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Valkyr Warframe



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thanks for the advice,but where can i find rare mods?


Soon if you get into game and start to like it enough to continue playing,since it really demands alot of time,there wont be a question if its good or not you will want to have all warframes.


Rare mods can be found all around the game,orokin derelict vaults,there are also mods wich are obtainable only from various events,heres a full list of them and the name of the mobs wich drop them.



Also if you have some duplicates you can try to trade them for other mods in trading chat,or you can ask if somebody have spare ones wich they can give to you.

Edited by bobmarley1337
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You need Steel Fiber and Vitality maxed for her to be useful though. Both are 10 rank mods.

The thing is, I have maxed health mod and Steel Fiber just 2 levels from max. It should do quite a bit but I seems to die rather easily against Grineer.

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You need Steel Fiber and Vitality maxed for her to be useful though. Both are 10 rank mods.

i solo 40min T1S without either.


you dont NEED anything to play her well. for a good maxed out build, you want rank 10 vitality/steel fiber, rage and some duration mods (continuity+constitution) tho


edit: rage is rather important. that mod should be your next goal if you decide to keep her


Edited by Reccettear
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The most important mods for Valk are steel fiber, rage, and vitality. And, yes, ranking SF and vit to full 10 rankings is ultimately necessary. It's where your energy regen comes from and prevents dying when regenerating said energy (and, yes, 740 hps is just barely enough when soloing lvl50+ Grineer missions).


After that, it's all personal preference. I've seen one impressive Valk build using no corrupt mods, but she responds well to the corrupted mods and you'll probably want the options Fleeting Expertise or Narrow Minded might give you. You'll probably also find yourself using 1-2 forma to tune her properly.

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The specifics of the build really come down to whether or not you're rolling with a Trinity. If you have Trinity in your group then you'll be able to go a bit heavier on the Power Strength / Duration stuff and ditch things like Streamline and such, but otherwise it helps to have a few Hysteria's worth of power avaliable just as a safety net if nothing else.

With that said, even in my solo build with a lot of space dedicated to power efficiency, I've got my Valkyr 1 shotting corrupted gunners up to about TIII missions, and I've actually yet to max out the bulk of my mods.

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Transient Fortitude and Intensify really boosts Hysteria greatly. She is your go to warframe for any quests that requires a low Conclave. Go in with a melee only and just use Hysteria. I personally do not use Steel Fiber in my build. Her base armor, with a maxed vitality, is enough to help me tank anything in between Hysteria casts (learning to duck for cover just before Hysteria ends helps too)

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I've played Valkyr since the day she came out, and she's gotten a lot stronger. In the early days, armor in general wasn't that great, the buffs to her armor have been absolutely massive, and the health regen on her Hysteria is also very good. And even then she was unkillable if played carefully, and I played without all the 'absolutely necessary' mods people here talk about such as Steel Fiber and Rage. I played her for about 4 months before I got the rage mod and I was still outsurviving the cocky Rhinos in T3 Survival.


What I find to be most helpful in any build for Valkyr is to get that energy efficiency way up so that her Hysteria costs under 50 energy, so you can top yourself up to recast it in tough situations. So you'll need Streamline and especially Fleeting Expertise, which runs counter to a lot of people's arguments on maxing out her Hysteria duration at the cost of all else. Of course duration is still very important, but I run Continuity and Constitution, both mods which aren't too hard to get. But energy efficiency is very important, more important than maximum duration in my opinion, because it lets you get that Hysteria going when the orbs are getting hard to find and that energy siphon that teammates bring isn't ticking fast enough for your liking. Those extra seconds may or may not find you the time for energy siphon to tick or that extra energy orb to drop, I don't know. But I'd much rather be sipping 30 energy from my tank to recast Hysteria than to drain 70 in order to drop it when I can only pack 150 max and the energy just isn't coming because I'm always rushing to rez teammates or pop life support.


Damage for her ultimate is important, but a lot of that can come from weapons and lets you free up space to do other stuff with your warframe mods. I run Dual Ichor for my Valkyr, and they generally give me the damage to do what i want to enemies. But you bring Valkyr for the absolute, duration-based invincibility, the one thing that no other frame brings to the table, so your job should be to be able to keep that going even in the least ideal conditions.


For where I got the mods I use on Valkyr, I think Vitality and Steel Fiber and Continuity drop easy enough. Constitution I got from Nightmare runs. Rage I got from doing solar rail wars back when Tenno Specters would drop all the nice mods. I don't think they are a thing any more. Rage will probably be the hardest mod for you to get then, but it really isn't absolutely necessary. Fleeting Expertise, Narrow Minded, and I think Transient Fortitude all come from Vault runs, so that is where you will want to be going if you don't already have some or all of those mods, especially Fleeting Expertise.


For aura mod, I used to run Energy Siphon when I didn't have Rage, since I wanted to be self-sufficient and not have to rely on other people to bring the aura I needed. After I got Rage as a way to get myself back energy, I dropped it for Steel Charge.


Tips and tricks for her: LIke x3ternalx said, know your Hysteria duration, be able to go somewhere before it times out to recast. The only way I die as Valkyr is if I time out of Hysteria in a bad spot, and get knocked down or something and die before I can get up. That cast time is very real, and sometimes you will die right after casting it as the invincibility doesn't kick in right away.


Conserve energy. Know how much you need to recast Hysteria. Don't go spamming that lovely, lovely hookshot of hers and find yourself with no energy when you are in a pinch. Plan not just one cast ahead, but maybe two, and if the energy orbs really aren't dropping, maybe three. I think Rage teaches you a bad habit by making you want to get hit to restore energy, and that is why people end up telling you you need steel fiber and all that so you can take bullet massages. Before I had Rage, I was very cautious outside of Hysteria and also cautious about when to use Hysteria, and that was a good habit. With Rage, if I am below 60 energy or so I will want to go and stock up before using Hysteria again, and this sometimes leads to me taking bigger hits than I intended because you get back all your energy yes, but now you are low on health again and need to go use energy to get your health back up, and so you are always spamming Hysteria if you are not careful. Rage is a VERY good mod for her don't get me wrong, but it gives you the wrong incentive I guess, and puts you back into Hysteria more often than you actually need to be.


Really, with only energy efficiency and some way to regain energy, plus at least a 20+ second Hysteria, and following the above tips, you can go do T4 survival and be an asset to your team. I recently did a T4 with another Valkyr who did some weird stuff, equipping Extinguished key for "their build" or something. It was dumb, and I ended up having to rez them every three minutes or so. We eventually quit at 30 after everyone kept yelling at me for popping LIfe Support too early, and then everyone died at once and Life Support went to 0 while I was rezzing 3 people at once. Fun times..


You'll love Valkyr. Being the ultimate not-dying frame is very nice.

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