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Improve Pvp For More Fun/serious Experience?(Long Post)


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So i have an idea for making the PvP warframe, more interesting.

We all know that PvP in warframe isn’t the best, of course there are players enjoying it. But for me, I think that a 2v2 standoff isn’t enough. And a lot of the weapons and mods in warframe, are getting nerfed for not fitting into the PvP.

The dark sector conflict thing isn’t really that much fun after a game or two. The balancing mechanic was easy to avoid since you could just snipe the specters and other bots from the start, until you reach rank 30.

Also it would kind of give more “content” for the veteran players who are waiting for a new weapon or warframe to come into the game.

. Also I am by no means a veteran player. (I joined warframe when u12 came along).

So I am pretty sure that expanding the PvP section of warframe would make the game more fun and/or interesting to play.

Ranking and competitive gameplay

How about making a ranking system for PvP? Like leveling in Battlefield or CoD? So instead of having a limit of how many mods your load out has, why not make it so fx a player who is rank 2 in PvP could play against another player who is rank 2 or have so the map could have players from rank 1-5 in it and 6-10 etc.? This will also not make newer players who try out the conclave on venus get “wrecked” by other players who set down the conclave.

Also add some matchmaking, for rival clans who want to fight each other, to show who the best is. And leaderboards would be awesome too. Imagine if Digital Extremes put enough love into the competitive scene, so it the game could show up to Esports or MLG. I would love to see two clans fighting against each other in different gamemodes to get an award.


Also for balancing why not take some mods and make them PvP only? Also add some other for a more dynamic gameplay or copy paste some of them to the PvP. Because a player with shield and health mods vs a player without them, will make the game way too unbalanced depending on the players skill of course.

If you have played the game “Destiny” long enough you know that PvE weapons in PvP does not do the same damage because the damage setup in PvP is different. What if it was like that? So no damage and HP mods in PvP would definetly eliminate some balancing issues, that we have in warframe.


 PvP defense?

 Not a defense from PvE where you just simply can rush from spawn and try to destroy the cryopod. But you will have to hack a console to fx deactivate the some shields to be able to damage the objective. The map should have multiple areas that the attackers can come from for the defenders to worry about while setting up a proper defense, so it won’t be like a hallway of death. I think this gamemode could have a 2v2 or 4v4.




PvP interception?

Again not a copy paste from the PvE but where you can capture the towers faster also the map should be made so you can snipe other players from tower to tower. Also be able to make the defender sure from where the enemy will be coming from, but also do so the attacker has the option to make a surprise attack if the defender isn’t aware enough. I think this gamemode should have at least a 2v2.


PvP “Rush”?

Now the dark sector conflict does have a setup that reminds me of rush in battlefield, but the objectives are set in a very bad position, it is hard to active them because you are standing still out in the open for the defenders to attack you from almost all sides. What if we improved that setup because this gamemode can be very enjoyable if it is set up so that both teams has a chance to get the objective without dying, but also make both teams able to set up a defense, while activating or whatever.


Of course the game should have a rewarding system to attract more players who won’t just play just for the experience.

Warframe/weapon parts?

What about having several warframe parts drop to a player who did a specific thing? Fx you get a _____ helmet because you got most headshots, or a _____ barrel for most primary kills.

This would give the veteran player who tries to finish the codex, mastering everything etc., a more fun experience instead of grinding trough endless waves of enemies and dealing with RNGesus.

And that’s all what I’ve got I hope to get some feedback. Did I miss something? do you have any other/better ideas for the game modes? [DE] plz fix teh PeeveePee!! :D

also keep in mind that im from Denmark so i'm not the best at english :D

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Also for balancing why not take some mods and make them PvP only? Also add some other for a more dynamic gameplay or copy paste some of them to the PvP. Because a player with shield and health mods vs a player without them, will make the game way too unbalanced depending on the players skill of course.

If you have played the game “Destiny” long enough you know that PvE weapons in PvP does not do the same damage because the damage setup in PvP is different. What if it was like that? So no damage and HP mods in PvP would definetly eliminate some balancing issues, that we have in warframe.

They already balance PvP separately to PvE.

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