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Warframes Passive Ability Suggestion Thread


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The floodgate invitation for Warframe passives is open:


Design Philosophy

My philosophy in suggesting Warframe passives is that the passives should evoke the frame's theme by applying mechanically unique changes, and only resort to statistical changes (and preferably non-damage/DPS changes) where mechanical changes become less feasible.


This is to limit any ramifications of power creep, while encouraging players to adopt a certain playstyle that suits the Warframe's theme.





Increased weapon holstering speed.

Decreased threat level with melee equipped.



Innate limited enemy radar (~5m). Stacks with mod powers.



Fixed duration movement speed buff on skill cast. Speed buff amount based on percentage of energy used plus flat base bonus.



Enables stance combos 1 and 2 in quick attacks, without the damage/stamina effects.



Innate Coolant Leak.



Change enemy grunts and death grunts while being grabbed by Tentacle Swarm

Stamina boost

Grants player the title of 'Captain' and the Black Pearl

Innate minor Rapid Resilience (reduced status duration) [courtesy to DeckChairVonBananaCamel for the suggestion]

Increased ability damage to enemies/frames of the opposite gender [courtesy to BaconDragon42]



Unlimited range enemy radar for enemies in the rift, while in the rift.



Increased enemy accuracy speed debuff while sprinting.



Innate short-ranged Vacuum (preferably for ammo only).

Reduced shield recharge delay. Slightly increased shield regen rate, stackkable with mods.



Further increased weapon holstering speed.

Minor buffs to secondary reload, accuracy and recoil reduction. Emphasis on minor.



Increased Warframe action speed - climbing, recovering while downed(minor Handspring/Constitution), recovering from jumps, on top of everything she already has.




Innate minor Undying Will effect (reduced bleedout rate).

(Alt)Gain 0.5 HP and 0.2 Energy by walking over a corpse. Effective once per corpse.



Minor Energy Siphon (0.1-0.2 per sec).



Decreased threat level.



Forced rainbow colour correction theme

Automatically friend players in the party

Innate minor resist Knockdown (Sure Footed/Fortitude) [courtesy to BaconDragon42]

Minor HP regen up to 10% of max HP while idling. Can activate after 33% max HP lost, and after 33% of max HP is lost between each use.



Increase threat level in a small area while casting Rhino Charge and Roar. Then increase armor (by a small amount) based on the number of enemies affected times number of players in the party.



Innate minor Rapid Resilience (reduced status duration)



Increased revive speed. Increased being revived speed.



Gains a stack of minor movement speed buff on kill which accumulates to a cap. Stacks decay constantly.



Increased ammo capacity for all weapons.

Innate minor ammo scavenger effect (extra ammo pickups)



Converts % of energy used to a % of current weapon's maximum clip size, if the weapon is an energy weapon.

(I.e. 10% of 25 energy cost adds ammo = to 2.5% of current weapon's maximum clip size)



What she currently has + remove landing animation. Jumps (regardless of height) no longer interrupts reloading animations and such on landing.


I follow a few rules when designing passives:

No direct damage increases - passive should not increase weapon or skill damage, ever. The ramifications of power creep is too strong.

Minimize number of indirect damage increases (through RoF, reload speed increases).

I don't want to mess with elemental resistances since the next logical move would be elemental weaknesses. I.e. Frost is weak against fire, Ember weak against Cold etc.


Suggestions discussions comments personal attacks/professional criticisms are welcome.

Edited by DeucedXS
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You should edit, it's A-N and not A-Z

Limbo : already has a minor speed boost in the rift, like everybody, 20%.

Mesa :  already has a passiv no ? or they blasted it ?

Mirage : already has a passiv

Nova : suggestion doesn't make sense to me...

Zephyr : totally agree, what is the point of having less gravity if you have to recover when you land ? like i have to recover when i go down the stairs...


My suggestion :

exca : each successive melee kill should increase his melee damage for a duration, each new stack refresh the whole stacks (with a max amount of stacks of course)

Trinity : i thought about something like "every time she uses an ability, close teamate get a % of the energy she used to cast"

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You should edit, it's A-N and not A-Z

Limbo : already has a minor speed boost in the rift, like everybody, 20%.

Mesa :  already has a passiv no ? or they blasted it ?

