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Warframes That Are Considered Useless


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Smite infusion is probably the best of the warframe damage augments. It provides a 300% boost in damage to the person you cast in on, and unlike the other elemental augments, you can only cast it when you're actually pointing at a player so you can be sure that it's actually taken affect. on all of the other mods, you can cast even when you're not on a player making it very difficult to land a successful boost. You not liking it doesn't make it any less good. 

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Also I noticed, that Oberon's Smite Infusion is, like the other Supporting Elemental Augments COMPLETELY USELESS.

can you elaborate on that one would imagine a 100% extra damage on all weapons and skills to be something good.


i mean is extra serration + blind rage for 20 secs at 25 energy cost

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Well, Both.

But all Frames are kinda useless in different missions. We need the Focus System to be linked with the Augment System.

There are so little details on the focus system. . .how could you even ask for something like this? Why do people speak about focus like they actually know what it is or the mechanics of it? I'm not being condescending, I'm generally curious. Where are people getting details of the ins and outs of the focus system? 

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I had a hilarious convo today


After a host migration i tried using SOTD on my nekros and couldnt so i commented that i lost my soul count


An excalibur said nekros is only good for desecrate and i pointed out the irony in that comment as he died immediately after and i had to revive him


Followed by multiple revives after...


Nekros needs a ton of love imo


Some day


But at least he outlasted an excali

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First of all:

I am a passionate Oberon Player.

I put six Formas in him before he was Buffed and even before 2 Slots were removed. 

He is by his name and that is a great name, the king of fairies in Medieval and Renaissance Literature.

He is basically a DPS/Heal Frame with balanced stats.

And yet he is being ignored.

When some of my clan members asked what Frame I would use for Survival, I said Oberon, and they said, that I shouldn't use him, because he is useless.

Also I noticed, that Oberon's Smite Infusion is, like the other Supporting Elemental Augments COMPLETELY USELESS.

Therefore I would love to see an Augment Slot in Warframes, only Useable for Augments, and I would like them to be more Useful for everyone. For Example: Casting Smite with the changed Augment on a Fellow Tenno, heals him for the Damage it would do to an enemy, while granting him 50% more Armor.

For the Volt Augment, it should be weapon accuracy and movement speed. Frost's augment should create a mobile Snowglobe (Eximus Style).


You should get the Point.

Most Augments aren't worth the Slot, especially the Elemental ones.

Thank you for your Attention.


The Augments should Change  Abilities rather than buffing them. (Deus Ex Style: Replacing Limbs rather than training them)

Also frames like Oberon were often just thrown away after they were squeezed for their Mastery XP.

The higher ranking players and veterans should see all Frames as powerful and desirable as Rhino Prime, after they get their new Augments.

I'm glad that I'm not the only one that thinks augments aren't worth the slot, because that slot can be used by far more usefull mods.

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Oberon WAS useless.


He's a baller now.


I wish Hallowed Ground was better but outside of that he's excellent.


Only thing I wish is he dropped from a boss and not common eximus enemies.

All other frames get a cool boss/quest.


Oberon is like the town bicycle.

Everyone has got a piece.

Go into grineer galleon bathroom, writing on the stall says "For a good time call Oberon 1-999-tenno"


Breaks my heart.

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Oberon WAS useless.


He's a baller now.


I wish Hallowed Ground was better but outside of that he's excellent.


Only thing I wish is he dropped from a boss and not common eximus enemies.

All other frames get a cool boss/quest.


Oberon is like the town bicycle.

Everyone has got a piece.

Go into grineer galleon bathroom, writing on the stall says "For a good time call Oberon 1-999-tenno"


Breaks my heart.

That carpet and healing with valkyr <3....


His armor is actually pretty heavy with steel fiber and the carpet as well

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Oberon is not bad since his ult does CC similar to Nyx Chaos. he's not dps though. 

Just for a showcase/proof I did solo T3 defence for 30 waves for non-believers



If you think its easy and that any frame can do it - try to solo defence with any frame that doesn't have CC (or protection like Frost Globe) - and have your pod killed at 20 waves.   If you play T4 Oberon ult is even better since enemies will be killing each other (again like under Nyx Chaos) 


Augment buff is pretty good too.

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