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This "4 To Win" Mentality That The Community Seems To Hate


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I agree with that first part - we are basically demigods - but...jesus. Shouldn't we sort of have a balance between the triumvirate of murder - powers, gunplay, melee? I'm not sure what the hell you mean when you say mediocre.

As for the Boltor Prime bit, I'd advise you to consider how your teammates feel when you run an invasion and they play with ordinary guns while you spew daggers like there's no tommorrow. Words cannot describe how much I hate those kind of people.

Just... think how your teamates feel when you spam Stomp or Prime or Vortex. Try to have some empathy.

For me balance is fine in this game. The enemies get ridiculous as well. So if we got our stuff nerfed and the enemy stayed the same then we would just not be able to deal with it.


When I rush content like invasion mission I'm gonna do it as quickly as possible. Most of the time I do it alone because random people are not going to speed it up for me. More often than not they are leeching, behind me, dying and other stuff.


Also I don't bring Rhino to stomp enemies, I bring Rhino to not get status effects on me or knocked down. His ulti is a bit lacking as of lately. But lately I've just run with Loki Prime and being cloaked for the longest time.


But when I play with randoms I stick to the objective and try to defend it. Do you know what the others are doing? Running 2 hallways away. Gets to the point where I MIGHT just let the objective die. I've done that a couple of times. So I really have no good thoughts for randoms because they never stick together.


Gameplay of Warframe is mediocre for me. Wall running doesn't feel as smooth as in TitanFall. Gunplay is done better in BF3 and BF4. Melee is not satisfying at all for me.

The only thing that I really like is the Mod system. It's the one thing that truly sets it apart from other MMO games. It allows me to get really powerful. 

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It at least forces players to switch up their tactics. Nothing like that really happens when you're wiping the floor using skills. By having an enemy that protects a range of enemies around them, it gives you a priority target if you so happen to want to clear the floor first. I'm not saying skill usage is bad, but variety is good. Having an enemy you HAVE to shoot or melee to defeat at least enforces diversity in technique.

Old system:

- Surrounded by enemies, need to CC

- Use Skill, incapacitate everything.

New System:

- Surrounded by enemies w/ Nullifiers, need to CC

- Shoot bubble to break shield

- shoot Nullifier


- Use Skill, incapacitate everything.


- Slide into Bubble, shoot/melee Nullifier directly

- Use Skill, incapacitate everything.


You mean shoot Nullifier dome with Boltor Prime or Soma Prime when they are level 50 right ?

Snipers / Bow and semi autos are given the shaft.


Until DE fixes the bullsh1t as shown below, it is UNACCEPTABLE.

They lied. They said it was affected by damage, it isn't. 

They are not interested in fixing this problem at all, or have no idea how to fix it !


In fact I welcome any dev or player to join my game and see how my lovely dread flails around for 10 seconds just to put a dent into the dome to kill something.


No do not ask me to pack auto pistols because I detest ALL forms of automatics.

In fact every time I bring a damn auto gun in the void, I feel like I am being forced to play a game that I refused to play.


P.S Yes nullifiers do double stack (as shown below) and can gain obscene resistance. 

And may the RNGeus help you if you get a TRIPLE stack.

If you use a bow or sniper of course.


Boltor prime and Soma Prime ? Dakaka 4 seconds they are gone.

Easy peasy.








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I have no problem taking down nullifiers quickly. I just run to them and shoot them at close range or melee them. Not a problem. But I can clearly see why other players hate them and I sympathize with those players. I also am of the camp that would like it if their bubbles didn't block bullets and were limited to nullifying powers only. I'd even be willing to concede to their bubbles being bigger and only breakable upon death of the caster if they didn't block bullets.


I don't understand why someone would sign up to play a game about Magic Space Ninjas and then complain when players do Space Ninja Magic. The games design just reeks of power spam. If I wanted to not experience power spam I'd play Battlefield or something of that ilk. In other words I'd play something where such things are not even possible and was never a part of the products appeal in the first place.


edited for spelling

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I have no problem taking down nullifiers quickly. I just run to them and shoot them at close range or melee them. Not a problem. But I can clearly see why other players hate them and I sympathize with those players. I also am of the camp that would like it if their bubbles didn't block bullets and were limited to nullifying powers only. I'd even be willing to concede to their bubbles being bigger and only breakable upon death of the caster if they didn't block bullets.


