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Boltor Prime Isn't The Problem, It's The Heavy Enemies.


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They simply need to stop enemies from gaining armor after a certain level.


Its "endless". How do you justify still being able to fight level 300 enemies, when it's 10x max player level?


Well being that x4 cp negates it anyway... kinda stupid if you ask me forcing players to just except that they should use that aura.


hp/shield scaling is enough isn't it >.>.


Puncture dmg is mitigated by 90% against a lvl 100 corrupted Heavy Gunner along with most other elemental/ISP dmg types hovering around 94 to 98% dmg reduction. Even Corrosive dmg type is sitting at 78% reduction.


At lvl 300 most dmg types is 99% or more and corrosive is now also nearly worthless with 96% dmg being mitigated.


Just seems a bit extreme and not necessary.


Bottom line is I don't see how having this mechanic get so crazy make the game funner.

Edited by Quizel
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