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How about the community do something about the community and stop crying to their mama DE

What this guy said. Think about it. With this move, ICE unwittingly provided the Tenno community with what we have been craving all along: a worthwhile opponent. Who do you hate more? The Corpus, who are nothing more than walking exp and loot to us? What about opposing Syndicates, which are a personal choice and you can't even fight them? Or.... the monopolistic bastards who just screwed you out of a relaxing Sechira session after work...

ICE, I hope you're listening when I say this. There is no amount of credits you can offer that will protect you from us. No armies, no clever little tech gadgets, no friends on the development staff. When the armistice comes down, the community as a whole will fall upon you and obliterate your sad little rail. You've made enemies today and you've left us no choice.... and we thank you for it.

Looking forward to your imminent humiliation :)

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ICE put sechura on 100% for both taxes. we need to make sechura 0% again. We as a community need to put a stop to this kind of stuff.


Edit: remember when DE said in one of their Friday Dev streams. They said even a small clan can control a solar rail. I belive it was Sheldon.


Also they credits they give us as a award are the credits they have been stealing from us. Just saying the ones they reward are the ones stolen from us the community.

Hate ICE  begins.

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An adult showing his disdain for a Disney movie, sheesh. I won't let you anywhere near my two year old. He'd flail the skin from your back for statements like that. Seriously though I'd stay a at from these technological whirlimajiggies they get too tough for curmudgeons like you pretty soon.

Oh, did someone ask for your two cents in a conversation that didn't involve you whatsoever? I love Disney movies and watch them all the time with my daughter, Frozen just sucked in my opinion. And I have to suffer through the ending half of the movie nearly every day when I get home, which makes me dislike it even more. It's like hearing a song you're not fond of every day, and you can't change the station or turn the radio off. Eventually that dislike evolves into hatred.


But yeah, you know, make more assumptions about who I am as a person. You're doing great so far.

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What this guy said. Think about it. With this move, ICE unwittingly provided the Tenno community with what we have been craving all along: a worthwhile opponent. Who do you hate more? The Corpus, who are nothing more than walking exp and loot to us? What about opposing Syndicates, which are a personal choice and you can't even fight them? Or.... the monopolistic bastards who just screwed you out of a relaxing Sechira session after work...

ICE, I hope you're listening when I say this. There is no amount of credits you can offer that will protect you from us. No armies, no clever little tech gadgets, no friends on the development staff. When the armistice comes down, the community as a whole will fall upon you and obliterate your sad little rail. You've made enemies today and you've left us no choice.... and we thank you for it.

Looking forward to your imminent humiliation :)


Unwittingly? Are you joking? They are obviously hate baiting. 

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I hope ICE holds onto this rail for the forseeable future, if for nothing else than to show DE that a max tax cap should be implemented. In the meantime it's their rail, they can do with it as they please, and there are plenty of other places to go to farm credits and resources. Sechura is not your only option. Stop pretending like farming on that one node is your Lotus-given right.


If I never see another whiny thread about Sechura's tax rates again it'll be too damned soon. Stand up and fight the "oppressors" but don't complain about them like an entitled prick.


And before anyone goes assuming that I'm part of clan ICE, I'm not. I just see where the real issue is, and that it's DE's fault for allowing a 100% tax rate, not ICE's for making use of it

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They where given the option of doing this, and they're using it to their advantage. Whine and moan all you want about it, I have to commend them on the fact they decided to step into something that most alliances wouldn't dare of. Even if it is a dumb move on behalf of the community, they have the power to do so, and no one is trying to stop them. Whether or not they're abusing a glitch to stop people from taking over their rail is another story, and if they are, DE needs to do something about it. This is exactly how villains are made, and it'll be interesting to see what happens against ICE. Will the alliances team up against them, and if they do, who will reign victorious? This is probably the most interesting thing to happen to Dark Sectors atm.



Also, if this bothers you that much, just find another way to gain XP and credits fast. ODD, T4 missions, stuff like that are all decent alternatives.

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Entitled? It's a game. A game that limits content due to player actions against other players then the system is flawed and needs to be fixed. So it's okay for them to effectively limit what others get to experience?

When the game openly lets them? Absolutely.


And yes, entitled. Not sure what experience they're limiting for you, is it the ability to kill infested and make money and resources? If so, try a different rail. If not, I fail to see your point.

Edited by Kestral9999
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Honestly said, I really like this. Stuff like this just doesn't happen in games nowadays because people are so used to everything being "balanced" and "fair". I'm glad someone's here to bend the rules a little. Take this as a challenge. Will other Alliances take them down? Eventually. Will the community decide that they're scum and team up to take them down? They most certainly will not, but wouldn't that be great? That would bring the entire community closer together. Hell, DE could start a resistance during a livestream or something.


You want to play in the big leagues? Work for it. Get big over time, grow until you can challenge the likes of ICE. Y'pussies.

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The game is built around PvE content. It is not innately a competitive shooter. So then why is this content gated behind unbalanced PvP content? When a flawed system allows the game to be so distorted? dE either can't or less hopefully won't fix this issue. I sincerely disagree with your statement of fair and balanced.

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The game is built around PvE content. It is not innately a competitive shooter. So then why is this content gated behind unbalanced PvP content? When a flawed system allows the game to be so distorted? dE either can't or less hopefully won't fix this issue. I sincerely disagree with your statement of fair and balanced.

So, to be clear, your issue is with the fact that Dark Sectors are gated behind PVP instead of PVE?


All I'm arguing is that the game lets them charge 100% tax rates, even though it shouldn't. People are misplacing their anger on ICE (granted, they are basically asking for it) rather than the developer for allowing clans to do this.

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Unfortunately business doesn't work like that. There will always be horrible people which exist purely to be better than everyone else.


In PvP, it's the Valkyr's with autoparry, Vectis, Marelok and Dual Ichors.


In Dark Sectors it's the big alliances, taxing high to wave credit rewards in front of the Valkyrs who fight for them.

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IMHO the tax system should be removed and replaced with a system that gives the controlling alliance an extra bonus on top of the normal bonus.


I like this idea.  Though, there wouldn't be incentives for outsiders to participate in conflicts.  I'm not saying that's even a bad thing, but the necessary win count the attackers need would probably need to be adjusted.

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