Mirage : already has a passiv

Nova : suggestion doesn't make sense to me...

Zephyr : totally agree, what is the point of having less gravity if you have to recover when you land ? like i have to recover when i go down the stairs...


My suggestion :

exca : each successive melee kill should increase his melee damage for a duration, each new stack refresh the whole stacks (with a max amount of stacks of course)

Trinity : i thought about something like "every time she uses an ability, close teamate get a % of the energy she used to cast"

Oops. Thx for noticing, fixed!

Limbo: Didn't know that, thanks for clarifying! Removed my suggestion.

Mesa: yeah it was stated in the same stream that an overeager coder had coded the ideas, and they had to be pulled.

Mirage: adding quicker recovery from knockdown on top of existing passives. It doesn't make much sense to me that she can do everything faster, but not recover faster after downed.

Nova: I'm kinda lost on this one too. I didn't want to add any status buffs/enemy debuffs to her already powerful skillset. But those generators coming out of her body and head do suggest that she can generate energy/matter, hence the passive suggestion :/


Excal: Nup. I explicitly wanted to avoid direct damage buffs to avoid power creep and setting damage-increasing precedents (buff one, and the forum will demand similar buffs to other frames).

Trinity: Nup. That's what EV does, and a passive shouldn't overlap with a skill. Also, such a buff is redundant to a good EV build.

Edited by DeucedXS
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So the passives I'd like to see are mostly scalers into the late game that help alleviate pressure from 'damage' frames, or make thematic frames more.... More unique to their themes. You'll notice literally everything is based off of multipliers that are apecific to their kit and associated role. All numbers are playable, but emphasis is placed on creative and proper use of skills and positioning.

Ash: any damage dealt will also shred 5% of foe's armor. Stacks up to 5 times.

Banshee: stacking 10% bonus damage to enemies afflicted by her abilities (up to 30% base damage)

Ember: all abilities apply a unique DoT effect based on a % of their enemy's maximum health. Reduce incoming fire damage by 50%.

Excalibur: melee combo counter duration and multiplier is doubled. All abilities scale with the melee multiplier (slash dash adds to it, and damage is raised by it, super jump I'm afraid wouldn't be able to scale, radial blind increaces the duration of the blind by .25 seconds per combo point, radial javelin adds to the combo counter per enemy hit with the ability and refreshes and slightly extends the combo counter time-out.)

Frost: inherent coolant leak, +15% damage vs chilled enemies, 30% damage reduction against damage from chilled enemies, and 50% damage resistance against cold damage

Hydroid: difficult for me to think of one as well. Probably based around all the cc in his kit though, and thematically a booty plunderer.

Limbo: 30% bonus damage to enemies in the rift, slight move speed boost while in the rift.

Loki: Stealth finisher damage increaces by 200%

Mag: increaced shield regeneration speed, enemies within 10 meters of Mag lost 2% of their maximum shields per second and that much is restored to Mag's shields.

Mesa: increased weapon switch speed. Passives already exist.

Mirage: enemies targeting her or her Hall of Mirrors have an additional accuracy penalty in their aiming calculations

Nekros: gains 10 health and 3 energy every time an enemy does within 30 meters.

Nova: enemies affected by any of her damage dealing abilities take 5% additional damage from all sources. Enemies who are affected with MPrime have one stack of this debuff.

Nyx: reduced threat level is appropriate.

Oberon: all abilities deal additional true damage equal to 10% of the pre-mitigation damage. All weapons deal an additional 5% true damage based off of pre-mitigation numbers.

Rhino: gains a stacking damage reduction buff based off of number of times hit, 1%/stack, stacks last 5 seconds. Adding a stack refreshes the duration.

Saryn: corrosive, toxin, gas, and viral damage dealt is increaced by 15%. Damage against enemies proc'd by any of these increaced by 20%. 50% damage reduction from toxin damage.

Trinity: decreased res time is appropriate. Also, allies within 30m gain 50 base armor.

Valkyr: damage increaces by 1% per 1% health missing. Melee Attack speed increaces by 1%/2% health missing attack speed buff lasts 5 seconds at it's highest value before being adjusted. Damage comparison is real-time, directly applied.

Vauban: Enemies who are cc'd by his abilities take 15% additional damage from all sources.

