ended, and into the Light we shall go.


What other things from the Dark Age do you remember or has been changed? 

Edited by ToxicTroublermaker
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If you say it that way.. then yeah, it does seem like it applies to the game entirely.


...though some of that dark, brooding and ominous environment would be welcome.. I kinda miss it.

Yea I mean we were almost extinct then (quite literrally if you think about player count) and nowadays our numbers are skyrocketing and we now enter into a much brighter and lively future than we did before. I like to think this was the whole master plan if and when it went DE's way

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Well, none of those three things have really experienced a significant change since the early days.

I agree, after looking at my brightness and contrast settings and correcting them i have the feeling there was a change to how they work i must have missed. Now its back to scary levels.

I also agree with the op when it comes to our "evolution". We went from lonely survivalists to a force to be reckoned with.

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I switched the theme back immediately, darker themes are better for the eye.


Scientific Fact.

Same for me. The new one looks good, but it simply isn't as good as the previous one.


Again, opinions. Some found the game much darker back then, some don't.

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