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How To Fix Complete Game Burn Out?


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Right after the Gradivus Dilemma, I spent about a month and a half- 2 months not touching the game for anything except claiming the daily login reward. I helps. Big time. 

Put your Kubrows in Stasis, and enjoy a different game for a while. The Lotus, Ordis, and your companions will be waiting for you upon your return.

Edited by Vattira
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I do whatever I want to do in game. 
I goof off a lot. I guess by doing so, I interest myself. You never know how truly fun a game is until you relax and just goof off in it. 
If you aren't an introvert, like me, bring some friends. :P

Or take a break, find a new game to grind out, and come back later on. I played Last of Us Multiplayer for a while in my burnout. Was refreshing, but easily tiresome, and far more repetitive than Warframe in the long run.

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