I don't understand why someone would sign up to play a game about Magic Space Ninjas and then complain when players do Space Ninja Magic. The games design just reeks of power spam. If I wanted to not experience power spam I'd play Battlefield or something of that ilk. In other words I'd play something where such things are not even possible and was never a part of the products appeal in the first place.


edited for spelling


Nah it won't happen.

People will say git gud (use boltor prime nub) or slide melee yo.

Yea try slide melee in a 225/213 Loki with all his skills handcuffed to his back.


And no putting a R10 Redirection won't help Loki anyway, still 1 shotted.

Even from a low level nullifier in the 30s.

Trust me i tried before I whine. :>

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I don't really see why there is a dispute to begin with. In my mind, there are any number of combinations using frames and weapons to have fun. Just think of some ridiculous things like using an Opticor on Zephyr.


Nullifiers really aren't much of a problem because you can pack your high damage primary and then perhaps a bullet spammy secondary. Personally I use Hikou Prime to mow them down.


Tired of the Void and spamming powers to stay alive beyond some silly high time? Go pick up to newbie on Mercury and guide them through missions or something. There are tons of things you can do besides farm.

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The community confuses me a lot, they seem to want a full on "tactical cover shooter" when the game/enemy spawn/mod/damage systems are built for a fast paced TPS. It's almost like the community wants their apple to start tasting like an orange while looking like an apple.

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Nullifiers really aren't much of a problem because you can pack your high damage primary and then perhaps a bullet spammy secondary. Personally I use Hikou Prime to mow them down.


As i mention, i detest nearly all forms of automatics.


If i want to play a cowboy with a tigris and akvastos, why should I be penalized ?

If I want to play an Orokin era designated Marksmen with a Latron Prime and Lex Prime, why should I be penalized ?


All I want now is an answer from DE why are they trying to restrict our play styles ?



Also Nullifers in their current form makes it VERY difficult for sword alone players unless they choose the usual tanks.

If DE decided that Nullifiers are their end all be all solutions, why waste time creating augments like this below that specifically help Banshee as non-tank melee ?





Or i guess Sword alone doesn't exist now ?

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I honestly think that things are fine as they are. I dont mind it when people spam MP because it helps out the squad. And when a frame doesn't have ablities like MP (rhino) people complain the users are selfish and don't think for the team. If you wan't to play without ultimates then find a squad like yourself, clearly there are a lot of them. Personally I enjoy using all the abilites and don't rely on just one.

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As i mention, i detest nearly all forms of automatics.


If i want to play a cowboy with a tigris and akvastos, why should I be penalized ?

If I want to play an Orokin era designated Marksmen with a Latron Prime and Lex Prime, why should I be penalized ?


All I want now is an answer from DE why are they trying to restrict our play styles ?



Also Nullifers in their current form makes it VERY difficult for sword alone players unless they choose the usual tanks.

Why waste time creating augments like this below that specifically help Banshee as non-tank melee ?




Or i guess Sword alone doesn't exist now ?


To be honest, you're only penalised for doing that in the harder missions past the star chart. And if you absolutely refuse to adjust your loadout, just bring a buddy who doesn't.


But anyway, this isn't really about the Nullifiers here, I probably shouldn't have brought them up in the first place I guess.

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Im sorry to tell you but when you're dealing with 45+ void enemies and you want to go as far as you can to challenge yourself, you cant blame people for using frames with High CC, high damaging "4's". Some of you honestly think that other cant play without using 4, which is a sad joke. to me using 4 is resorting to the most efficient tactic possible in high level missions, especially def, survival and interception, considering how fast of the dynamic can change when enemies do absurd damage, absorb absurd damage and they themselves have absurd CC and come in DROVES, eventually your damage will start to taper off and you wont be able to proceed further without some serious skill spammage.


Personally when i go to t3 and t4 void missions, my goal is to go as far as i can so i can make the most out of my key so if i have to recruit a team of OP "4" abilities, trust me I will. if i can maximize my gain why wouldn't I?


