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Things Expected This Year In Warframe


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Keyword: Seems.

Just some pretty artwork is all you need to make people want him it seems.

His skills are pretty unique and he has some really good artwork that fits right into Warframe. He would bring something new to the table and he is very popular among the Warframe community.

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Many reworked bosses.  If I remember correctly we have been told they are working on:


Tyl Regor

J3 Golem (possibly now an Archwing boss)

Nef Anyo (& Derf Anyo)

Kela De Thaym (& and a few other enemy ladies)


I suspect we'll see Ash Prime in the spring and Volt Prime for summer.


Hopefully we'll also get a new enemy faction to shake things up a lot.

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I want more PBR and graphical expansion. (Much of lightning has changed for the better in warframe, but we have yet to see the true potential)

More sound, changes etc. that were a disgussion. (weapon sounds, more indept dope soundstages)


Aswell as new content, tilesets, (underwater, swimming)

New frames, stuff.


You know, the year can have a lot to offer.

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Speaking cynically:


Things will be teased, there will be Hype threads, then people complain about how it's terrible/needs removing once it arrives within hours of release.


Speaking less cynically:


A variety of interesting, if unexpected, changes and warframes, that may or not change things.


Speaking vaguely neutrally:


More of the usual. Some weapons which are aesthetically pleasant/quirky mechanically that get the short end of the stick, be it 'OP, please nerf' or 'UP, please buff'. Maybe some more tilesets than just the teased Uranus underwater one.


Speaking vaguely optimistically:


An expansion of quest systems, and expansion of the Derelicts to be more on par with the void/reduce the clutter of parts.


Speaking optimistically:


Lore, more general narrative, more context for the Syndicates.


Speaking very optimistically:


Greater controller support for PC players that isn't reliant on Steam Big Picture mode, labelled colours in colour palettes (The fluffed names in the Dojo are start you know...), greater colourblind accessibility in general.

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i thought this topic was to tell what you wanted to see next year for warframe not have some back and forward talk wether typhus will be in it or not. Honestly i would like interesting warframes. typhus is definitly interesting but wether DE will implement him, and don't forget the other fanbased warframes because there are other gems there. also lore pls DE

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Trinity nerf

more grind


hopefully shotguns and snipers will get buffed

more archwing content instead of cluttering all drops into very few missions we have now

new movement system that hopefully will end up really good


other than that, usual stuff, including more weapons, frames, grind, drop table dillution etc

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The Quest system needs to be explanded... A lot... 

The Orokin can have more then 1 tileset


Stealth (Oh man, how I would love this)


Unarmed combat (And no, not just combos, I mean actual unarmed combat)

Ahm... Oh! Warframes stop being themed. Like... It doesn't mean they look bad but... Just stop it...

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As much as I love Typhus, DE would have a hard time getting him in game without some issues. I know a lot of people are unaware but there is a lot of Legal paperwork involving adding something "fan made" to a game like that, has to do with intellectual property. Unless the ToS has something about "Any work on the forum is considered Property of DE" or something it would be a bit of a nightmare paperwork wise.

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As much as I love Typhus, DE would have a hard time getting him in game without some issues. I know a lot of people are unaware but there is a lot of Legal paperwork involving adding something "fan made" to a game like that, has to do with intellectual property. Unless the ToS has something about "Any work on the forum is considered Property of DE" or something it would be a bit of a nightmare paperwork wise.

They've done it before.

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1. More Archwing Content. More nodes (I want to see Grineer Sabotage and Corpus Interception), less dilution of the drop tables (move stuff to these 2 mission types and Grineer Exterminate, guarantee a part drops each run and remove the rare mods from the end-of-run reward table), more Archwing-to-ground or ground-to-Archwing missions.


2. Focus. I'm interested to see how it turns out.


3. The update to the Spy game mode they previewed recently. Intel, I believe they code-named it.


4. Tower 1-3 Interception.


5. Adding T1-T3 keys to Syndicate offerings and adding in the tower Sabotage keys.


6. A mod slot for Ability Augments.


7. More Tonfas, more Sword/Shields, more Claws, more Gunblades. Seriously. 1/1 for weapons in category and stance mods, whereas the number of Nikana stance mods outnumbers the number of Nikanas. Seriously DE, that is utterly stupid.


8. Tyl Regor Rework (since it's incoming soon anyways)


9. Swimming unfortunately (seriously...why in the hell do we need swimming when we have so many half-finished mechanics already like parkour and stealth)...


10. Raids. I want to see some raids. Legitimate end-game level content. I want some sort of big, massive battle that is at the end of a multi-stage mission filled with challenge. I want to fight a Corpus War Mech or the Twin Queens (who would escape at the end of the raid of course because if we kill them that kinda destroys any semblance of balance in the system). Hell, make the J3 Golem rework a raid. We have to set detonators on the ship he's on and then fly out of it to battle him.


11. Related to 10, I want the J3 Golem rework. I want a nice boss battle to be had in Archwings because IMO it would feel epic.


12. New guns that will (because DE loves doing this sort of stupid thing) require Oxium, Argon Crystals and Tellurium.


13. As a band-aid fix to all the complainers about Tellurium drop rates that will ensue from the above change, an Archwing Excavation game type where we harvest material from asteroids that can be refined into Tellurium (in a similar fashion to how we make Mutagen Samples into Mutagen Masses or Fieldron samples into Fieldrons). Hell, this could even help prevent a bit of that dilution I mentioned way back in #1 by also adding parts to the Rotation C of this.


