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Nullifier Bubbles - Health Not Hits


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the Spike Damage Weapon can already break the Shield in a few shots, adding a Spray Cannon onto that won't change much.

and the Spray Cannon can already collapse the Shield by magdumping, adding a Spike Damage Weapon onto that won't change much.


there's no problem at all unless you're using your Spike Damage Weapon incorrectly. they're for priority targets, you focus on the priority targets with your Weapon that's designed specifically for them.

killing Trash Units with a Spike Damage Weapon is a low priority and comes after you've eliminated your primary targets with that Weapon Type.


which in this case means that Nullifier Crewman are a Priority Target, and other Enemies around are equally priority or not important at all until later.

Yet adding a spray weapon onto a spray weapon or a spike weapon onto a spike weapon will cut time needed to down a nullifier's shield in half. I agree that it won't make much difference with one nullifier, but when their numbers grow it will.

In this case spike weapon wielders will prioritise nullifiers first, because any other targets who could be primary will hide in his shield. And this doesn't fix the problem of weapons with slow firerate - they still won't be able to do anything to stop you from being robbed of your powers aside from outright killing the nullifier, what may seem easy once you've broken the shield but actually isn't considering enemies previously hiding in his shield now acting as his meatshield themselves. So if shield's health regenerate spike weapon wielders are going to have a hard time (and if it doesn't they gain an even bigger advantage over spray weapon wielders than spray weapon wielders now have over them).

(what's up with the two unremovable linebreaks before the quote though?)

Edited by ToaMimrik
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In this case spike weapon wielders will prioritise nullifiers first, because any other targets who could be primary will hide in his shield. And this doesn't fix the problem of weapons with slow firerate - they still won't be able to do anything to stop you from being robbed of your powers aside from outright killing the nullifier, what may seem easy once you've broken the shield but actually isn't considering enemies previously hiding in his shield now acting as his meatshield themselves. So if shield's health regenerate spike weapon wielders are going to have a hard time.



(what's up with the two unremovable linebreaks before the quote though?)

if you are prioritizing Nullifiers like you should be with Spike Damage Weapons, and you're unable to kill them, you're clearly doing something wrong, because Nullifier Crewman are Glass Cannons. you could kill them with a few shots from anything. it's a fancy Trash Unit.

if Enemies are all hiding inside the Shield, i can't imagine they're all blocking the way, and if they are somehow (which means the rest of your Squad isn't doing their jobs at all and they aren't killing anything), there's a very good reason why Punch-through Mods cost a lot of pts. they're very, very, very good due to how combat in Warframe works. (or if your Spike Damage Weapon has innate Piercing, which is even better)




unremovable things you didn't put there? posts showing up as not what you wrote?

it's the autoformatting Editor. it bends us over and has it's way because autoformatting is cancer.

WYSIWYG Editors are made by monkeys, for monkeys.

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i'm surprised you can stand using Tysis if you like 'high precision high Damage Weapons'.

because Tysis is far from 'high Damage'. honestly i think you'd be better off with Lex Prime completely replacing Tysis. or Marelok if you don't need quite as much precision and you really want lots and lots of Status.

The Tysis is for when I'm surrounded (radiation procs) or for when the enemies have far too much health/armour for the Latron Prime to finish off in one hit (viral/corrosive procs). It's a utility weapon.

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if you are prioritizing Nullifiers like you should be with Spike Damage Weapons, and you're unable to kill them, you're clearly doing something wrong, because Nullifier Crewman are Glass Cannons. you could kill them with a few shots from anything. it's a fancy Trash Unit.

if Enemies are all hiding inside the Shield, i can't imagine they're all blocking the way, and if they are somehow (which means the rest of your Squad isn't doing their jobs at all and they aren't killing anything), there's a very good reason why Punch-through Mods cost a lot of pts. they're very, very, very good due to how combat in Warframe works. (or if your Spike Damage Weapon has innate Piercing, which is even better)

I agree with nullifiers being easily killable if you hit them. Point about punchthrough taken.

Yet one more issue persists - not every weapon is exactly a spray cannon or spike damage weapon, and the ones in the middle between the two extremes won't down the shield noticeably faster than now.

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The Tysis is for when I'm surrounded (radiation procs) or for when the enemies have far too much health/armour for the Latron Prime to finish off in one hit (viral/corrosive procs). It's a utility weapon.

i guess what i'm kind've saying is, Marelok and friends can reach 100% Status (albeit with IPS Effects) just as Tysis can. though certainly won't have Viral / Corrosive.




not every weapon is exactly a spray cannon or spike damage weapon, and the ones in the middle between the two extremes won't down the shield noticeably faster than now.

which is why making more Health Bar gates as the solution to everything doesn't help anyone.

the Enemy scales perfectly currently. meaning the Enemy is never going to be boring easy, but it's also never going to onsh.... wait a second, it has a Lanka. but it's never going to become this walking battle fortress of invulnerability. it's consistently effective at allowing the Corpus to assault.


any changes made to the Enemy, should keep these important facets. it's not Armor with legs or anything, it's a flimsy Support Unit. it needs to be consistently useful for the Corpus regardless of Level.

Edited by taiiat
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