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[Fanfiction] Fragments Of Darkness


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Wait, vampires? The SCA? I'm not sure I'm reading a Warframe fan fiction anymore...


The SCA did not make the vampires. The Orokin did. Nikis was posing as a member of the SCA. Well, actually he IS a member of the SCA.




Serious quesiton, how long in advance do you think up the ideas for these stories? At the rate you pump them out I reckon you have a already planned the next three.


Usually about 1 or 2 posts ahead. I have the BASIC story plotted out, but things change. Often quite a bit.


Wasn't the SCA the group who created that tower that could turn people into Warhammer 40k characters?


No comment.


And that really means 'No comment'. Nikis would get upset with me. Once was enough.

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Kal, I'm not really talking about the relationship they have, or what character does what, but more the fact that this has nearly nothing to do with Warframe itself. The only relation I see is the warframes themselves and the Corpus, but not really anything else.

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Kal, I'm not really talking about the relationship they have, or what character does what, but more the fact that this has nearly nothing to do with Warframe itself. The only relation I see is the warframes themselves and the Corpus, but not really anything else.


Then let me see if I can explain. Nikis is OLD. He was one of the First Tenno's apprentices. Historian for the SCA was and is a cover identity that he created to allow him to access the Clergy's colony.


That fact that he actually WAS a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism way back when is essentially immaterial to the story. I may or may not explore the Society more in the Warframe universe in later stories.


But do you REALLY think something as inconsequential as the fall of a Solar System spanning civilization will STOP people from reenacting the past? If so, you don't know many SCA-dians.


There will be Rennfairs SOMEWHERE in the Solar System. And Tourneys. And Courts. And Bards. And Knights. And...

Edited by Kalenath
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Kal, I'm not really talking about the relationship they have, or what character does what, but more the fact that this has nearly nothing to do with Warframe itself. The only relation I see is the warframes themselves and the Corpus, but not really anything else.

I actually like when Kal does that because it makes the story more original and unpredictable. 

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I actually like when Kal does that because it makes the story more original and unpredictable. 

This  There being so little lore to Warframe already, and this falling under AU (alternate universe) lets Kal do absolutely whatever he finds interesting, which in turn is more fun to read.

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This  There being so little lore to Warframe already, and this falling under AU (alternate universe) lets Kal do absolutely whatever he finds interesting, which in turn is more fun to read.

Yeah. Who knows maybe we will have Superman flying around the universe sooner or later.

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I actually like when Kal does that because it makes the story more original and unpredictable.

It also makes it quite confusing who does what and what happened with that guy and what he...etc etc

Having originality adds a great quality to your story, but when too much is added, things tend to get incredibly complicated and unnecessarily so, when you could have a set amount of interesting and developing characters that interact well with each other throughout the story.

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It also makes it quite confusing who does what and what happened with that guy and what he...etc etc

Having originality adds a great quality to your story, but when too much is added, things tend to get incredibly complicated and unnecessarily so, when you could have a set amount of interesting and developing characters that interact well with each other throughout the story.

The entire chain of stories is over a million words.  That's as much or more than the entire Harry Potter series.


Of course things are going to get a little confusing when you try to remember all the details.

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The Harry Potter series has clearly defined primary (Harry, Hermione, Ron) and secondary characters (Snape, Ginny etc) with an identifiable force of evil (Voldemort and his lot). Here I really can't tell who is on what side, or how it fits together. Harry Potter doesn't really need you to be in the know-how of their particular history and everything that's happened, since you like them for what they actually do in the book. I've often found myself having to search through every story just to find what one particular character did so that the scene I'm reading can make sense. Shards of Darkness and all the prequels require knowledge on the history of their characters to be interesting, and I think that's a bit sad, because it is very good writing.

While I'm not trying to nitpick, I do have another minor complaint. Plot twists are a good way to keep the reader engrossed, to keep them guessing. But on these stories I have to distrust every character that I read about since there is a very good chance that there will be a plot twist at the end of the chapter, which makes things more confusing and doesn't let me hang on to a central protagonist, since they'll turn out to work for some evil organisation, or whatever. What I'm trying to say, is that there needs to be less unexpected plot twists, which pretty much defeats the purpose of one since you get a very twisted plot, and more of a steady storyline. Surprise the reader, but no so much that it doesn't become a surprise anymore.

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I write these fanfictions for fun. I do it because I do not have much else to do at the moment. It takes my mind off my problems and gives my emotions an outlet that won't cause problems.


I write each fanfiction as a standalone chapter for the story I am trying to tell. I TRY to keep it as clear as possible.


But I will not rehash everything that happened before in each chapter simply because people do not want to read the whole thing from the beginning.


I WAS asked for a TL:DR once.


Is that what you are asking for?

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