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Rushers Are Douches


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Could rushers not do the exact same thing? Go join a clan of people that like to rush through the game?


This is a co-op game. The idea is to team up together. Not run off and leave your team mates in the s**t. 


This is a catch 22...  Most successful rushers know they can handle what lies ahead.  I've been in missions where there were several data masses that needed to be collected and 2 players both ran to separate data masses to complete the mission faster.  We finished in less than 3-4 minutes and it was like 9000 credits on an alert mission.


Occasionally you do get one douchebag who decides to run ahead, but understand that if it's a higher level map, that if they're not skilled/equipped they'll get killed anyways.  


In real warfare sometimes the best strategy is to split up.  It's still better to become a stronger player by adapting to the playstyle of the team you're pitted with.  Try keeping up with the rushers and see what they're up to.

Edited by sushidubya
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Only reason I was downvoted so much is because I didn't make myself clear. Don't misunderstand me. Rushing is fine. But if they are high level enemies, they will chase you. And stop at the doors. Then the people behind you CAN'T run through without fighting. I personally hate it when I have to play with people who walk instead of sprint or who just generally lag behind. What people read when I started the thread was "I GO SLOW AND EVERYONE SHOULD GO SLOW LULZ". People really shouldn't be so subjective by assuming things I never said.

I like seeing enemies at the doors because in one second I'm going to send them all flying. Slide>Melee Sweep X2(Strong as hell with any weapon)>Doorway clear. Usually have over 105 Melee kills in long missions.


Look at them as pins and see yourself as the bowling ball.




PS: Jump melee attacks knocks them down so you can jump over them, also an excellent technique to clear a whole room with melee only along with slide melee like me.

Edited by XDeathCoreX
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Thank you for your useless and silly comment Aggh


Totally agree, I don't understand why those rushers even play the game, they don't kill enemies, they don't pick lockers, all they do is run ; go play something else, a game which reward fastest run, racing game, or whatever, but stop ruining our online missions !


*looks at downvotes*


Clearly I was in the wrong.


Or not :|


The reason why the OP got downvoted was because people don't like whiners telling them how the game should be played.  Many of the people that did so probably aren't even rushers.

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Best solution to rushers... get rid of timer at the end. Force all players at the end.


Sure, as long as DE adds vote kick option. I don't want to wait forever for that one player who decides to explore whole level, or goes afk or gets a stroke from his burger.

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Could rushers not do the exact same thing? Go join a clan of people that like to rush through the game?


This is a co-op game. The idea is to team up together. Not run off and leave your team mates in the s**t. 


Yes, anyone who is bothered that much by someone else's play-style should go join a clan of like minded people.  I've ended up waiting around for 5 minutes or so by the exit, but I was okay with it, took the time to check my messages.  There was one time where half the team was off looting every last corner of the map.  I left and joined a game that was faster paced.  Let them play how they're going to play.  


The only time it became obnoxious was when 3 people were standing around the Jackal, and that one guy was off somewhere doing who knows what.  If we could start Jackal right away without that person, it wouldn't have bothered me.  The only other time you could get held up is with the data nodes, but most people are courteous enough not to grab them if they plan to run around looting.

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You know, sometimes I play with two friends. We sometimes hit Online mode because we just feel like having a fourth. So, let's say Sonic the Hedgehog joins our game. That's cool, we don't mind if someone goes fast. We go pretty quickly ourselves.


But we kill nearly everything in the process, wait at elevators, and kill cameras.


So, let's say Sonic the Hedgehog steals elevators, ignores cameras, skips through lasers, and doesn't kill anything. Well, we're a pretty friendly group of fellows, so we won't say anything to the guy. But when it comes to the extraction zone, let's face it. We've done a hard mission's work, but Sonic did jack shizzle and ended up screwing our shields once or twice. Despite the speed we move at, we're also very patient.


And we love our teaparties, let me tell you.


So we'll throw out a blanket and have a tea party right in front of extraction and just talk about anything. The news, politics, games, sports, anything. We'll take as long as we can, occasionally shooting Corpus who try to interrupt our philosophical musings.  Oh, and Sonic the Hedgehog fidgets in a corner until he's foaming at the mouth with impatient hillbilly rage and spouting obscenities.


tldr? Rush if you want, but kill cameras and wait at elevators or you'll be sharing a lengthy meeting-of-the-minds with the most classy and intellectual mother fudgers you've ever met.

Edited by Kahruvel
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You know, sometimes I play with two friends. We sometimes hit Online mode because we just feel like having a fourth. So, let's say Sonic the Hedgehog joins our game. That's cool, we don't mind if someone goes fast. We go pretty quickly ourselves.


But we kill nearly everything in the process, wait at elevators, and kill cameras.


So, let's say Sonic the Hedgehog steals elevators, ignores cameras, skips through lasers, and doesn't kill anything. Well, we're a pretty friendly group of fellows, so we won't say anything to the guy. But when it comes to the extraction zone, let's face it. We've done a hard mission's work, but Sonic did jack shizzle and ended up screwing our shields once or twice. Despite the speed we move at, we're also very patient.


