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It Seems Like The Female Warframes Are More Powerful Than The Male Ones


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Gender roles are an interesting thing.



"Would you hit a girl?"

Having a female character be the one constantly taking hits is... somewhat problematic, on several levels.


How much do you hold that these gender roles remain?


The fact is, why do they need to matter any more? Warframe is so far removed from the context surrounding gender roles it's hardly something to worry about. It's actually one of the better games I've played to basically take its female characters and go 'Yeah, they're badass and reasonably modestly designed too'. The Grineer even reverse the whole role with some of their best units being specialised females, let alone being led by the Twin Queens. Males? So low ranking by comparison, almost.


It is also worth bearing in mind that, with the growing demands for equality, well, that means both genders have something to gain. Female characters are more allowed to engage in things that aren't necessarily 'effeminate' or what not, and be awesome. Males can increasingly not be akin to a modern Hercules to be valued, and actually be valued for being either empathetic, more open about their feelings or just not being 'typical guys'.


This and this trope are highly problematic. So long as the media and society at large has this perception of females as 'needing protection', the fight for gender equality will never be over.


All genders should be viewed just a capable of doing good or bad. Saying women are more likely to be x y z and men more likely to be a b c degrades us all.


If someone hits you, it doesn't matter what gender they are; they are violent and are causing you harm. You should not be shackled by some societal pressure to not be able to defend yourself from that. If you are abused, you should not be ignored because of the gender of the abuser, or because of the gender of the abused.


Gender is not even so simple as Male-Female any more. Would you be ok hitting a guy who actually perceives themselves as female, or a female who perceives themselves as male? (I do not know the official term, so if anyone takes offence, it is not intended!)


I understand that it's something hard to stomach for some. But, at the end of the day, it's something we as a society need to get better about. Men and women both can be emotionally hurt and physically hurt. Both need support. Both like to gawk at people they find attractive. Trying to wrap ourselves in expressions like 'Man up' or 'you're such a big girl' degrade everyone.


Yes. I'm opposed to hitting people for the sake of hitting them. However, as someone who enjoys an honest spar, frankly, if I can find a good opponent who doesn't spend their time whining or acting like they get a free pass because of their gender or whatever, great. In a good clean fight, respect your opponent and give your darned best. If you hold back any further than the 'not actually trying to hurt each other permanently', you dishonour your opponent and yourself. You insult them.


I'm sorry to ramble on so much but...Warframe is set in a world and place where the boundaries of our current understanding of Gender Roles just...doesn't apply really. Women are badass, just as much as Men are badass. It's to DE's credit that they don't seem to really care about which Warframe's are 'awesome' in as much as they take a concept, go 'oh, it's on the Female/Male' part of the release cycle and...that's about it. Honestly I'm dubious of the notion that Warframes are designed on a Gender first, Concept Second. Rather, it's 'which concept are we inspired most to work on/has Mynki finished playing with?' and 'what part of the release cycle can we see this finished by?'.


With the awesome warframes so...disparate, it comes down to playstyle. Oberon's my favourite male frame over all. Compared to Valkyr, Saryn, Trinity, Ember. All because of the nature of the differing playstyle they encourage. Other people swear by Loki and Rhino. Can't get on with them, personally. Sexist? Nope. Gender is just an aesthetic quirk here.

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I like to believe that the beings controlling the frames are small, genderless little critters, like that little alien from Man in Black. And all the boobs, wide hips or broad shoulders are just storage space for energy and ammo. It's the only logical explanation why Excal doesn't get distracted and slash-dash-crash into a wall when a wild Nyx appears in sight.


	Edited  by Saatyr

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I like to believe that the beings controlling the frames are small, genderless little critters, like that little alien from Man in Black. And all the boobs, wide hips or broad shoulders are just storage space for energy and ammo. It's the only logical explanation why Excal doesn't get distracted and slash-dash-crash into a wall when a wild Nyx appears in sight.

i like to believe that you need to read the lore before posting random stuff

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i like to believe that you need to read the lore before posting random stuff

I'd like you to tell me where Frost's head can be in that suit?


Remember Movember? Did you see where Frost's upper lip was supposed to be? Ya..


Frost isn't a man, Frost is a loli girl seated in the warframe's chest, a minigundam.. a war frame?

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Who cares? If they want to give special treatment to others, then they just contribute to the whole sexism idea that women aren't as strong as men. I know I sound like a brute or an uncaring !, but I'm not. If someone is deserving of a punch, I'll give it to them regardless of their race/sex/gender. 



so much ^this^


my punches don't give a special treatment to anyone as long as they truly deserve it.

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i like to believe that you need to read the lore before posting random stuff

Warframe doesn't have a complete lore, only bits and pieces scattered around in dialogue, codex entries etc, I've yet to find a complete explanation on what the tenno actually look like.


We do know they were from the lost Orokin civ, 'twisted by the void'. They are organic, living beings, they need life support to survive, but their actual form remains a mistery. Each player is a tenno, and the warframes are suits of armor they can equip at will. My only explanation on how they can fit in all of them is they're either small or very slim.


And don't  take my previous post too seriously, it's purpose is to ridicule the whole discussion about gender issues in Warframe.

Edited by Saatyr
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Warframe doesn't have a complete lore, only bits and pieces scattered around in dialogue, codex entries etc, I've yet to find a complete explanation on what the tenno actually look like.


We do know they were from the lost Orokin civ, 'twisted by the void'. They are organic, living beings, they need life support to survive, but their actual form remains a mistery. Each player is a tenno, and the warframes are suits of armor they can equip at will. My only explanation on how they can fit in all of them is they're either small or very slim.


