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Just Wanna Point Out Something About Nullifiers And Frames


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Ok, so I'm not really trying to bring up a discussion or anything, just a short post for everyone and DE to consider.


There has been a lot of hate about the Nullifiers, but also some love around here to. Though, let's point out the main issue: frames. Now I know all about the whole weapons thing. Right now, the shield is suppose to shrink based on dmg, but it oddly enough still shrink based on hits, so I'll leave that out for now.


When dealing with the Nullifier, there are only two options: either whittle down the shield or charge right in with a melee weapon. The problem with charging in is that enemies in the orb would easily kill you, especially if you are using a squishy frame, so that's a big issue. So, the next solution is to whittle down the shield.


This solution is simple, but also problematic for certain frames. Frames that rely heavily on CC are usually squishy. Since they are unable to use their abilities on the Nullifiers, and anyone else in the bubble, they will definitely have some trouble. For now, there are only a select number of frames that can provide themselves with safety while being able to whittle away at the shield. Here is a list of them:


Ash (Smoke Screen)

Frost (Snow Globe)

Loki (Invisibility)

Mag (Shield Polarize + Augment? Unsure about this)

Mesa (Shatter Shield)

Mirage (Eclipse, but only in darkness)

Rhino (Iron Skin)

Trinity (Blessing, Link @ enemies outside)

Valkyr (Depends on build, Warcry)

Volt (Electric Shield)

Zephyr (Turbulence (somewhat))


Based on this list, only halve of the frames (11 out of 22) are able to attack the Nullifiers' shields head on. This is very disappointing to me. I guess that this can also explain the issue where there's a group that finds them hard, and the group that finds them easy, though it doesn't give the exact answer.


I have no real solution to the Nullifiers, but to only make it easier to take out the shields. That is all.


Thanks for reading. :)

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I love press 4 to win!  I main Nova, no defense mods at all (except Rush if you count that as defense), pure offense, corrupted, mprime4lyfe, even in 60 minute T4 Survival.  Coptoring all over the place with a low DPS melee.


Yet, I don't mind nullifiers.


I coptor them in the face!  Gun them down!  Woohooo!  Some times I die.  My team revives me.  Then I do it again!  Spamming mprime every chance I get.  It's fun!  For me.  I'll even coptor stacked nullifiers, in the face!  It works sometimes.  Glass cannon ftw!


Really, I don't get all this nullifier angst.  Sure, I guess DE could over do it.  But, I have not encountered that yet.  Besides, there are other factions.


I keep trying to find a PUG group that will do cerberus for at least 8 waves.  I'm lucky if I find one that will do 4.  One death and they all want to quit, early, long before the enemy starts to get tanky, even when they're all running around with boltor primes.  WTF?

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i can see soloing being a problem with the nullifiers ...but groups not really since the sacrificial lamb going after the nullifier will get revived by his comrades...providing he acccomplished his task and killed bubbleboy

Haha, true. Though, it is sad that only halve of the frames are able to attack head on individually, which is my main issue.

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I love press 4 to win!  I main Nova, no defense mods at all (except Rush if you count that as defense), pure offense, corrupted, mprime4lyfe, even in 60 minute T4 Survival.  Coptoring all over the place with a low DPS melee.


Yet, I don't mind nullifiers.


I coptor them in the face!  Gun them down!  Woohooo!  Some times I die.  My team revives me.  Then I do it again!  Spamming mprime every chance I get.  It's fun!  For me.  I'll even coptor stacked nullifiers, in the face!  It works sometimes.  Glass cannon ftw!


Really, I don't get all this nullifier angst.  Sure, I guess DE could over do it.  But, I have not encountered that yet.  Besides, there are other factions.


I keep trying to find a PUG group that will do cerberus for at least 8 waves.  I'm lucky if I find one that will do 4.  One death and they all want to quit, early, long before the enemy starts to get tanky, even when they're all running around with boltor primes.  WTF?

Yep, that's the way they do it. Nullifiers pose no problem to me because I'm always hard=charging and devastating my enemies with venkas to teh face. *shrugs*


Still, I like this healthy attitude on display here. It's good to enjoy yourself. Add me onto your team for Cerberus!

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