Dont blame the players for utilizing tools that they have been giving simply because you dont like it, blame the tools themselves for being so incredibly useful. There comes a point where you play this game so long that your prime objective is to go for the most efficient route possible and personally i dont see any reason as to why thats a bad thing.



This guy has the right idea. Even with the warframes with the "OP" abilities, they had their limits. Those abilities helped you push the absolute limits.

In higher level missions, the enemies were alot harder and you struggled despite the "push 4 to win" pre-nerf abilities. 


But nobody cared about that, because everyone was in low-mid leveled missions anyway. They didn't care about making things more challenging (which there are MANY MANY ways of doing so!). They just cared about nerfing the frames because it "ruined" their gameplay when they didn't leave the low-mid missions.



NOVA was great. I could use her ability to quickly blast through rounds of defense to get to the harder waves to the point where I have to press 4 multiple times and the enemies would still be alive. NOVA was more effective if you played her as a suicide bomber practically. Now this nerfed ability... F*** that. 


Trinity? Was a great frame for the invincibility on farming runs or high level defense or survival. People used her for farming straight up and it worked. Now she's another frame in the closet. 


DE even originally said that they had the frames abilities do what they originally intended it for, but caved from community white knights and elitists. 

I sinked money and hours upon hours of time to build my frames and weapons to perfection. Even loaded my sentinel to max mods and over 6 formas, but I learned my lesson on why I should NOT give DE any more of my money. Even considered selling my account many times because it's absolute bullS#&$.



Now the physics seem so slow, laggy, and wonky too. 



All i've seen is nerf after nerf after nerf and increasing amount of enemies with invulnerabilites, leeches, and other bullS#&$ which is something that we don't need. 






But honestly, I'm over it and this is how I think of the warframe community now.


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As i mention, i detest nearly all forms of automatics.


If i want to play a cowboy with a tigris and akvastos, why should I be penalized ?

If I want to play an Orokin era designated Marksmen with a Latron Prime and Lex Prime, why should I be penalized ?


All I want now is an answer from DE why are they trying to restrict our play styles ?

ITT: People complain about how they can't do things their way, and refuse to find alternate ways of doing things.

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ITT: People complain about how they can't do things their way, and refuse to find alternate ways of doing things.


Here we have a brilliant example of people forcing you to a certain play style.


Again I mention, this doesn't just affect slow ROF weapons, it is killing the melee only players as well.

They cannot use cc skills to circumvent the inevitable radial blast if there is a gunner or bombard in there.

Without guns they cannot break the shield at range either.


So I guess your answer is use guns eh ? Oh make sure they are full auto !

Or don't play with swords only ?

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Here we have a brilliant example of people forcing you to a certain play style.


Again I mention, this doesn't just affect slow ROF weapons, it is killing the melee only players as well.

They cannot use cc skills to circumvent the inevitable radial blast if there is a gunner or bombard in there.

Without guns they cannot break the shield at range either.


So I guess your answer is use guns eh ? Oh make sure they are full auto !

Or don't play with swords only ?

Hmm. If I was doing Melee only, I'd probably bring a Loki, and stealth attack everything else before attempting the nullifiers. If there are enemies in the bubble, wait for them to separate. Just an idea.


Full auto? You could probably get an unranked Sicarus to do the job. Even better, a LATO. 


Again, there are lots of alternate means of achieving an ends. You just have to think before you whine.

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Here we have a brilliant example of people forcing you to a certain play style.


Again I mention, this doesn't just affect slow ROF weapons, it is killing the melee only players as well.

They cannot use cc skills to circumvent the inevitable radial blast if there is a gunner or bombard in there.

Without guns they cannot break the shield at range either.


So I guess your answer is use guns eh ? Oh make sure they are full auto !

Or don't play with swords only ?


You know you can block the radial blast, right? You can roll at the right moment, too. Also: heavy melee momentum. And you'll probably want to use Handspring anyway on any sort of melee build worth its salt. With Handspring you're recovering faster than it takes them to complete their blast animation.


You can also bring a fast firing weapon just to get rid of the shield and then continue to use melee. You can do that from cover, too, as any part of the shield is equally vulnerable.





NOVA was great. I could use her ability to quickly blast through rounds of defense to get to the harder waves to the point where I have to press 4 multiple times and the enemies would still be alive. NOVA was more effective if you played her as a suicide bomber practically. Now this nerfed ability... F*** that. 




