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And This Is Why I Play Xbox With My Friends


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So on XBOX(add me: Benjiroxz) I play warframe! (my PC sucks[PC: Redglitch]) and so i was doing the current event (the mutalist event). Mt friend had to get off at 10, so i was playing the event, and i ran into some giant jerks on XBOX warframe. Like massive jerks! And they didn't even be a team player and tried to revive me! LOOK at this conversation! its total jerkatuide! 







been revised, i forgot about that rule sorry

Edited by (XB1)BenjiRoxz
Removed pictures due to naming and shaming
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Looks like your typical Xbox experience to me :D little "thuglyfe" try hards.

Screw that "remove their names" crap. People act like this because they're protected from shame. They're "anonymous" on the Internet - no fear of being slapped like the punks they are if they said that to somebodies face. Even worse their Gamertag is protected even because this "no shaming" policy.

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Is this a discussion about when to activate life support ? Personally I would actually ( factually ) agree to the guy that 20% can be suicidal at a later stage in a survival because life support starts to drain pretty fast then and ways to the next life support become long. That he knows that 20% can be suicidal shows that he is no newbie but you accuse him to be one. Things start to escalate. This doesnt seem to be a one sided fault to me even though his language is rude which may be due to a certain degree of education, social reasons or just due to the in game / personal real life situation. Maybe some people just prefer to speak like that. Put him on your ignore list, problem solved.

Having one very unpleasant disussion after 2 years of playing warframe ( as you said ) seems like a good ratio to me and confirms my personal experience - most people are just fine / nice. It is like RNG : sometimes you meet a few offending people in a row - sometimes you dont meet any bad guy for months.

Furthermore a meta discussion about the best time to activate life support - especially suggesting an extremly low value like 20% - during gameplay is almost always something able to raise unpleasant commentary since people want to play and not have a subjective meta discussion.

Edited by AdFinitum
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I always try to avoid players like this. I never understood why someone would want to ruin someone else's experience just to have their way. Best thing you can do is report them in game and through support and ignore them.

There're always some bad apples.

Read it again. Bad grammar always annoys me. Grrrr. If you're going to take the time to stop killing things to insult me at least do it in a grammaticaly correct fashion so I know what you're saying and can then laugh at how idiotic it makes you seem.

Edited by Imaru12
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The guy who said the 20% thing is a totally different guy. there 4 in this conversation.

The guy who tried to impose an extremly low value of 20% for when to activate a life capsule ( first screenshot, first line ) - if I interpret the discussion correctly - and accused someone else to be new to the game was you I assume since his name in the screenshot is the same as your forum name.

Edited by AdFinitum
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