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[Question/poll] Should The Archwing Event Now Reward Players For Every Mission Done?


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Hello all,


The question that this thread will be asking is: 


With how the Archwing Tvent is going on right now (and with its previous things), should the Archwing Event now reward players for every of the Event Sabotage Mission done (either Archwing mods or an Archwing weapon part, for instance) so that players would want to play it a bit more?


If yes, then should all players who have played the event missions before this addition be reimbursed in some way?


If no, why not, and what are your alternative suggestions?


This is just to collect data on the event, and see if it could help DE(L) improve future Archwing events for players who like playing Archwings. 


Please discuss civilly in this thread.



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i dont think the problem with the event is a lack of rewards, but overly spread out rewards. imagine if we had the same scoring/reward system, but each fomorian could only be attacked for an hour at a time. 



After the one attacking vesper relay had been approaching for an hour, it goes behind the planet, to the dark side, away from the sun, so perations temorarily need to cease on both sides. during this time, another fomorian shows up, and you can attack it and get more poiints. after another hour, the one attacking vesper relay is back, and the second one is on the dark side, and so on, eacch keeping the same pecentage while it goes behind.


this would allow people to see more fomorians more frequently than we do now. as it stands, the highes score is 4-5, several days after the event started. that is faulty design in my opiniion.

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this would allow people to see more fomorians more frequently than we do now. as it stands, the highes score is 4-5, several days after the event started. that is faulty design in my opiniion.

Then again, the event started around two to three days ago, so it is not that long yet. 

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Then again, the event started around two to three days ago, so it is not that long yet. 

even so, it seems like DE artificially elongated what could have been a week long event this way. Let me say i dont htink they did anything particularly wrong, And i certainly see why they made the event the way it is, so they dont have to deal with it ver their winter/holiday vacation, but it could have been done much better i think

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well I'd love SOMETHING. I started the event missions with starter-level garbage. I've basically been carried by people who have actually played Archwing and have gotten a good number of mods. With the low drop-rates of mods, and lack of helpful mods at that, the events have been an annoying struggle as I crawl my way through

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Personaly don't like the archwing missions and I would like if that can turn into an optional and not must do mission/event.


If you guys want to do the same mission then my answer yes. Would be good for whom doing the mission if every time given rewards and not just grinding materials but small extras or loots.

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How bout 1 guaranteed tellurium piece for every 3 runs done?



If you ran out  Cryotic and beacons, already (spam-building disruptors the way I and others have), it's rather dull to have to go back, farm some more missions, get more beacons / cryotic, run archwing run, and repeat, that seems like a lot of effort for merely another shot at the high score at that fomorian, doesn't it?



Besides, isn't saving the relays reward enough? 

Edited by Somedude1000
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I think if they made the credits work every time you get a certain score level.


Up to 5 times 1,000,000 Score gets X number of credits

5 more times you have to get 1,500,000 score to get X number of credits

5 more times 2,000,000.... etc after 5 times it increase the minimum score to get credits.


Alternatively, with the new Archwing exclusive resource it could give that after each successful run of 1 million score or higher.

You could perhaps just get 1 or something each time.


at least something to motivate people to play the level more than once.

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But the down time would be the same, right?


I assume so, though I have no idea, regardless, the option of having him visit one other relay is always nice, in my opinion, this is because if the more of the preliminary relays were destroyed, he would only be able to spawn at later missions, potentially locking out players who haven't completed the starchart (though it would be good incentive fro them to complete all the nodes)

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I assume so, though I have no idea, regardless, the option of having him visit one other relay is always nice, in my opinion, this is because if the more of the preliminary relays were destroyed, he would only be able to spawn at later missions, potentially locking out players who haven't completed the starchart (though it would be good incentive fro them to complete all the nodes)

At least there is still that Vesper Relay. 


But anyways, the Archwing Event might need to be a bit more appealing to players who like Archwing to play. 

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At least there is still that Vesper Relay. 


But anyways, the Archwing Event might need to be a bit more appealing to players who like Archwing to play.



Did you really think it would be this easy!!! muahahaha" Vesper relay may be safe now, but it is not unlikely a second formorian will appear ato  challenge it, perhaps with higher level enemies, I assume this because we know from this;




There will be more than 15 Fomorians as far as I know.
Also, about the 'point multiplier':
"- Fomorian missions with a higher level of difficulty will provide extra points.
Leaderboards are available for players that want to compete for the best score during Fomorian Sabotage Missions. Your individual score is determined by the amount of damage dealt to the Fomorian Power Core during a single run. The highest scores can only be achieved by squads with coordinated deployment of Fomorian Disruptors, and efficient attacks on the Power Cores"
There are two schools of points:
Battle Points (1 per Fomorian)
Score points (Clan Leaderboard metric). 
The only thing being multiplied as per difficulty are the Score points for Clan Leaderboards. 
Sorry for any confusions this caused - definitely need to be careful about how the scoring is laid out but I hope this clears up some of the issue. 



that there'll be more fomorians than the number of total relays


The event needs mroe flare for sure, a special reward would encourage more participation!

Edited by Somedude1000
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There could be a system that allows to get more points from a single Fomorian, but for more efforts.

Example :

 - 1st run 1 point

 - 4th run 1 more point

 - 10th run 1 more point

 - 22th run 1 more point

I like this but it would probably add to the problem. Impatient/bored players who want to be done as soon as possible will bite the bullet to get those extra points, once they max out the event then they have no further incentive to do the rest of the ships period. (this is pretty much going to happen anyway once the 15-17th ships occur, participation is going to drop off drastically).



At least there is still that Vesper Relay. 


But anyways, the Archwing Event might need to be a bit more appealing to players who like Archwing to play. 

It's not like Vesper is really safe forever though honestly I'd say it is. Remember there are 6 relays remaining, and there are a minimum of 15 ships going to appear (more than likely 30). So every relay is going to be attacked more than once.


On topic: sure yes let's get some rewards in there. Mods preferably from a list of mods that are useful for EVERYONE trying to get started in this, so y'know health, shields, elements, not extend. If the risk of unwanted mods is too high, it won't be worth repeating, same as now. Archwing parts would be really great but I doubt they'd be that nice.

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