Not sure why Nova keeps being brought up. She's certainly not the worst offender when it comes to room nukes, and her new MP certainly isn't bad, either. I think they hit the sweet spot with that rework.


The pic is funny, i have to admit.

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Are you being obtuse on purpose? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and clarify what I was trying to say there: First and foremost, this game is a 3rd person shooter. Abilities are there to complement and enhance that core gameplay concept. If I was reducing myself to just mash one button repeatedly - and never do anything else - why exactly would I need to start up this game in the first place? Repeatedly and exclusively are the key words here.


I don't want to be an assembly line worker here, I want to be a demigod space ninja warrior. That's what this game should be about. It's a problem that a playstyle that could essentially be carried out by 3-4 lines of computer code can be much more rewarding. If you don't see that then I'm not sure what else to tell you.


You're pointing to grinding as the reason why this should be ok. But that's really a separate discussion, so I'm not going to address that.



And that's another fine example to prove how if someone disagree with some of this, everyone says great, Community members then he needs to be obtuse.


I'll be blunt and direct, you have every right to dislike certain mechanics or gameplay. You have every right on not wanting to become an assembly worker. You have every right upon disliking the idea of repeating a single action repeatedly and exclusively. But that does not allows you to decide on what take others want to take upon the game.


Keyword: others.


Warframe, like every other game who is available under the label of 'Free to Play', is first and foremost a grindfest. It can be a 3rd Person Shooter as well, but first and foremost it puts the players to face a choice between purchasing items with analogic currency OR Grind like tomorrow should never come. It's alrighty, it's the way it should be for DE to bring food on their tables and for player to be allowed to play the game wihout shelling out a coin. 


But remember:


"Your Freedom should end where another person's Freedom begins."


If you refuse to bring yourself to become an assembly line worker, it's fine. But you have no rights upon forcing this choice on others and you should not insult them upon their choices. You still can, no one can silence you, but it's rude and I believe not worth of a civilized being.


You right now addressed me as obtuse because I was disagreeing upon your ideals.


To be honest I believe, that if you are the host then you have the right to ask for a player whose playstyle you don't like to leave. But if you are not the host, you have not such a right. You should politely accept that someone had different ideas rather than yours and leave the game if you, really, can't stand someone spamming 4.


But again, I don't think like you do, thus I am obtuse...



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And that's another fine example to prove how if someone disagree with some of this, everyone says great, Community members then he needs to be obtuse.


I feel that was a valid question to ask. Because I'm not sure how you could misconstrue "playing as a human being instead of a keyboard macro" into an argument about how that was dehumanising, or derogatory, or what have you. And then i went on to clarify this, that's all there is to it.


But of course, feel free to read more into what I wrote again, while conveniently ignoring the rest of that post (you know, the actually important part). Like I'm doing with yours here.

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I feel that was a valid question to ask. Because I'm not sure how you could misconstrue "playing as a human being instead of a keyboard macro" into an argument about how that was dehumanising, or derogatory, or what have you. And then i went on to clarify this, that's all there is to it.


But of course, feel free to read more into what I wrote again, while conveniently ignoring the rest of that post (you know, the actually important part). Like I'm doing with yours here.


The important parts of your posts were:


Asking if I was obtuse because I disagreed on your views.


Saying that people can do whatever they want as long they don't bother you, in any circumstance, because you play as a human being and them as a Computer Macro.


That, the diminishing attitude you had toward me (Yeah, I took personally to be called obtuse.) and the other players, was what invalidated everything else because it put your ideal above every other players' reaction to the game.


That said, feel free to ignore whichever part of my post you feel to ignore, guess it's the most mature thing to do to face people who disagree with you.


My, sincere, compliments for having been honest about that.

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o.o push 4 to win is one of the worst things that happen in warframe. It takes all elements and makes them utterly redundant. Hey enemy coming+push 4=dead, swarm coming+push=dead, IDK whats in the next room+push 4=dead. People complain about getting new content and weapons yet over and over again they rely off of that 1 button just to make things go $&*&*#(%&ly easy. It shows some major lack of appreciation for all the made things available for you to use. Whats the point of adding weapons/mods/new enemies if its all reduced to the same old overused tactic? (The answer is there is none. Which is why you have tactical alerts which make it a bit more challenging, however that push 4 still wins every one)


Dont blame the players for utilizing tools that they have been giving simply because you dont like it, blame the tools themselves for being so incredibly useful. There comes a point where you play this game so long that your prime objective is to go for the most efficient route possible and personally i dont see any reason as to why thats a bad thing.