Volt: enemies affected by the electricity status proc take 30% increased damage. If an enemy is electric proc'd within 30m of volt, volt gains 1 energy. This will only apply every time an un-shocked enemy becomes shocked (shock stun/chain will not restore energy). 50% damage reduction from electric.

Zephyr: light gravity. Gains a damage boost based on elevation difference, up to 50% at 2 'stories' above his enemies.

Edited by Bernkastal
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Volt - Halved channeling costs and faster Stamina regen.


Your current passive does nothing for melee so he gets two.


Mesa - Active Reload


Mesa can stop reloading faster and if stopped at the right time, her bullets get enhanced damage and innate punchthrough.


If stopped at the wrong time, her weapon jams for X amount of seconds.


Oberon - Maximum health of party members increased along with armor.  Health restore restores an additional 50-100 points when used by Oberon. Those near Oberon have their status ailments dissipate faster. All these boosts are reasonably minor or moderate.


Vauban - Energy and Ammo Restore more effective. Scanner more effective. And all terminals easier to hack. Also when someone is sounding alarm, he is highlighted in Vauban's eyes.


Ember - Phoenix Flare passive. Enemies near Ember slowly burn with a low rate of causing panic. Moderate rate of instant revive and instant revive of an ally. Scorched enemies take additional damage although minor. This would be added to any other Frost passive suggested.


Frost - Ice Flare passive. Those near frost start to freeze. hen he slides, he leaves a trail of ice sliding faster. Enemies freezing have a low rate of freezing to death. This would be an addition to another Frost passive.


Zephyr - Hover(hold jump, then release to hover) and double jump.


Limbo- Those near Limbo gain more energy(minor).

Edited by Jinryusai
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Ash: Increased multiplier on a Finisher, increased damage with Daggers/Dual Daggers/Glaives, increased critical chance/damage while undetected, unalerted enemies you kill drop additional loot for you.

Banshee: Same as Mesa's. (Sniper Package)

Ember: Immunity to Heat status, resistance to Heat damage.

Excalibur: Channeling cost reduced by 20%, combo multipliers stack 20% more quickly, increased combo duration, reduced Stamina cost for melee attacking or blocking; these comprise the "Melee Package". Increased damage with Swords/Dual Swords/Nikana, increased Axe reach/max targets.

Frost: Immunity to all Slow effects, innate Warm Coat effect.

Hydroid: Increased slide and (in upcoming Underwater tileset) swim speed.

Loki: Same as Ash's. (Stealth Package)

Mag: Immunity to all Disruption effects, shield-bypassing damage received is split with shields.

Nekros: Innate Undying Will effect in a group; will hold at 1 HP for 2 seconds upon taking fatal damage in Solo. 

Nova: Reduced threat generation, resistance to Blast damage, innate Firestorm effect.

Nyx: Increased status duration, increased Staff/Polearm damage. (Reducing threat seems counterproductive to Absorb.)

Oberon: Innate Sure Footed effect, resistance to Radiation damage.

Rhino: Enemies are staggered by contact with his collision box and pushed out of the way, increased Hammer/Axe damage. (Permanent higher gravity seems like a nerf.)

Saryn: Immunity to Toxin status, resistance to Toxin damage.

Trinity: Reduced threat generation, revives allies/Kubrows/Rescue targets faster.

Volt: Immunity to Electric status, resistance to Electric damage.

Valkyr: Melee Package (see Excalibur). Increased damage with Fists/Claws/Sparring, increased Whip reach/max targets.

Zephyr: Does not perform a roll or crouch to recover from being airborne, or "Superman" while air-sniping.


"But elemental resistance/immunity is so weak/boring!" I'm sorry, it wasn't too long ago that people were begging DE to make Ember immune to fire damage, or Frost less affected by shield-reduction maps. Suddenly the promise of passives comes along and you all want more? Zephyr falls slower, Mirage dodges faster, they don't reinvent the wheel.

"But you can already mod for X!" Same with Mesa's passives. Mods stack.

Edited by Archwizard
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     My ideas for passives are likely to be colored by my time playing MOBA's and I'm not sure whether that's a bad thing or not but I want to make some that have combat applications to round out and emphasize the frame. I'm also trying to make passives that I haven't seen on this page to throw more ideas into the mix.