And we love our teaparties, let me tell you.


So we'll throw out a blanket and have a tea party right in front of extraction and just talk about anything. The news, politics, games, sports, anything. We'll take as long as we can, occasionally shooting Corpus who try to interrupt our philosophical musings.  Oh, and Sonic the Hedgehog fidgets in a corner until he's foaming at the mouth with impatient hillbilly rage and spouting obscenities.


tldr? Rush if you want, but kill cameras and wait at elevators or you'll be sharing a lengthy meeting-of-the-minds with the most classy and intellectual mother fudgers you've ever met.

If I rush, I usually shoot every camera (even if it isn't pointed at me... OCD thing) and try to avoid elevators.

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I hate people who rush to the end, but don't actually contribute to the group.


Most of the time they are merely venting their real life frustrations, or inadequacies on you, or are just sadistic.


Basically if you're a rhino warframe you need sprint, or you will never be able to roll with PUGs and yeah, don't bother killing enemies.


People just leave them in your way to intentionally obstruct you.



Personally if i see somebody rush to the end, I note their name and if they ever happen to die, I don't res them. Of course the chances are slim that you'll see them again, but it's the sentiment that counts in the end.. or doesn't.




You know, sometimes I play with two friends. We sometimes hit Online mode because we just feel like having a fourth. So, let's say Sonic the Hedgehog joins our game. That's cool, we don't mind if someone goes fast. We go pretty quickly ourselves.


But we kill nearly everything in the process, wait at elevators, and kill cameras.


So, let's say Sonic the Hedgehog steals elevators, ignores cameras, skips through lasers, and doesn't kill anything. Well, we're a pretty friendly group of fellows, so we won't say anything to the guy. But when it comes to the extraction zone, let's face it. We've done a hard mission's work, but Sonic did jack shizzle and ended up screwing our shields once or twice. Despite the speed we move at, we're also very patient.


And we love our teaparties, let me tell you.


So we'll throw out a blanket and have a tea party right in front of extraction and just talk about anything. The news, politics, games, sports, anything. We'll take as long as we can, occasionally shooting Corpus who try to interrupt our philosophical musings.  Oh, and Sonic the Hedgehog fidgets in a corner until he's foaming at the mouth with impatient hillbilly rage and spouting obscenities.


tldr? Rush if you want, but kill cameras and wait at elevators or you'll be sharing a lengthy meeting-of-the-minds with the most classy and intellectual mother fudgers you've ever met.



I like the cut of your jib, Sir.

Edited by meatgravymush
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 So true. While I rush, I kill everything in my way. I don't see how people can't keep up.



Most people don't, especially the fun-loving Loki, Excaliburs etc. who just dash through everything, leaving it behind for you to deal with.

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 So true. While I rush, I kill everything in my way. I don't see how people can't keep up.


Not everybody uses the same warframe as you.

Rhino with alt helmet can not keep up with Ash with alt helmet.


And you killing everything in your way doesn't mean they won't respawn. You rushing ahead gave the game to respawn a horde for the players you left behind to be dealt with.


Not everybody uses the same outfit as you. For example:

Me using my maxed out Boltor, I can clean an entire room in 3 seconds flat, allowing me to rush if I want to.

Me trying to rank up my Sniper rifle. I can't even get one kill in 10 seconds, since I'm not a headshot expert.

People who can't kill everything within 5 seconds and move on doesn't mean they're bad players or newbs. It simply means they're not used to the gears they're playing with. 


And don't give me the crap about. "Well then play solo and rank up first, then go play online when you're ready"

Online play significantly gives out more XP *Personal Experience. There is no law, or any logic to prevent someone from playing online just because they "should" be completely maxed out before playing with someone else.


This game community was suppose to be friendly and dedicated to help each other out. That's how DE wanted it to be.

By rushing, reaching the extraction without waiting for the team, activating the count down, and unwilling to reset the timer when other players are struggling to get to the end. It renders them without any rewards *Beside XP and Cores. It is basically ruining the fun for others.


I'm not saying DON'T RUSH. My point is, when other players can't catch up. Don't just "don't give a dam and twiddle your thumbs", try double back and see what's going on with them. Are they having a hard time? Are they lost? Or maybe they are actually just derping around. Be helpful and constructive instead of just thinking about yourself all the time.



This entire post isn't just directing to you, I'm just using this chance to give my piece of mind. We are all free to make our own choices, I'm just trying to suggest an alternative that might make everybody slightly happier.

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How about.. we make it so that people can individually leave the missions? Why isn't that in place now ?

Generally speaking, it's good etiquette to rush solo or private on top of the fact that if you're going to rush, you're better off solo.

They don't really need for the matches to end for each individual player (plus the nightmare that proposes if the host gets to the end first) for people to just rush privately and keep pace with the group in online mode.