And this this is just wow. Then I wouldn't complain if I were you if things that are number 4 related get nerfed to hell. Hey we have to blame the tools right? well now the tool got destroyed. There will be no room to complain with this argument.


Its not efficient its lazy, taking the easy way out never solved much. Which is why newer players see older players spam the 1 button and believe it will work. Then when it stops becoming effective they complain that something is too hard because they never learned how to utilize other tactics. 


The only real times 4 should ever be used IMO is if your in danger and there is just too much around you/out of ammo/spam for getting oxygen for survivals when your low. (im iffy on rep farming since I get it speeds it up however sorta just makes it boring as hell) Otherwise its use the skills before that to make combat easier/the guns and melee given to you. But due to the press 4 to nuke problem its become so common in every mission that most are no brainers. Hit a button, occasionally shoot and move on. (funny too since I dont see DE spamming 4 on their streams)

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The important parts of your posts were:


Asking if I was obtuse because I disagreed on your views.


Saying that people can do whatever they want as long they don't bother you, in any circumstance, because you play as a human being and them as a Computer Macro.


That, the diminishing attitude you had toward me (Yeah, I took personally to be called obtuse.) and the other players, was what invalidated everything else because it put your ideal above every other players' reaction to the game.


That said, feel free to ignore whichever part of my post you feel to ignore, guess it's the most mature thing to do to face people who disagree with you.


My, sincere, compliments for having been honest about that.


No. You're reading way too much into what i wrote. I was asking if you were, because you clearly like to be theatrical in your posts.


Let me simplify this for you:

  • I like ultimate abilites.
  • I dislike exclusive use of ultimate abilities, as the game at its core is still a shooter.
  • I wouldn't even mind people doing that if they keep to themselves, and don't overly impact other people's gameplay. Which they did with the Viver reputation farming in a way. However, I'm happy with the reputation caps we have now.
  • I'm not even stopping you from nuking every room if I happen to play with you in a PUG. I'll probably just leave at the next best occasion, though (between waves, or looking for a new invasion group). Because it's boring for me.
  • I don't want them to nerf these abilities, like they did with the LOS changes. But something has (or had) to be done to prevent them from completely trivialising large parts of the game.
  • I feel Nullifiers, even if not perfect, are a step in the right direction.


Clear enough?

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I don't care about your stupid, endless T4 runs.

I just want a chill Kiste run, but all I see is Ashes jumping from enemy to enemy and a Saryn hiding in a corner spewing her goo everywhere.


If I wanted to watch Warframe, I'd just go to Youtube.


inb4 "Why don't you play with friends, even though this game's netcoding is so broken you can play with anyone aside from your friends."

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Make combating with other means more interesting, more fun and more effective and you will see people shifting away from spamming ultimate.

Give melee more physical interaction and meaningful AOE combos.


This combo has zero effects on anything. It´s just doing damage. No slam on ground throw, no uppercut ragdoll on kick. The spiraling weapon at the end doesn´t even give greater AOE damage capability. That can´t really be and that´s only one example on why melee combos need more love.

Give pistol-play some form of Gun-Kata. If they lack damage compared to main weapons than give them at least something cool in exchange, really you should do this DE. =_=


More rework of older weapons, mechanics like parkour and movement in general like make dodging a thing.

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o.o push 4 to win is one of the worst things that happen in warframe. It takes all elements and makes them utterly redundant. Hey enemy coming+push 4=dead, swarm coming+push=dead, IDK whats in the next room+push 4=dead. People complain about getting new content and weapons yet over and over again they rely off of that 1 button just to make things go $&*&*#(%&ly easy. It shows some major lack of appreciation for all the made things available for you to use. Whats the point of adding weapons/mods/new enemies if its all reduced to the same old overused tactic? (The answer is there is none. Which is why you have tactical alerts which make it a bit more challenging, however that push 4 still wins every one)



And this this is just wow. Then I wouldn't complain if I were you if things that are number 4 related get nerfed to hell. Hey we have to blame the tools right? well now the tool got destroyed. There will be no room to complain with this argument.