And don't  take my previous post too seriously, it's purpose is to ridicule the whole discussion about gender issues in Warframe.

we are humans, and this "suit" is made out of infestation, this is why are we are immune to it

warframe's lore is dark sector's lore + the codex entries

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Loki Master race, and Loki is male. So Booyah!


But in all seriousness I think that the game has pretty good balance as far as gender goes.


Really? Tell that to Ember and Banshee ...


" Ember! Banshee! your strong! ..believe in yourselves!! "


Banshee IS Strong though. How can a frame with a potential 1420% damage team buff with TWO abilities that can lockdown mobs be considered bad? Popularity != Strength.


Ember? Yeah she is only good for her agile dual pistol animation.

Edited by IlluminaZero
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There /isn't/ a rule. It's a mix. If you want to look for the 'most frail' frame.. You should look at Loki. A male. If you want to look at one of the top face roll tanks.. look at Rhino. A male. Warframe care little for gender.

OHOHOHOHOHOHOOOO Yee lack vision my friend. Just kidding, but for real Limbo can't even be touched when in the void, Zephyr rarely even gets hit by a bullet or even a rocket with Turbulence and Valkyr is Invulernable to all damage with Hysteria. Rhino can't last 3 seconds of a heavy gunner or Fusion MOA level 40 or above whereas any of the above mentioned frames wouldn't even be affected by them.

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How much do you hold that these gender roles remain?

Wall of text (please scroll up to the original post as its long)

The Grineer mass clone all there troops now days.

In there past there where males and females fighting for them and the ones we see now are just clones of clones of clones of what where the best people they had for the job at the time.

after one troop excels enough in the Grineer bam they get promoted to genetic donor and are mass cloned.

This probably lead to the 9ft female heavy gunners that i fear and a similar process probably lead to the scientist Tyl Regor with his upside down face.

As for real life we dont mess around with our genetics through a bad cloning method so we are left with good old fashion sexual dimorphism and being able to survive with out full integrated life support and prosthetic everything that has mutated beyond use unlike the Grineer.

Also the tenno are truly transhumanist so it would seem there sex would means little to them (gender is an unknown as the lore is lacking there currently).

finally my views of the whole gender topic that turns into a mess when ever it comes up there are some differences there mostly irreverent.

what is most important is what you do as i like to judge people only on what they control as your actions are what define you. PS Zephyr master race

Edited by searlefm
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The only thing I've ever been able to note as a light trend regarding a tie between the given frames' genders and their inherent traits is an angle of what style they speak to, though even here there are clear outliers.


For a less wordulated version of the above statement;  Generally speaking, there are more female frames with directly offesneive kit while there are inversely more males with indirect/defensive kits.  Both things of course being very powerful, and both trends having obvious exceptions.


Male Exceptions;  Ash, Rhino

Female Exceptions;  Nyx, Banshee

There are likely more exceptions than that, but I'm too tired to think at the moment so feel free to tell me who I forgot and why.  Of course even this sort of metric is sort of subjective, so keep that in mind as well.  Mainly it's about the nature of how direct or indirect in style a kit is.


For a nice comparison to the style, I'd say Loki and Mirage are really good things to look at as both lay within the realm of being "Trickster" frames.  The male of the duo is clearly indirect in focus, while the female is very much more direct in style, both really damn good frames, but good in different ways.  Another one to look at is the "Healer" side with Trinity and Oberon.  Oberon's healing is more sutble in style and he can remove procs, Trinity's healing is on the other hand very direct as she basically drops a pile of healing bricks directly onto your head or creates a large foe Beacon of glow HP.


At the end of the day though, frames are frames and I just use what I enjoy solely based on the frame's innate abilities and stats before looking at anything else.

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At the end of the day though, frames are frames and I just use what I enjoy solely based on the frame's innate abilities and stats before looking at anything else.

i only play Ember p now as she looks so cool altough she sucks now

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It's not particularly a question of whether they're the highest damage Warframes, it's about how reliant on powers they are. Yes, Mesa is aesthetically a gunner, but anyone who does the majority of their damage through an energy-based attack (Peacemaker says hi) is technically what would be called a caster. 

As far as I've seen, the majority of caster-type Warframes have been female. Several males have casting ability, but primarily focus on their defensive stats (Rhino, Frost) or melee/stealth play (Loki, Ash). Relatively few female Warframes attempt to subvert this - Valkyr and maybe one or two others depending on your definition - while most of the raw damage boosts (Molecular Prime, Sonar, Accelerant, Bullet Attractor... Mesa and Mirage...) and all of the scaling attacks in the game (Shield Polarize, Antimatter Drop, Absorb, even EV - so long as Shadows fails to be one) are relegated to females.


Just sayin', trends and stuff.

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And are they the exception or the rule?

The rule.


Saryn, Valkyr, Zephyr, all directly extremely high EHP frames.  Mesa,  Mirage, and Trinity can all avoid huge amounts of damage through abilities(Blessing isn't what it used to be, but it's still strong enough).  Novas M-prime may well be one of the better overall survivability abilities out there, as well as one of the most globally damaging.  Banshee Sound Quake is as hard a CC as it gets.  By and large, the ladies are a tough bunch that need not take a whole lot of damage.


I'm not on board with this whole "female frames are the most powerful" bit in regards to the notion that it's some kind of direct intentional thing, but yeah, it is most assuredly "the rule" that they have high survivability.

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