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De Designed The Event So That The Relays Would Get Destroyed


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totally, but i will maybe rude, isn't kinda naive to think that player will run mission for free? because that the point, we do run mission for free.


without forget, i love archwing, but it have some major issue still not solved, like the mods/item really hard to find or the lack of 3d map for find more easily the enemy.


and like said by other people before me... it's the holiday a lot of people are preparing for christmas :x


We don't run the mission for free. We're charged cryotic, omega isotopes, and 1000+ credits to have the privilege of doing the mission.

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I think they have something else if we lose the relay, maybe starts a second timer, or leaves that relay partially destroyed and we have to rebuild it

or a mission where we defend fight from the relay... probably this, i can fairly imagine a battle right outside of the relay. but do they have the tech yet for do something that epic.more important, do the tenno have any capital ship able to slow down the fomorian or protect the relay from him shoot?


or maybe the relay have shield powerfull enough for withstand a few shoot before go down and it will leave time for the tenno to fight for it.

We don't run the mission for free. We're charged cryotic, omega isotopes, and 1000+ credits to have the privilege of doing the mission.

it's why i say we are running it for free, we don't get anything in return :x

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Only time will tell. If you could really predict the future, you should be in Vegas betting on ponies.


I don't need to be able to predict the future. If I drop a match on some dry tinder it'll light. It doesn't take psychic powers to be able to predict what will happen in simple situations.

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i don't think like you, arch wing is fun, sadly people have the habit to faceroll content with OP warframe power when the archwing power are often bad.... and take age for get really powerfull enough. the previous concern that i have said play a huge part into it. before they did change the mods drop from the interception of earth, get mods for archwing was quite hard....


people did grow to hate this mods when it's kinda fun with friend.

I think that Archwing is only failing due to the fact that it acts as a seperate game, and does not affect any content not relating to Archwing. Just like the Hijack mission, it provides no real benefits that will help you in the majority of the game.

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How everyone will cry when the void trader want to come but will go away again for 2 weeks (or more if the next) relay is destroyed. So instead of seeing him every 2 week we will see him every 13x2 week if just one relay survives :D

Edited by Aratir
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Personally I am surprised that it doesn't get finished with everyone trying to get the credits. I like the event, I think the rewards are fine, I have run each about 5 times, they take too many completions to go down. Perhaps the number of players with enough time to invest to do them more than just once or twice might have been overestimated.


I don't think that crafting the Odonata Archwing should take as long as it does, new players and those whom didn't care about the Archwing before might be able to pitch in if it didn't take like 4 days to make the damn thing. Plus it makes the actual quest feel super awkward as it destroys the hype for the new content by dropping a massive wait time on you, but that is another matter entirely.


The only terrible part of the actual event gameplay, from the perspective of someone who kind of enjoys the Archwing portion, is having to go out and farm the mats to make the disruptor. Make that go away and reduce the number of times it takes to blow up and the event would be perfect, rewards and all. It shouldn't take any more than the number of people whom have an Archwing to get their credit reward to do.

Edited by Rehero
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There is different type of players in this community and would be good if the devs not force the players to do "that" mission what they not like. This is not depend on difficulity just simply likeness. Personaly I like to farm things and loot much and not rush the missions for the stats. I hate that when you should run always in solo because most of peoples rush. I hate also that when Lotus and Ordis disturb me always with quest if you not finished one. Until you finish that mission which is a bit shamey.


Those quests and mission types should be optional and not must do. 


Ps_: Not everybody lazy jerk who want reach everything in game faster because this is absolute random. Sometimes you need much run sometimes you can get stuffs less time but sometimes never or almost never.

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