Its not efficient its lazy, taking the easy way out never solved much. Which is why newer players see older players spam the 1 button and believe it will work. Then when it stops becoming effective they complain that something is too hard because they never learned how to utilize other tactics. 


The only real times 4 should ever be used IMO is if your in danger and there is just too much around you/out of ammo/spam for getting oxygen for survivals when your low. (im iffy on rep farming since I get it speeds it up however sorta just makes it boring as hell) Otherwise its use the skills before that to make combat easier/the guns and melee given to you. But due to the press 4 to nuke problem its become so common in every mission that most are no brainers, hit a button occasionally shoot and move on. (funny too since I dont see DE spamming 4 on their streams)

efficiency is lazy? wow, tell that to all the innovators who have developed new ways and completing tasks, hell get off your computer and send a letter to DE to post your message because using a computer is lazy. next time you wanna call your family, write them a letter because its lazy. Oh yea the next time you want to write that letter, make your own damn pencil to write with it, make your own ink and go pluck a feather off a bird for a quill.


you clearly dont understand what laziness and efficiency are. you ignorantly posted your asinine definitions of it without even bothering to look up what you wrote. but since you clearly dont know ill help you out.


lazy-unwilling to work or use energy.


efficient- (especially of a system or machine) achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense. 


The reason why veterans players utilize these methods is not because they are lazy but they would rather not waste precious time, which is a valuable resource, in order to accomplish their goals. The Method is EFFECTIVE because it WORKS. next time do a bit of research before you post so you dont like like an idiot.

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*All that stuff*


All of your suggestion, as much as they were interesting, won't work.


The problem at the base of spamming ultimates is that people wants to run through the missions as fast as they can.


For multiple reasons of which some of them, I fear, they don't want to openly explain.


They will ignore anything spectacular, they will ignore everything short of insta-kills. Hell, people complained that Ash ultimate was too slow because he needed to take each enemy one at time.


Clear the mission as quick as you can, with the less risks, and restart it until that item you needed drops...


Maximum result with minimum effort, that's what they want...

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I love how people think using the abilities you've been given is somehow a bad thing...

Or how people seem to think that all anyone does is press 4.


But what REALLY makes me laugh?

 I main Rhino Prime.

That AUTOMATICALLY enrolls me in the "press 4 to win" club....which is incredibly far from the truth.

But here's some interesting info:

I use my loadout more than my abilities...

Sometimes my Carrier gets more kills than I do (when I concentrate on melee).

I only use 4 when it's REALLY needed or just practical (surrounded,someone is down,need a spot cleared out fast, like the pod,Nova drops AMD)


Don't blame people for using that which they've been given,it's just as easy to say that people with guns are ruining the ability to use powers in missions....It's a ridiculous notion. If all you do is press 4,play with like minded people, If you like your weapons,and a little bit of power use,play with those people. If you play Pubs....expect anything.


There is no "Press 4" problem...There is only a problem with people hating any playstyle that they don't use...

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Dont blame the players for utilizing tools that they have been giving simply because you dont like it, blame the tools themselves for being so incredibly useful. There comes a point where you play this game so long that your prime objective is to go for the most efficient route possible and personally i dont see any reason as to why thats a bad thing.


You are sorely mistaken if you think anyone blames the players(those that do are mistaken too).


Those of us who understand the issue in any capacity(something you do not), blame the devs for designing and balancing the game in a way where:

A: Pressing 4 allows a single person to clear large swathes of enemies, with minimal interaction(if any), potentially denying the fun of dispatching of said enemies in a more conventional, more interactive way.

B: Pressing 4 is necessary to essentially "turn-off"(stunning, disabling weapons, becomming immune to damage ect.) the enemies for long enough to be able to deal with the sheer mathematical advantages they have over the player(higher HP, higher damage dealt, larger quantities, ect.).


Note that "Pressing 4" may in some cases be a different button, such as Loki's invisibility, ect. "Press 4" is just a shorthand based on the fact that in most cases, the ability that "turns-off combat" is located on that button.

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