Ash: Will suppress his presence, removing himself from enemy vision and dropping agro for 3 seconds for every 10 he is in combat unstealthed.


Banshee: Has a 50% chance to dodge attacks from enemies marked on sonar and within her field of view.


Ember: Every 10 ability casts, Ember will vent excess heat melting projectiles for 5 seconds. (basically damage immunity)


Excalibur: Channeling has a base cost of 3 instead of 5, combo counter slowly decays instead of disappearing altogether, and each point of the counter adds a 1% bonus to range and weapon status chance on abilities (ability casts also halt the decay of melee counter).


Frost: When not moving for 5 seconds, the duration of chilled effects from abilities on enemies is lengthened by 50%.


Hydroid: Casting 2 abilities on an enemy will cause sea sickness or drunkenness, reducing accuracy and stopping movement 'til it subsides.

(Alt): Abilities leave a pool of water on the ground causing enemies to slip and potentially fall.


Limbo: Will automatically transition into/out of the rift if he's about to die and gives 2 seconds invulnerability (3-5 minute cooldown).


Loki: Melee attacks have a 10% chance to disarm enemies (chance is doubled if stealthed).


Mag: Shields constantly recharge even when they take damage albeit at a slower rate; using abilities gives flat amount of shields back to Mag.


Nekros: Can revive himself from death (5 minute cooldown) and gains a small amount of health for every enemy he kills (like...5).


Nova: Gains 1 energy for every enemy she hits with abilities/ has slight innate energy regen, halves energy gain from outside sources (like trinity).


Nyx: When 3 or more enemies are within 1m, Nyx will overwhelm their minds, making them forget how to attack for 3 seconds (2-4 minute cooldown).


Oberon: Innate health regen; using offensive abilities builds a unique counter that improves his health regen and improving the HoT on his heal at the cost of some (if not all) of the counter.


Rhino: Every 5th attack that hits Rhino is reflected back with 50% more force (starts mission on the 5th attack and resets after 10 seconds).


Saryn: Gains flat health for every enemy she infects with the spectrum of toxic damage (meaning if she hits 1 enemy with toxic, gas, and corrosive before he dies, she will gain 3 instances of healing). (Alt): Gains damage resistance for every poisoned (^) enemy up to a cap (resets after *seconds).


Trinity: Every enemy affected by Trinity's abilities gives her resistance to status effects (linked enemies can be affected by procs Trinity avoids).


Valkyr: Gains .25% life-steal and .5% attack speed for every 1% of missing health.


Vauban: Increased max ammo cap and drops a random small restore kit after 20 ability casts.


Volt: Sprinting doesn't drain stamina and the stun on abilities is increased by 50% if enemies are already cc'd.


Zephyr: Can double jump and bullets deal slight AoE damage around target while shooting in the air (I couldn't actually think of anything).

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I find yours really great too, here are some of my suggestions:
Ash - 5-15% dmg buff do slash dmg (depending on lv, starting at 5%), I also like how someone suggested extra crit dmg while undetected 
Banshee - reduced detection time or something 
Ember - 50% less damage from fire or imune to fire procs (dont tell me that would be OP, it would make Ember viable for at least SOMETHING) 
Excalibur - some melee buffs, maybe double channeling damage? 
Frost - instead of slowing him down a ice proc speeds him up, also the ice wave augment allows him to cast on himself 
Hydroid - Tentacle swarm does extra damage against schoolgirls huehuehuehue
Loki - extra movement speed while invisible or extra crit dmg 
Mag - Impervious to magnetic procs
Mesa already has a ton of passives
Mirage already has the extra rolling speed, maybe add extra rolling length to evade better
Nekros - imune to bleed and slash procs 
Oberon - imune to knockdowns, I know it sounds a bit OP but come on, he is the great paladin! 
Rhino - increased gravity (as counterpart to Zephyr) 
Saryn - unaffected by toxin, maybe poisons enemies she comes close to
Trinity - innate hp regeneration and/or faster revive speed 
Zephyr - MORE floatiness 

Also it would be great to add 2 more extra slots, one reserved for augment mods that will result in them being used more and thus creating more diversity. And a second one for things like shield recharge that are NEVER EVER used 


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