14. Earth elemental frame. We've got the other basics covered (Fire, Electricity, Wind, Ice, Water if we count Hydroid...then we can extend into the game's elementals and say Magnetic, Toxin and Radiation if we decide to count Oberon as Radiation) so let's get this and call Trinity the Heart and summon Captain Tenno.


15. Returning the ability to trade Archwing parts (i.e. Onorix Blades) and gear (the restores from Syndicates - seriously. They have the goddamn option in trade for Gear...but we can't trade them. It's asinine).

Edited by Samoth95
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I like a lot of these ones. Also, I don't want Typhus cause he doesn't seem all that interesting. I think it'd be funnier if they did add him and he is completely worthless. That and to make everyone stop begging for him.

1. More Archwing Content. More nodes (I want to see Grineer Sabotage and Corpus Interception), less dilution of the drop tables (move stuff to these 2 mission types and Grineer Exterminate, guarantee a part drops each run and remove the rare mods from the end-of-run reward table), more Archwing-to-ground or ground-to-Archwing missions.


2. Focus. I'm interested to see how it turns out.


3. The update to the Spy game mode they previewed recently. Intel, I believe they code-named it.


4. Tower 1-3 Interception.


5. Adding T1-T3 keys to Syndicate offerings and adding in the tower Sabotage keys.


6. A mod slot for Ability Augments.


7. More Tonfas, more Sword/Shields, more Claws, more Gunblades. Seriously. 1/1 for weapons in category and stance mods, whereas the number of Nikana stance mods outnumbers the number of Nikanas. Seriously DE, that is utterly stupid.


8. Tyl Regor Rework (since it's incoming soon anyways)


9. Swimming unfortunately (seriously...why in the hell do we need swimming when we have so many half-finished mechanics already like parkour and stealth)...


10. Raids. I want to see some raids. Legitimate end-game level content. I want some sort of big, massive battle that is at the end of a multi-stage mission filled with challenge. I want to fight a Corpus War Mech or the Twin Queens (who would escape at the end of the raid of course because if we kill them that kinda destroys any semblance of balance in the system). Hell, make the J3 Golem rework a raid. We have to set detonators on the ship he's on and then fly out of it to battle him.


11. Related to 10, I want the J3 Golem rework. I want a nice boss battle to be had in Archwings because IMO it would feel epic.


12. New guns that will (because DE loves doing this sort of stupid thing) require Oxium, Argon Crystals and Tellurium.


13. As a band-aid fix to all the complainers about Tellurium drop rates that will ensue from the above change, an Archwing Excavation game type where we harvest material from asteroids that can be refined into Tellurium (in a similar fashion to how we make Mutagen Samples into Mutagen Masses or Fieldron samples into Fieldrons). Hell, this could even help prevent a bit of that dilution I mentioned way back in #1 by also adding parts to the Rotation C of this.


14. Earth elemental frame. We've got the other basics covered (Fire, Electricity, Wind, Ice, Water if we count Hydroid...then we can extend into the game's elementals and say Magnetic, Toxin and Radiation if we decide to count Oberon as Radiation) so let's get this and call Trinity the Heart and summon Captain Tenno.


15. Returning the ability to trade Archwing parts (i.e. Onorix Blades) and gear (the restores from Syndicates - seriously. They have the goddamn option in trade for Gear...but we can't trade them. It's asinine).

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Keyword: Seems.

Just some pretty artwork is all you need to make people want him it seems.

Pretty much this. Everyone faps over him when its just got amazing fanart and everything else is bland. Honestly that one fan concept that guy made on the Reddit a month or so ago should be the first community frame.

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In order


1. Volt prime

2. Kubrows 2.0: Gotta get around that 3 hour wait time to use our kubrows somehow and DNA stabilizers should be removed completely (its not fair to make a game mechanic a credit sink). I would also like to see alternate abilities for each breed. Ability augments (similar to warframe power augments). Finally new breeds would be nice additions. On that note syndicate specific breeds would be awesome as well

3. Address void drop table dilution and finally fix it

4. Archwing 2.0: Archwing isnt bad as it is however I do feel that many times we get swarmed with no opportunities to use cover or otherwise get out of the line of fire. Also the number of mods available for archwings is to small to allow for a variety of builds IMO

5. Warframe balancing: Namely Ember, saryn, nekros, and banshee

6. Weapon balancing or alternatively vandal/wraith variants to make weapons end game viable (like the dera). Shotgun buffs need to be the top priority, followed by sniper rifle buffs

7. Proper syndicate introductions: Ok this ones bugged me for awhile. Before the syndicate system the only syndicate we knew was the red veil and the difference between the pre syndicate red veil and post syndicate red veil is staggering. The other syndicates have never been introduced to us properly. Let us see the good and bad of each syndicate through a series of events

8. PVP/dark sectors rework: Right now Dark sectors are a fundementally broken system. There should be no reason that PVP players can effect my strictly PVE experience. I dont care if they want to have their own PVP thing that doesnt effect me, in fact I want them to have that but the problem Ive had from the beginning is they can effect my experience when I choose to opt out of PVP

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