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Message De Is Sending: "we're Working On Ways Of Reducing The [Ways Of Reducing] The Grind/rng"


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I think you're missing the point. When DE said they want to make the grind less oppressive, I think they meant they want to make it more fun, and less boring to grind. Which, is what they have been doing. The addition of new enemy types to all factions has been great (even the nullifiers add variety :) ) They can't just remove the grind, because it is part of the business model.


The Void Trader allows you to make progress when you would have made none before. Before, you would get a Bo Prime Ornament and see it as a waste of time. Now you get a Bo Prime Ornament and you get 10 ducats towards the next set of Void Trader merchandise. To me this definitely takes the sting out of RNG since I know that I'm still making progress no matter what I get from the void. It may not have fulfilled your hopes and dreams, but it DID solve the community's issue with waste of time void runs.

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I think you're missing the point. When DE said they want to make the grind less oppressive, I think they meant they want to make it more fun, and less boring to grind. Which, is what they have been doing. The addition of new enemy types to all factions has been great (even the nullifiers add variety :) ) They can't just remove the grind, because it is part of the business model.


The Void Trader allows you to make progress when you would have made none before. Before, you would get a Bo Prime Ornament and see it as a waste of time. Now you get a Bo Prime Ornament and you get 10 ducats towards the next set of Void Trader merchandise. To me this definitely takes the sting out of RNG since I know that I'm still making progress no matter what I get from the void. It may not have fulfilled your hopes and dreams, but it DID solve the community's issue with waste of time void runs.

If you follow the link to the Wiki, there are two sections titled "RNG" and "Rewards". Both are only about those two things, and don't mention enemies or anything else.

I'm not as positive as you on the Void Trader. To me, it seems to "fix" a problem without actually fixing it--we still don't know if we'll ever get the part we want, and don't see an end in sight to that grind.

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Actually, DE has always had a love -hate relationship with Grind. They just haven't found a happy middle and tend to go from one extreme to the other. Take Oxium for instance. We used to get 1-2 per drop, now they basically reign from the skies above, but in the same update they released another rare resource that only seems to drop when there is a virgin sacrifice involved.


T4 keys were a pain to farm, then they made them the most easily obtained key, now we are going back the other way.


See, no happy middle, just one extreme to the other. It is just like vivergate, or countless other adjustments. For better or worse, DE has a tendency to go balls to the wall on some of their adjustments.

Many would argue that today's changes are DE swinging back the other way as far as adjustments (and are probably right), but it's fair to point out that the pendulum didn't swing back as far the other way.

I hope DE has a way of monitoring T4 activity. If too many people are still playing it, maybe make it harder to get to. If it falls off the map, they should decrease the cost of the key packs.

Finally, I hope they make the guaranteed T3 or T4 key either be a Syndicate-specific mission as it is now, or be Sabotage.

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Grinding has to go, or at least dont make it so RNG dependant, WHY DOESNT DE LISTEN??? :( WHY?!!?!? heres a suggestion, make a psudo RNG, the % of getting something increases as you continue playing. For examepl 5% chances for getting X prime, the next time 15 then 25 and so on

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Grinding has to go, or at least dont make it so RNG dependant, WHY DOESNT DE LISTEN??? :( WHY?!!?!? heres a suggestion, make a psudo RNG, the % of getting something increases as you continue playing. For examepl 5% chances for getting X prime, the next time 15 then 25 and so on

Grinding's here to stay. The goal is to make that grind bearable.

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You're delusional.

Actually, it is LESS grindey than it use to be.


Anyone remember when you had to grind bosses because there was an RNG on Warframe parts, where not only did you have to grind for a particular piece, but a chance of any piece dropping in the first place?


So yeah, Warframe is way less grindy than before.

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Actually, it is LESS grindey than it use to be.

Anyone remember when you had to grind bosses because there was an RNG on Warframe parts, where not only did you have to grind for a particular piece, but a chance of any piece dropping in the first place?

So yeah, Warframe is way less grindy than before.

Nope. With a damaging enough weapon, those bosses could be speedrun. No stupid invincibility phases, no annoying weakspots which only open for a small time. Just plain hitpoints. You'd have to do it more times, but you'd spend less time doing it.
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Actually, it is LESS grindey than it use to be.


Anyone remember when you had to grind bosses because there was an RNG on Warframe parts, where not only did you have to grind for a particular piece, but a chance of any piece dropping in the first place?


So yeah, Warframe is way less grindy than before.

Tell that to the people grinding Mesa.

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