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Hold To Crouch On Controllers Is Still Horrible


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It's still totally unreliable. Hold to crouch will still make you crouch, yes, but about a third of the time, I will fall far behind my team by trying to to a slide-jump over a big gap and wind up having the slide happen after I am already in the air.

Look, if you put that dodge roll on the keyboard's hold to crouch, that would cause a HUGE backlash from the community. The reason why? Because that is a horrible button to bind roll to. Why would you put a delay in one of the most important controls in the game? That's like putting roll on the fire button if you dont hold it down for 0.2 seconds before letting go.

I understand you don't like going back and undoing changes you have made, but that was a horrible decision in the first place. Please give us back our hold to crouch T-T

I want to be nice to you, and I love you DE, I really do, but this has been ignored for too long and it's really starting to make me angry.


EDIT: I would love to see a seperate roll button added to the controller's control list, along with a mission progess button and an inspect button (love that feature by the way)

Edited by TheHourMan
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Toggle crouch and hold to crouch are two different bindings and they both have pros and cons, but I normally have both on my control scheme. One for mobility (hold to crouch) and one for turning crouch on so that I can sneak around or get behind cover (toggle crouch.) The thing is, hold to crouch had a dodge roll bound to it in update 15 that made it so that you need to hold crouch for a period of time bfore it will actually take effect. Otherwise, its just a dodge roll.

Another edit: It's also not a toggleable option, like I have reccommended they put into the game, just like the toggle aim and toggle sprint options, they could have crouch = roll option as well instead of making it so that the player doesnt have a choice in the matter

Edited by TheHourMan
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As soon as they introduced that dodge roll to hold to crouch, pretty much everyone stopped using hold to crouch and switched over to toggle crouch because they felt they had no better alternative. There have been alooot of posts about this and all DE did was reduce the delay by about 50%, which is just a bandaid and still left the problem of having a delay at all in there.

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They don't have roll available as a button. There is Sprint/Roll, which I have been using since I started playing, and then there is hold to crouch now, which shouldnt have a roll on it to begin with. I decided on hold to crouch as my go-to crouch button because it's a lot better to me. There is alot more versatility in it and its alot more responsive. At least it used to be before update 15.

Yeah, I get it, there is another crouch button. But thats not the point. I shouldnt be forced to use an alternative (and for me, less effective) control because one was made too unreliable. 

Addition: My point is that they changed a button to something was cumbersome and clunky, then they put a bandaid on it without fixing it and there is still pretty much nobody who uses that control and likes it since U15 dropped. So why not change it back to the way the vast majority of the playerbase actually found useful? If they bound roll to hold to crouch on the controlelr, why not for the keyboard too? I know they did it free up more buttons, but we already had a control that could perform roll+another function which was Sprint/Roll. Putting roll on hold to crouch just adds something that we already had while making an already solid control harder to use.

Edited by TheHourMan
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Im suffering from the same issue and it has made the game unplayable for me. Toggle isnt a viable option for me because I cant just suddenly, after 18 months, change how I play the game. Adding roll to crouch was a bad idea. Adding roll to hold to crouch only for controllers makes no sense to me and it was a move that has had serious consequences for many players.

I havent been able to play the game for 3 months because of this and I'm really frustrated that DE hasn't made any statement about this. If you want roll to stay with hold to crouch then give us another option so player can choose whether they want just hold to crouch or hold to crouch with roll, though I cant imagine anyone wanting that.

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