To me it seems silly that the devs have to put in features to regulate what we can easily handled as a community.

Edited by Bakim0n0
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Generally speaking, it's good etiquette to rush solo or private on top of the fact that if you're going to rush, you're better off solo.

They don't really need for the matches to end for each individual player (plus the nightmare that proposes if the host gets to the end first) for people to just rush privately and keep pace with the group in online mode.

To me it seems silly that the devs have to put in features to regulate what we can easily handled as a community.


Yes, but there is hardly any etiquette in this game in the general case. I see fewer and fewer people marking mod drops etc.


Most people simply use others for the marginal damage on the boss, then rush to the end as quicky as they can (and often intentionally), so that slower warframes lose out.


I see this abused almost every other game, especially for bosses. It's not a question of the community handling it, it's already out of control; people are now intentionally trying to delay their teammates to grief them.


I think it should be a development priority.

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Or he did kill everything going through there but since you were moving too slowly the enemies kept spawning ahead of you.  I've seen plenty of people make the same complaint, but then we see the mission stats and they don't even have half my kills.

Lol "but then we see the missions stats". That's a know bug. Missions stats are broken. You have no idea what you are talking about.

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Lol "but then we see the missions stats". That's a know bug. Missions stats are broken. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Bahahaha. No matter how bugged it is, I'm killing everything in sight and they're slowly making their way through the mission looting every crate and locker.  I'd love to see the proof that the kill count from the mission summary is bugged btw.

Edited by Aggh
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This is a grievance that is to be expected when you play with random players. There is a chat room and there are many ways to make friends on Warframe. It's an issue that can be resolved by the player as long as he takes steps to prevent it from happening.

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I like to rush to the end, then rush back to teammates, then back to end, then back to teammates. Dat kill farming.


 This has started to happen with me as well. Players are moving through missions slower while I'm still doing what feels normal to me. I tend to reach Extraction a bit early even if I stop to kill everything. I normally turn around to get to my allies. No reason to leave them hanging.



 However if there is only one ally I stick to them. It'd be really unfair of me to leave the guy to his own thing if I didn't think he would be able to handle it. I'll admit to intentionally backpacking teammates harder if I see certain less then optimal weapons - like someone using Paris in a Higher leveled Infested mission. That guy could easily get stunlocked to death using that thing so I don't want to leave him behind.

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You know, sometimes I play with two friends. We sometimes hit Online mode because we just feel like having a fourth. So, let's say Sonic the Hedgehog joins our game. That's cool, we don't mind if someone goes fast. We go pretty quickly ourselves.


But we kill nearly everything in the process, wait at elevators, and kill cameras.


So, let's say Sonic the Hedgehog steals elevators, ignores cameras, skips through lasers, and doesn't kill anything. Well, we're a pretty friendly group of fellows, so we won't say anything to the guy. But when it comes to the extraction zone, let's face it. We've done a hard mission's work, but Sonic did jack shizzle and ended up screwing our shields once or twice. Despite the speed we move at, we're also very patient.


And we love our teaparties, let me tell you.


So we'll throw out a blanket and have a tea party right in front of extraction and just talk about anything. The news, politics, games, sports, anything. We'll take as long as we can, occasionally shooting Corpus who try to interrupt our philosophical musings.  Oh, and Sonic the Hedgehog fidgets in a corner until he's foaming at the mouth with impatient hillbilly rage and spouting obscenities.


tldr? Rush if you want, but kill cameras and wait at elevators or you'll be sharing a lengthy meeting-of-the-minds with the most classy and intellectual mother fudgers you've ever met.

Oh just slide under the lasers, you won't get an achievement after the 50,000,000,000th camera you destroy. So tedious... Poor Corpus must be bankrupt by now.

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Yes, but there is hardly any etiquette in this game in the general case. I see fewer and fewer people marking mod drops etc.


Most people simply use others for the marginal damage on the boss, then rush to the end as quicky as they can (and often intentionally), so that slower warframes lose out.


I see this abused almost every other game, especially for bosses. It's not a question of the community handling it, it's already out of control; people are now intentionally trying to delay their teammates to grief them.


I think it should be a development priority.

Which is fine and you're entitled to your opinion.

I feel like the devs have already gone out of the way far enough to try to push people towards a behavior that, frankly, they really shouldn't need to. Saying the devs should push this into a priority situation seems wrong to me, because priority now really needs to be on adding longevity to gameplay not further attempting to punish poor behavior.

You're more than welcome to write it off as being "out of control" and all that nonsense, but I can tell you for a fact that I don't experience these issues whatsoever. How? I joined a clan worth being in and I really all but refuse to run in online mode short of the occasional forgetfulness on my part or if I just feel like being nice and running things to help people who may be struggling to complete content. Does that fix the problems on a large scale? No, but it's not at all difficult for any player to change their habits and act in the very same way; which is exactly what I mean when I say that this is easily handled by the community.

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